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tao CH U
>y v -
C h u rch ro a d , C a versh am â
Pratt&PearceM isses.confrs
here is St. Anneâs r d ......
C arter A nthon y W aldegrave (M aubeuge)
New bery Harold George
H ou ghton A nthony (Bel
m o n t)
Barton Prank A. (N ew lands)
Bousfield Eldred (Banks-
Hatherell Mrs
Pontin Frederick
E lm v i l l a s :
1 Burgess John
2 Riley Hebert
3 W righ t Bertram
4 H ughling George
13 L anch bery F rederick L.
nurserym an, florist &
17 St. Peterâs Parish Room s
17 Hales Miss Caroline, coffee
19 H olt Miss J. E
21 Police Station (R eading
B orough) (John M at(The
here is Gosbrook s t .......
R eginald
B ungalow )
W est side.
Coles R obert
Allen Fâ rederick
Keep A rth ur
Burgess Mrs
here is T he M ount ..
Garlick Sidney
C H U R C H R O A D , from W icks Mrs
Earley rd. to St. Peterâs rd. May E d m u nd (P riory co t)
.. here is road to Park farm .
W est side.
K idd Joseph
.... here is W okingham rd .
Hiscock Bert
1 Culham H arry, grocer & Shepherd Thom as
provision dealer, Earley Sm ith Isaac
Post office
1 Telephone Call Office
C aversham , from C hurch
2 Waketield Jesse
road to Prospect street.
3 Bolton Henry
4 W ebb Charles Samuel
N orth side.
5 Burehell Francis
2 Raylis & Co. grocers
6 Dellow Mrs
2 Theobard W illiam Jam es
7 W alron d M rs. Elizabeth, 4 Green Alfd. R d .ph otogrph r
dress maker
6 Soper John, chim ney clnr
8 B unting Mrs. E
8 Y ou n g Mrs
10 M onger G eorge
10 Lewis Edward
11 L ovegrove Herbert G eorge 12 Lewis Bros, wheelwrights
13 Boseley D ym ore (Earley
here is P riory a v e n .......
Newm an Thom as,tobccnst.
May Miss (S u n n y sid e)
14 Brooks John Geo. cycle dir
W oodsM rs. (T heM an or ho) 16 Newm an T h om as,tbeen st
here is Heath r d .......... 30 Rix Mrs. m illiner
Beaucham pM isses( Elm hurst, 30 R ix Henry G . chem ist &
here is St. Peterâs r d ......
pbotogrphic.m aterial dir
East side.
... here is Hem dean r d .......
R eading Public L ibrary
St. Peterâs C hurch
(Caversham b ra n ch )(E .
St. Peterâs Hall
B.H obbs,asst, librarian)
St. P eterâs School (fo r boys,
Caversham E lectric T h eaÂ
g irls & infants)
H en ry
36 Caversham
Social Club
(School house)
(W m .O . H yde, h on .sec)
C H U R C H R O A D , Tile 38 Sm ith A rthurW m . butcher
hu rst, from S chool road to 40 & 42 T u rn e r G eorge, grocr
Church end.
44 E ynott H arry, fruiterer
E ast side.
46 R ogers L ouis L .pork btchr
Kelleway P ercy Jn. boot ma 48 Allen & Co. boot makers
Dance Mrs
S outh side.
Cham berlain Charles
1 EllisW alt. Bertram , g rn gro
Swain Mrs
H orne F. G. stone & m arble
P itt Mrs
m ason
L ow er Plough P .H . Charles 11 Knighton Francis W illiam
(Caversham house)
Henry Allen
C H U R C H S T R E E T , from â '
88 L ondon street to South- ft
am pton street.
South side.
7 W estall R ichard
9 Cave Albert
11 Shackleford Charles
13 Huntley,Boorne & Elevens
L im ited, tin box manfrs
15 Pearce Daniel
15 Pearce Miss E. dress ma
21 G illm or Rev. Fitzwilliam
John C arter M. A. (vicar !
o f St.' Gilesâ ) (S t. G ilck
N orth side.
Society of F riends'Sunday
Society of Friendsâ M eeting ,
2 P ocock John
4 W righ t Mrs
6 Pyke T hom as
8 Busbell Mrs
o M ilward & Sons Lim ited,
boot m anufacturers
12 W atts H erbert George
14 Freed W alter W illiam
16 E ynott A lfred John
3 & 20 T he Bell inn, Harry
Ernest W alker
.... here is L eteom be s t .......
22 T yers G eorge
14 W ells Bertie
26 Whale A rth ur Charles
from Field road.
Allen Henry Charles
G ou gh H en ry John
G ou gh Joseph
Jones A rth ur
Nunn G eorge D
A llen John
H iggs A lbert W illiam