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4 'j2
M A t 'L E b u u iU M .
length subjected to an assault, it was courageously defen ded,, hut
even tu ally had to surrender, and w as then plundered b y the victors.
A ttach ed to the m ansion is a dom estic (C atholic) chapel, dedicated to
A vh ich the pu blic are perm itted to attend. E dw ard F.
R iadeil-B ld u n t .esq. is lord o f the manors of M apledurham G urney and
M apledurham C haw sey. The soil is chalk and g r a v e l; subsoil, chalk,
fh e ch ief crops are w heat, barley, oats and peas. T h e area is 2,990
acres o f land and 78 of w ater ; rateable value, £4,531 ; the population
in 1911 was 547.
- t v
A ssistant O verseer & C ollector of R ates, E rn est C. Cooke, Oak villa, 5
; G osb rook street, Caversham
C ollector o f K in g â s Taxes, J. W . T. H aylis, 121 W estfield rcl. Caversham
P o s t ,- T elegraph & E xpress D elivery Office.â R ich ard H en ry Burden,
sub-postm aster, L etters arrive through R ea din g at 8.35 a.m . & 6.55
10 *70 â s" nday>, 7.35 a.m . ; dispatch ed at 8.35 a.m . & 7 p .m . ; sunday,
⢠Caversham is the nearest m oney order office
P illar L etter B o x , U pp er W a rren avenue, cleared at 6.45 & 11 a m &
6 4 0 p.m . ; sunday, 1.5
P illar L etter B o x , T he Chase, cleared at 8.50 & 11.15 a.m & 7 15 n m â¢
sunday, 12.40 p.m
1' ' â
P illa r L etter B ox, N ew farm , cleared at 8.40 a.m. & 7.5 p.m . ⢠sShday
12.35 p .m
O xfordsh ire C ounty Council Schools (Trench G reen), enlarged in 1893, for
oU c h ild r e n ; average attendance, 5 6 ; m aintained b y volu ntary sub; sen p tion s & governm ent g r a n t ; M iss E lizabeth B u tler, mistress
T he Parish C ouncil consists o f 6 m em bers, viz. ¡ â E dw ard R'iddellB lount (chairm an), R ev. Fran cis St. J oh n T h a ckera y M .A . F .S A
(treasurer), Jam es M orse, Thom as W . G im b lett, John Coxâ H enry
Chow n
O verseers, Thom as W . G im b lett & H en ry Chow n
P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
A u bertin Lieu t. Joh n D ., R .N .
The Chase
Bird Charles E d w d . W o o d fo rd rd
B lou nt E dw d . R id d e ll,T h e Fishery
B lou n t M iss, R ose farm
C a rdw ell E rn est, L y th am cotta ge,
< R iv e r road Cozens Stephen, W arren court
D ick in son W a lte r, L eig h ton hall
D uff R o b e rt F raser J .P . M ount
! W a rren , U pp er W a rren avenue
F illingh am J s p h .D o r n d e n ,R iv e r rd
Fram e W m . J .P . M ilton L ockhart
H art-D av is R ev.. R ich ard
H art
. M . A . , J .P . R id g e field, U pper
W arren avenue
H edges W m . T h os. T he C liff house
H ew ett Charles E rnest J .P .C h a zev
hill, U p p e r W a rren avenue
Jesse E dw in John S .A v en u e house,
â¢C pp er W arren avenue
K endall A rth u r, East Cliffe
Mills H 011. A lgernon H enry, Maple'durham house
M oore A rth u r W a lter, R osetta
Saunders John B. Isom er
Sharpe Thom as, W o o d c o te road
Thackeray R ev . Fran cis St. John
M .A ., F .S .A . (vicar), V icarage
W a in w righ t J oh n , Bungalow
W est Capt. E rnest E d w a rd , Belstone, U pper W a rren avenue
B adcock
E d w a rd , chauffeur
H on. A lgern on H en ry M ills
Beard E d w in ,frm r.G reen D ean frm
Burden R ich a rd H en ry, post office
Butler E lizabeth (M iss), schoolm isÂ
tress, Trench green
Chow n H y. farmer, B lagrave farm
Chow n
M aria
(M iss),
farm er,
C hazey farm
Clark Chas. farm er, N u n ey green
E dw ard Jam es, farm er,
B ottom farm
Collins Jonas, Pack Hoi-se P.IT.
.Chazey heath
C ox John , carp enter & w h eelÂ
w righ t, C hazey heath