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e a r lb y .
is stained ; the w est w in d ow is a m em orial t o the R ev. G eorge P orch er
and his tw o daughters ; and there is a nother m em orial w in d ow to M rs.
ir a n e e s St. A u b v n : the church affords 500 sittings, o f w hich 300 are
unappropriated ; a lych gate w as erected about 1902, as a m em orial to
Charles Stephens J - P. at a cost o f £2 5 0. T he register dates from the
rfono ⢠, ,-T he ,iv in S is a vicarage> o f the average annual in com e of
e S ' d e lu d in g 2 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in the g ift o f the vica r
o f Sonning, and held since 1904 b y the R ev. Canon W illia m W eekes
F ow ler M .A ., D .S c. of Jesus C ollege, O xford, preben dary o f L in coln ,
and surrogate. A Parish Hall was b u ilt in 1909. BulmeTshe Court,
the p ro p e rty of Captain Jam es W illia m St. L aw ren ce W h e b le R .A ., J .P .
o f H un gerford L od ge, R ea din g, and at present (1912) vacan t, is a â m anÂ
sion o f stone standing in its ow n p ark-like grounds, and com m ands fine
view s o f th e surrounding cou ntry.
T h e d istrict of E arley contains
several properties o f note and in te re st; the ancient dom ain o f W h itekn igh ts, form erly possessed by the D ukes of M arlborou gh and fam ous
for its elegan t gardens, has been parcelled o u t in to several properties for
buildin g p u rp o s e s ; the â W ild ern ess,â once renow ned for its collection
o f rare trees and shrubs, has been d iv id ed and several residences built,
in cluding W ildern ess H ouse, the residence o f F ran k Stew art B arn ard
J .P . and F o x H ill, a m ansion in the E lizabethan style, from designs b y
A lfred W aterh ou se esq. R .A . arch itect, n ow occupied b y th e R t. H on. Sir
R ufus D aniel Isaacs K .C .V .O . (Lord C hief Justice). M aiden E rleg h , th e
old seat of the G oldin gs, is the residence of Solom on B . J oel esq. ; Sidm outh G range, of Ernest H . D avies esq. and E arley Court, th e p roperty
o f L o rd Sidm ou th , is now occu pied b y Frank R u sh b y esq.
T he
prin cip a l landow ners are Capt. Jam es W illia m St. Law rence W h eb le
J .P . w ho is lord of the m anor, and S olom on B. J oel esq. T h e area of
the lib erty is 1,877 acres o f land and 40 of w ater, and the population
in 1911 was 456 ; the portion w ith in th e m unicipal borou gh o f R eadin g
h aving been transferred to St. G ilesâ parish, R eadin g, b y L ocal G overn Â
m ent B oard O rder 23,869, dated M arch 24, 1 8 9 9; rateable value,
£14,760. T he total population o f th e ecclesiastical parish in 1911 was
V e rg e r, Thom as Edw ards, 251 W yk eh a m road, R eading.
Assistant O verseer, C ollector o f R ates & C ollector of K in g â s Taxes,
W illiam H e n ry N o rth , 96 R a dstock road, Reading.
T he Parish C ouncil consists o f 5 m em bers, viz. : â H erb ert W illia m
D unlop (vice-chairm an), R ev. Canon W illia m W eekes FowleT D .S c.,
M .A . Capt. F rank R u sh b y H en ry W o o ld rid g e & J . M a y ; W illiam
H en ry N o rth , 96 R adstock road, R ea d in g , clerk
P ost, M . 0 . & T. 0 . , S. B. & A n n u ity & Insurance O ffice.â H en ry Oulham . sub-postm aster. L etters a rrive from R ea din g at 6.35, 9.10 &
11.50 a.m . 4.20 & 8 p.m . ; dispatched at 8 , 9.30 & 11.30 a.m . & 1.30,
3, 4.15, 5.30, 7.45, 8.30 & 10.45 p . m . ; Sundays, a rrive at 6.35 a.m . ;
dispatch ed at 5.45 & 7.45 p.m . T h ere is a telegraph office at Earley
railw ay station for forw a rdin g, but n ot the d eliv e ry o f telegram s
W a ll L e tte r B o x , Bulm ershe, cleared at 9.40 a.m. & 1 & 7.15 p.m . ;
sunday, 12.45 p.m
Pillar L etter B o x , E arley station, cleared at 7 a.m . & 1.15 & 7.30 p.m . ;
sunday, 7 a.m
P illar L etter B o x, L ow er E arley, cleared at 8 a,m . & 12,30 & 6 p.m . ;
sunday, 8,30 a.m