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Barlow Sidney, 12 Norton road
Bartlett Francis Charles, f 8 Cromwell rd. C
Harlow Thom as, 55 Mount Pleasant
Bartlett George, 33 Manchester road
Barlow- W illiam, 54 Westfield road, C
Bartlett Giles, 56 London street
Barlow W illiam , 7 Ziuzan street
Bartlett Henry, 26 Stone street
Barnard Edwin Walter, 212 Oxford road
Bartlett James, 21 St. Peterâs road
Barnard Frank, 33 A rgyle street
Bartlett John, 24 Prospect street
Barnard Frederick, Briardenc, 5 W arw ick rd Bartlett Mrs. 49 Norfolk road
Barnard Fredk. Clue hill, 40 Blenhoim rd. C Bartlett Mrs. 61 W averley road
Barnard Percy Charles, 40 Manchester road Bartlett Mrs. 13 Wokingham road
Barnard William, 128 Oxford road
Bartlett Nathaniel James, 1 Greyfriars road
Barnes Albert George, 107 Cholmoley road Bartlett William J. Rosslyn, 44 Hamilton rd
Barnes Charles, 100 Kadstock road
Bartley Charles, 47 Grange avenue
Barnes Edward J. 81 Donnington gardens
Bur ton A.T.M uyaro, 53 Arm our rd.Tilehurst
Darnes Edwin, 2 The Grove
Barton James, 182 Southampton street
Barnes Frederick, 6 Cholmoley road
Barton Mrs. 29 Amity road
Barnes Frederick, 82 Prince of Wales aven
Barton Mrs. 30 Princes street
Barnes Georgo, 15 Elm Park road
Barton William Walter,Brenchleigh,Crescent
Barnes Harry Robert, 43 Newport road
road, Tilehurst
Barnes James Frederick, 6 Melrose avenue
Bartram Cecil, 88 Kendrick road
Barnes Jeremiah, 232 Liverpool road
Barwick Henry, 68 Pitcroft avenue
Barnes Mrs. 4 Belle Vue road
Barwick Walter, 36 Norton road
Barnes Mrs. 7 New road
Rasang Henry Francis, 91 Field road
Barnes Mrs. 17 School terrace
Basden A lfred, 39 Chestermau street
Barnes Owen Henry, 339 London road
Basdeu Sirs. 112 Oavcrsham road
Barnes Philip, 1 Westwood terrace,W ater rd Basedcn W illiam Henry, 20 Morgan road
Barnes Samuel, 24 Norfolk road
Bashforth Miss, 131 W averley road
Jlames William, 15 Mount Pleasant
Basing William Charles, 33 Newport road
Barnes W illiam Stephen, i a , Redlands road Baskett Miss, 78 Basingstoke road
Barnett Alfred, 126 Beeeham road
Baskett Miss, 32 The Mount
Barnett Ernest, 6 W iston'terrace
Baskett Thomas Edmund, 30 The Mount
Barnett Frank, 1 W hitloy W ood lane
Bassett George Alfred, 3 Priest hill, C
Barnett George, 30 W okingham road
Bassett George William, 68 Queenâs road
Barnett Mrs. 38 Carnarvon road
Bassett Henry, 7 Belle avenue
Barnett Thomas James, 72 Catherine street Basson Joseph, 2 Wilson road
Barney Charles, Yosom ite, Shinfield road
Bastin Alfred Harold, 7 Up. Redlands road
Barningham Mrs. Calcot rise, Cockney hill, Baston Cresswell, 5 De M ontfort road
Bastow W alter John, 13 Talfourd avenue
Barns Mrs. 24 Liverpool road
Bateman George Campion, The Nest, 69
Barns Mrs. Annie, 9 De Montfort road
Kidmore road, C
Barraball John Henry-, 116 Caversbam road Bates Charles William, 14 St. Edwardâs road
Barratt John Alfred, 28 Northumberland av Bates Frederick John, 78 Prince of Wales av
Barrett Allen George, 92 Radstock road
Bates George Harry, 115 Grange avenue
Barrett Charles Basil, 18 Donningtcn road
Bates James Leslio, 64 Radstock road
Barrett Frederick Edward, 28 Elm Lodge av Bates John, 13 Merchants place
Barrett Frederick Edward, 89 Wantage road Sates John, 38 Westfield road, C
Barrett George, 70 Edinburgh road
1Botes Mrs. 123 Amit.v road
Barrett Harry, 53 St. Bartholomewâs road
Bates Mrs. F. P. 21 Victoria road, Tilehurst
Barrett Miss A. 30 Watlington street
Bates Thomas, 153 Southampton street
Barrett Misses, 22 Lorno street
BathFras.Trevellyan, 17 St. Bartholomewâs rd
Barrett Mrs. Ilchester,23 Upper Redlands rd Bath Miss M. K. Portway College, 13 & 17
Barrett Mrs. 84 W atlington street
Castle crescent
Barri Mrs. 124 Queenâs road
Bath W illiam , 8 Eldon road
Barrow Bertram, 72 Liverpool road
Batho Misses, Greenhill, 63 Hamilton road
Barrows W illiam C. 28 Brisbane road
Batt John, 38 Liverpool road
Barry Thomas, 8 Essex street
Batten Edward Philip, St. Margarets, 43
Barten Harold Thomas, 64 Redlands road
Tilehurst road
Bartholomew A rthur George, 12 Wilton road Batten George, 64 College road
Bartholomew Thos.M elton,W hitley W ood rd Batting John, Stoneleigh.48 Eastern avenue
Bartholomew W m . East lo. Victoria square Batty John, 3 Edinburgh road
Bartlott A lbert, 4 Pitcroft avenue
Baugh Alfred, 66 Prince of .Wales avenue
Bartlett Charles, 6 Coldicutt street, C
â Baugh David, 29 Palmer Park avenue