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De Voil Samuel Walter, 132 Cumberland rd
Dew Ernest, 669 Oxford road
Dew Miss, 16 L om e street
Daw Montague, 148 Beeeham road
Dow William, 80 Connaught road
Dewe James, 8 Castle crescent
Dcwo Mrs 16 Kowley road
Dews Alfred James, 199 Caversham road
Dibben Sidney Charles, 249 Basingstoke rd
Dibley Francis, 13 Arm our road, 'lâilehurst
Dibley Henry, 18 Rupert street
Dibley Henry, 52 R upert street
Dibley John, 60 Rupert street
Dibley William, 14 Recreation road, Tilehurst
Dibley William, 25 Recreation road, Tilehurst
Diboll Walter Horace, 38 Addison road
Dick John R., m . i . e . k . Sandford lodge,
19 Craven road
Dickens M rs.'24 Filey road
Dickens Richard, 30 George street
Dickor Edmund Fell, 144 Caversham road
Dickerson Mrs. 1 Sackville street
Dickie Mrs. 36 Howard street
Dickson George, 168 Wantage road
Dickson Harry Newton, 160 Castle hill
Diemcr Herbert u .A. Reading echl.Erleigh rd
Dittin Mrs. Emily, 132 Caversham road
Diggens Robert Grant, 103 W atlington st
Diggory Major Charles John, 299 London rd
Dimbleby Walter M. 29 Craven road
Dines William, 61 Elm Park road
Dipper James, 66 Norcot road, Tilehurst
Dipper Noah, 52 Donnington road
Dipper Sydnoy Newman, 361 London road
Dix Frank, 48 Donnington road
Dix Frederick, 10 Blenheim road
Dix Harry, W oodford, 28 South View av. C
Dixon Arthur, 20 Kensington road
Dixon Charles, n Am ity road
Dixon Charles, 98 Cholmeley road
Dixon George H. 15 Christchurch road
Dixon William, 7 Clifton street
Dixon William, 35 William street
Dobbie Frederick James, 106 Wokingham rd
Dobson George Henry, 161 Oxford road
Dobson James, 36 Filey road
Dockerill Benjamin, 42 Addington road
Dodd Arthur W illiam , 19 Christchurch road
DoddErnst.J.R.Thornbury,St. Andre wâsrd .C
Dodd Harold, Oakley road, C
Dodd James, i n Wantage road
Dodd Mrs. 49 Milman road
Dodd Sirs. 18 Nortkfield road
Dodds John George, 43 Swainstone road
Dodge Mrs. C. 97 Highgrove street
Dodington Frederick, 64 Field road
Dodson Milner Charles, 77 Norton road
Dodsworth Sydney Jesse, 48 Curzon street
Doe Aubert Thomas, 74 Liverpool road
Doe George, 17 Craig avenue
Doe John, 120 Westfield road, C
Doe Sidney, 29 Zmzan street
Doe Thom as, 16 School terrace
Doe W illiam , 68 Prospect street, C
Doele Joseph, 100 Wantage road
Doherty Rev. W illiam Augustus b . a . G reyfriars vicarage, 64 Friar street
Doherty Mrs. 3 Hamilton road
Dollery Frank, 59 Essex street
Dollery Robert, 67 Wantage road
Dolton George, 31 Howard street
Dolton Walter Ernest, 100 Southampton st
Don Malcolm, 87 Queenâs road
Donald John, 95 Itadstock road
Donaldson Robert jr. A., m . b . , cIi.b., F .n.c.s.,
D. p . h . 42 Eastern avenue
Dore Arthur, 10 Cumberland road
Dore Benjamin, 23 Tilehurst road
Dore Edu ard John, 80 Liverpool road
Dore John Henry, 66 Field road
Dore Misses, Balmanno, 8 Christchurch road
Dore Mrs. 5 Body road
Dore Walter Eli, 66 Donnington gardens
Dore W illiam, 74 Coventry road
Dormer Albert, 16 Coventry road
Dormer Alfred, 64 Hatherley road
Dormer Ernest, 20 Anstoy road
Dormer Ernest W. 32 Melrose avenne
Dormer Frank, 25 Hemdcan hill, C
Dormer Frederick William, 1 Kidmore rd. C
Dormer George Edward, 29 L om e street
Dormer Harry, 49 Norton road
Doswell Robert R. 39 Waylen street
Douglas Thomas, 100 Blenheim road
Douglas Tboma6, 93 Kensington road
Dowler W illiam, 53 Salisbury road
Dowling John Major, 18 Orts road
Dowling Robert, 18 Eldon road
Downer William Henry, 18 Kingâs Meadow rd
Downes Jesse, 172 Southampton street
Downes Jonathan, 7 Lennox road
Downham John, 2 Sherman pi. Sherman rd
Downham Walter James, 87 Mount Tleasant
Downing W illiam James, 70 Addison road
Downs Thom as, 7 Milman road
Dowsett Richard, 27 Mansfield road
Dowty Jabez, 73 Kensington road
Dracup Ernest, 35 Zinzan street
Drake James William, 10 Howard street
Drake Jethro Nickols, 75 Whiteknights road
Drake Thomas Tower, 23 Carey street
Dranfleld Albert, 16 R ectory road, C
Draper Eugene Joseph, 137 Beecham road
Draper Harry, 6 Edinburgh road
Dredge James, Grovely, 10 Brunswick hill
.Drew Alfred, 40 Armour road, Tilehurst
Drew George, 123 Wantage road
Drew Henry, 13 Merchants place
Drew James, 48 Pitcroft avenue
Drew Mrs. 12 Letcombe street
Drew Mrs. 25 Lorne street
Drew Percy John, 141 Wantage road