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RE A D IN G ST R E E T D IR E C T O R Y— 1 9 1 7 .

26 Exell Samnel

35 & 37 Tunbridge Frdk.&Co 28 Brown George John

mineral water makers
30 Burden James William
39 Tunbridge Fredk. chemist 32 Oliver James Percy
41 Crosse Miss R. H. de T
34 Rawlins Jesse
41 Secret an W alter Bernard 36 Brown Edgar Frank
M .B .L ond.,
F . 11.C.S. 38 Fisher Albert James
E ng., L .R .C .P . physi 40 Stroud John
cian & surgeon ( surgry) 42 Fitchett Mrs
47 Johnstone David, draper 44 Smith Joseph
49 Beading Guild of Help 46 Littlemore Henry
(A . K. ClaTk, bon. sec. ; 48 Chapman James
Miss M. Maplesdcn.sec) 50 W oolford George
49 Reading Charity Organi­
here is Beresford rd ......
zation Society (D. W . 52 Davies George
Bishop Ackerman, sec) 54 Coleman Stanley Jackson
51 W oodland Mrs
56 Wheeler John
C astle S treet Alm shouses 58 Bream Mrs
55 Cusden Jam es W illiam
60 Head James
55 & 57 Cusden Jam es <fc Co. 62 Vick Cecil James
64 Franklin Ernest Thomas
63 Spalding H. L. (H oly
Sheppard Edwin J.builder
Brook house)
65 Lew is G . S. & Brother, 66 Kirby George
builders (offices)
68 Hollowood Williaxn
here is Coley st........... 70 Walker W illiam
67 & 69 Ncwland John C. 72 Barnett Thomas James
fruiterer & coal mrchnt 74 W inchcombc ArthurHarry
71 The Kennet P.H. Edwin 76 Barkus Thomas
78 Garrett Frederick
77 Carter & Son, canvas mers 80 Bonner Sydney Francis
79 Shayler Harry, grocer
82 Hind Charles
83 W ells Albert, hair dresser 84 Baker-Ward William Chas
87a, Lubricum Com panv Ltd. 86 W alton Thomas
(T h e), m erchants'
88 Collins Samuel
89 L oden F. tailor
90 Day Charles
91 Apsey James John
92 ChesterTbnmasHy.shpkpr
93 Ptdker Ernest W . boot ma 94 Nunn James
95 Globe Parcels Express,
96 Parker Arthur Henry
W alter Pudge, agent 98 Lewis W alter
here is Coley p i.:........ 100 Grim shaw Percy
< Bonney E. J
102 Lovelock W illiam
Leahy M t s
ro4 Burley Hugh
- o t Lock Mrs
South side.
103 Howes Robert
105 Nattress W illiam Albert
1 Weakley James Edward
Arthur, tailor
C A T H E R I N E S T R E E T , 3 Allen John Henry
from 9 Salisbury road.
5 Kendall George Henry
North side.
7 Kingsm an LconardW alter
4 Rogers George
9 Hobbs W alter
6 W oodard W illiam Ernest 11 Tichband W illiam John
8 W hite Edgar James
13 Chandler David William
10 Oliver Henry
15 Lacy Albert
12 Childs W illiam Charles
17 Howes George
14 G rist Mrs
19 Townsend Mrs
16 Badnell Albert
21 Gosden Robert
18 Knott Charles Henry
23 Johnson Thomas
20 G uttridge George
25 Jackson Thomas
22 Montague George
27 Tucker John
24 Snow Henry George
29 Day Ernest


Hall Alfred
King Laurence William
Hester Charles
Procter Sidney Jolm
Viner Ernest George
Brooker Stanley John
here is Beresford r d .......
63 Standard Health Food Co.
65 Shergold Frederick
67 Hill William
69 W atts Alfred
71 Winslet George
73 Sweetzer David
75 Thorngate Mrs
77 Smith Maurice Hy. Chas
79 Clarke Mrs
83 Churn Richard
85 Williams Hugh
87 Wilkins Thomas
89 Miller Robert
91 Hack Mrs
93 Gulliford William
95 Snudden George
9 7 Webb Samuel Charles
99 Chandler John
101 Lawrancc W illiam Henry
103 Cook Francis
105 Grant Walter John

C O U R T , from n
Crown street.

C A V E R S H A M LO O K .
Thames Conservancy Store
(H . E. Neale, chief store
Knight W alter, lock keeper
Thames Conservancy Office
(Navigation Department)
(John Laurie, chief in­
spector ; T . Hawes, deputy
inspector Oxford d istr ic t;
T . C. Barker,deputy in­
spector Reading d istr ic t;
L. Lowm an,deputy inspec­
tor Maidenhead d istr ic t;
W . J. Pim m , chief deputy
inspectorKingston district)
Thames Conservancy Office
(Engineers’ Department)
(T . E. Hughes)
from Friar street to Caversham bridge.
West side.
... here is Low er T h om s t ...
15 Smith W . C. Limited,
furniture removers