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V IL L A G E S D IR E C TO RY — 1917.



pLlmer W illiam , farm steward to James Volunteer Fire Brigade (J. Bevan, chief
'/Herbert Benyon esq. & overseer, Chalk
Wadds A. B. head gardener to James
'p it farm
Herbert Benyon esq
Pocock Mrs. baker & grocer
W orkin g Men’s Club ( 0 . A. H opley, s e c .;
T r e a d w e l l Nurso, district nurse
James H. Claydon, steward)
4 miles south from
Beading, form erly known as “ Lam bwood
H ill,” 19 a Wthing' and an ecclesiastical
parish, form ed May 9th, 1854, out of the
parishes of Sulhampstead Abbots and Sulhampstead Bannister, and includes the
liberty of Hartley Dnrnmer, in Shinfield
civil parish, in the Southern division of
the county, hundred and county court
district and petty sessional division oi
Beading, union of Bradiield, rural deanery
of Beading, archdeaconry of Berks and
diocese of Oxford. By an Order in Coun­
cil, a portion o f this parish was in 1913
transferred to the new ecclesiastical
parish of Spencer’ s W ood. The church of
the Holy T rinity, erected in 1850, is a
small structure of flint, consisting of
chancel, nave, south porch and a belfry
containing ono b e ll: the east window is
stained, and there are also two memorial
windows: there are 250 sittings.
register dates from the year 1856. The
living is a vicarage, net yearly valne
/ 265, with residence and 3 acres of glebe,
in the gift o f the Bishop of Oxford, and
held since 1916 by the Bov. Thom as O.
Jones M .A. Highlands is the residence of
John Bowley Horton esq. Grazeley Court,
the property of Col. F. Drake, is now
occupied by Mrs. Jobson. James Herbert
Benyon esq. of Englefleld House, is lord
of the manor, and Frederick W illiam
Allfrey esq. is the principal landowner.
The soil is loam ; subsoil, gravel and clay.
The chief crops are -wheat, oats and. beans.
The area is 509 a cre s; rateable value,
¿ 6 9 5 ; the population of the ecclesiastical
parish in- 1911 was 676 and of the tithing
in 1911, 31.

Didenham, a tithing of this parish,
form erly belonged to 'Wiltshire, hut by
the Acts 2 and 3 W illiam IV . cap. 64, and
7 and 8 V iet. cap. 61, it was annexed to
Berkshire, and is ecclesiastically attached
to Grazeley.
Hartley Humm er is a liberty, half-amile north.
Parish Clerk, John Higgins.
Letters through R ead in g; the nearest
m oney order offices are at Shinfield,
Three. M ile Cross & Spencer's W ood ;
telegraph offices are at Spencer’s W ood
& Shinfield {S chool green)
Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared
at 9 .io a.m. & 7.15 p .m .; sun. 9 a.m
Pillar Letter Box, at Spencer’s W ood,
cleared at 11.15 a -m - ^ 7 -4S P’m ' ! sun"
days, 6.55 p.m
Pillar Letter Box, Grazeley court, r'eared
at 6.50 a.m . & 6.50 p .m .; sun. e Jo a.m
Pillar Letter Box, R eading road, cleared
7.45 p .m .; S u n d a y s , 7 p.m
P ublic Elementary Schools.
M ixed, erected, in 1861, & enlarged in
1893 & 1912, for n o ch ild ren ; average
attendance, 114; Miss E . A. Walker,
Carriers to Reading.— Hounsell, daily, ex­
cept w e d .; W hitburn, tues. thurs. &
s a t.; Bye, m on. tues. thnrs. & sat. &
Lever, m on. wed. & sat

(Unless marked otherwise, names are in Brown E. farmer, James farm (letters
through Burghfield)
the Three Mile Cross postal delivery.)
Bullingham Frank, frm r.H artley Court fm
Fraud — , frm r. Great Lea frm .G reat Lea
Bullingham Frank Carl,Hartley Court frm George Eobert, farmer, Pound Green farm
le Bathe Capt. Max, Hartley court
Higgins John, parish clerk
Horton John Rowley, Highlands, Spencer’ s Norris H erbert, dairyman, Great Lea
Dairy farm
Jobson M rs. Grazeley court
Shaw George, Wheatsheaf P .H
Jones Bev. T. 0 ., M .A. Vicarage
Steele Albert, farmer, Manor farm
' Templeton Thomas, brick maker
Alexander Edwd. farmer, Didenhsm farm T ice M rs. farm er, Great Lea Bouse farm
Bracy T. farm er