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R E A D IN G D IR E C T O R Y — 1 9 1 7 .



The adm inistrative business o f the coun ty (w hich w ould, i f this A c t had
not been passed, have been transacted b y the ju stices) is n ow transacted
b y the C ounty C ouncil.
(a ) T he fo llo w in g borou g h shall bo fo r the purpose o f this A c t an ad ­
m inistrative C oun ty in itse lf and be called a C ounty borou g h (sec. 31),
o f w h ich the M un icipal C orporation shall have the pow er o f a C oun ty
C oun cil— Reading.
T he Berkshire C ounty C ouncil meets a t the Assize Courts, R eading.
Chairm an, W illiam A rth u r M oun t m. i*. (A ld erm an )
Vice-C hairm an, James H erbert B enyon (A lderm an)
R e t i r e in


Benyon James H erbert, E nglefiold house, R eading
Crutchley P ercy E d w ard, Sunninghil! lod ge, A scot
Gardner Ernest >i.r. Spencers, Maidenhead
Gull Sir W illiam Cam eron bart. Frilsham house, Y atten d on , N ew bu ry
L oder-Sym onds Capt. F rederick Cleave, H inton manor, Faringdon
L o y d A rch ie K irkm an K.c. D ow n s house, H endred, Steventon & 21
C adogan square, London s w
Preston A rth ur E d w in , W hitefield, A bin gd on
R icardo Col. Gerald Craven, T he Elm s, D on nington, N ew bury
R e t i r e in


Ferard Charles A gace, W in k field manor, A scot
Latham Thom as, B ish op ’s court, D orchester, Oxon
Mansfield E d w ard D illon, L uckley, W okingham
M ount W illiam A rthur jlp . W asing place, R ea d in g & 37 E nnism ore
gardens, L ondon s w
Peters G eorge H enry, Ouseley lodge, Old W in dsor
Slade George Frederick, W oodlea, W allingford
W illes Col. G eorge Shippen, T he Firs, H ungerford
W illin k H en ry George, H illfields, M ortim er
C O U N C IL L O R S .
E lectoral D ivision.
A bin gdon B o ro ’ :—
E ast ..............................
W e st ..............................
A bin gdon R ural .............
Alderm aston .....................
B o x fo r d ..............................
B radfield .........................
B ray ...... ; .........................
B u r g h fie ld .........................
C h a llo w ..............................
Clewer ..............................
C om pton..............................
Cookham .........................

Nam es & Addresses.
W illia m B rew er, H yde E n d lodgo, S hinfield, R eading
Thomas Skurray, Summerfield, A bingdon
P ercy Thom as Duffield, M arch am ,A bingdon
Charles E d w ard K eyser, A lderm aston court,
R eading
Oscar W elw yn Rayner, C hieveley manor,
N ew bury
F rancis Bate, Beenham H atch, B ucklobury
Charles W illia m C ox, T h e Orchards, Boyn
h ill, B ray
Job Lousley, Green farm , B urghfield
Aaron F ro g le y , Sparsholt, W antage
E d w ard C ecil Durant, C lew er cou rt,W in d sor
George Lew is Baker, Com pton, N ewbury
Sir G eorge Y ou n g bart. Form osa F ishery,