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2 S8
G rU L
G ulliford William, 93 Catherine street
Gulliver Charles A. Ridgeway, 48 Priest hl.C
Gulliver James, 7 Norwood road
G um iner Francis Drake, 37 Carnarvon road
Gunningham Edgar R. 60 Norton road
Gunther Mrs. 36 Queen's road
Gunthorpe Walter, 43 Cardigan road
G uppy Mrs. 95 Shaftesbury road
G uppy Mrs. 237 W averley road
Gurney Mrs. Kate, 36 Cardigan road
G utch Mrs. 72 Basingstoke road
Gutch Thomas Gregory. 76 South street
Gutch Walt. Jn.Blotehyndcn, 50 Albert rd.C
Gutteridge J. 71 Recreation road, Tilehurst
Guttridga George, 20 Catherine street
G uy Miss, 5 Bafraershe road
G uy Mrs. 10 Lincoln road
Gwilliam Miss, 152 Southampton stroet
Gwilliam Mrs. 76 Blenheim road
Gwilliam Samuel Henry, North view,
Basingstoke road
Gwilliam William John, Pen-y*Ghent, 59
Priest hill, C
Gyles Percy Henry, Leycester hou»e^ Western
Elms avenue
Gyngell George, 43 Donnington gardens
Gyngell Samuel W hiting, 60 Erieigh road
G yngell T. W. 15 Queenâs road
Gyngell Thomas, 82 Addington road
Gyngell W illiam Stephen, 34 Blenheim road
Habgood Richard, The Laurels, 59 Arm oar
road, Tilehurst
H ack Mrs. 91 Catherine street
Hackett Francis, 9 Eldon road
H adley Miss, 160 Caversham road
Hadlow Richard Wall, 10 Wilton road
H agg Reginald, 27 Coventry road
Haiens Rowland, Devonia, 93 Kidmore road
Haigh T. Crosland, 60 Queenâs road
Haigh William m .a ., b. sc. 68 Hamilton road
Hailstone Miss, 16 Zinzan street
Hailstone Miss, 39 Green road
Haime 0 . 157 Waverley road
Haines Albert, 53 Watlington street
Haines Charles, 106 Queen's road
Haines Edward, 10 Briants avenue, C
Haines Ernest, 49 Radstock road
Haines Fras, Geo. 100 Do Beauvoir road
Haines Frank, 66 Hutherley road
Haines Mrs. 71 Liverpool road
Haines Robert A. 36 Liverpool road
Haines Samuel, 20 Victoria street
Haines Tom , 63 Field road
Hains Philip, 123 Waverley road
Hale Felix, 9 Ormsby street
Hale Frederick Bert, 36 Henry street
Hale George Arthur, 1 Winchester road
Hale Richard, 8t Salisbury road
Hale William Frederick, 8 Charles street
Halfacro Arthur, 19 fligligrove street
Halford Samuel, Oak cottage, 12 Lower
Arm our, Tilehurst
Hall Albert, 7 Vastern road
Hall Alfred, 31 Catherine street
Hall Alfred, ca , Dorothy street
Hall Alfred Ernest, 280 King's road
Hall Arthur George, 3 Ormsby street
Hall Charles, 51 Grange avenue
Hall Clifford, Overdale, 28 Western Elms
avenvo. T X 638
Hall Edgar, 4 Janies street
Hall Eruest, 34 Briants avenue,- 0
Hall Ernest Charles, 82 Tilehurst road
Hall Ernest Edwin, 138 Beecham road
Hall George, 43 De M ontfort road
Hall Harry, 6§ Erleigh road
Hall Harry Robert, 18 Norwood road
Hall John, 73 Pitcroft avenue
Hall Miss, 111 Oxford road
Hall Miss, 132 Wilson road
Hall Mrs. 13 Awbery terrace
Hall Mrs. 82 Donningtori road
Hall Mrs. 13 Eldon terrace
Hall Mrs. 23 Lincoln road
Hall Mrs. E. Blundells road, Tilehurst
Hall Robert H. Kemp Clarence house,
8r London road
Hall W . W, 28 Western Elms avenue
Hall W illiam, Blundells road, Tilehurst
Hall W illiam, 57 Radstoek road
Hallett George William, 108 Highgrove st
Hallett John, 17 Richmond road
Hallett Mrs. E. 42 Donnington road
Hallett Reginald, 25 Manchester road
Halliday Arthur Henry, 13 Coley hill
Hatpin Rev. Arthur Neville m .a . [chaplain to
Reading union], 125 Castle hill
Halton Robert, 47 Albert road, C
Hambledon George William, 63 Cardigan rd
Hamblen James, 59 Donnington gardens
Hambleton Herbert M. 2 Surrey road
Hamblin Edmund, 45 Carnarvon road
Qamblin John, 20 Addington road
Hamblin John, 20 Tilehurst road
Hamblin Mrs. 12 Coldicutt street, C
Hamblin Mrs. 12 Fairview ter. Basingstoke rd
Hamblin Thomas, 16 Letcombe street
Hatnblin W illiam, 68 Addington road
Hambling Benjamin, 156 Cholm elcy road
Hambling Mrs. 3 Cholmeley road
Hambling William James, 6 Bishopâ s road
Hambling William Russell, 9 St. Bartholo?
mewâs road
Haines Thomas William, 79 Am ity road
Hamilton Arthur, Rose villa, 75 London rd
Hamilton Harry, 44 Crescent road
Hamilton Miss B. Norfolk ho. 306 Kingâs rd
Hamilton Miss K. Arlingford house, 8 Blen
heim road, 0
Hamilton W illiam, 46 Blenheim road, C
Hamlet Albert Edward, 20 Orts road