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BK AD tN G PH tV A T K IUSSIDKNTS D D iE C T O llY â 1 91 7.
Gilkes JspIi.Chas. Ashfoi'(l,49Clirist«hurch rd Goddard Sydney,Hillside,73South View av.C
Gilkes William. Overdale, 39 The Mount, C Goddard Walter, 8 Fatherson road
Goddard W illiam, 3 Highgrove street
Gill Alfred James, 70 Cholrneley road
Goddard William, 552 Oxford road
Gill Benjamin Alfred, 91 Cholm cley road
Godden Arthur Henry, 15 Filey road
Gill Charles Henry, 53 Queenâs road
Godden Charles, 70 Pell street
Gill Edwin. 36 Balter street
Godden Edward, 36 Hathorlcy road
Gill Ernest Sidney, 24-Swains tone road
Henry, 6t Addington road
Gill Miss, 59 Radstock road
Godden Robert, 31 Clifton Park road
Gill Robert, 35 Talfourd avenue
Gill VVm. Tully, Eversley, 9 Blenheim rd. C Godden W illiam, 29 Blenheim road, C
Gillard Henry,' Abbots Leigh, 24 The Mount Godfrey Albert, 25 Filey road
Gillender M issM.E.Gerolstein,86Kendrick rd G odfrey Albert, 66 Liverpool road
Godfrey Frederick, 26 Wâatlington street
Gillett George, 11 Shenstone road
Godfrey Herbert, 36 Conisbroâ avenue, C
Gillett Mrs. 22 London road
John, 7 Thames avenue
Gillett Phillip, 182 Wantage road
Gilligan Geo. j.p . Turret ho. 5 Southcote rd Godfrey Mrs. 37 Cardigan gardens
Godsel) Henry, 11 Northiield road
Gillingham Mrs. Alfred, 43 Pell street
Gillmor Rev. Fitzwilliam John Carter if. A. Godwin Frank, 6 Bulmershe road
[vicar of St. Gilesâ ], St.- Gilesâ vicarage, Godwin Frederick, 35 Amity road
Godwin Henry Robert J. 31 Ormsby street
21 Church street
Gillmore Murray, 55 Armour road.Tilehurst Godwin Joseph, 5 Stanley grove
Godwin Airs. Glenbourne, 32 Argyle street
Gilmore Charles, 3 Elm L odge avenue
Girdler James Alfred, 26 St. Peterâs hill, C Godwin Mrs. 192 Oxford road
Godwin Walter William, 82 Connanght road
Gladden Mrs. J. 29 Addington road
Goff Alfred Henry, 8 Briants avenue, C
Gladdy George, 11 Cardigan gardens
Glad well Alex. J. 112 Prince of Wales aven G off Samuel, 65 Liverpool road
G off Thomas Edward, 44 Brisbane road
Gianvdie Herbert, 32 Cholmeley road
Golder Reginald James, 19 Ormsby street
Glanville Richard, 60 Cardigan read
Golding Harry Charles, Lynton, 42 HarroÂ
Glanvilie Richard, 89 Orts road
gate road, C
Glass Arthur John Win. 4 Lynm outh road
Golding John, 15 Carey street
Glass George, 100 P rince of Wales avenue
Glass Mrs. Evelyn villa, 165 W hitley Wood la Golding John, Lygatc, Northcourt avenue
G olding Robert Geo. 56 School rd. Tilehurst
Glass Mrs. Patten, 14 Russell street
Goldsmith Harry,TheBungalow.Thamesside
Glassey Mrs. 391 Oxford road
Glasspool William Arth. 100 Shaftesbury rd Goldsmith William R. too Basingstoke road
Gleave Thomas, Sankey lo. 49 Bnlmershe rd Goldstein Lewis, 25 Cromwell road, C
Goldstein Maurice, 7 Brigham road
Gleed Charles Henry, 8 School terrace
Goldstine Mrs. 69 Southampton street
Gleed Prank, 28 Watlington street
Goldup Mrs. P. 44 Hill street
Glover Francis Harry, 52 College road
Glover Harry Wm. 21 Marlborough avenue Gooch Arthur, 12 Stanley grove
Gooch Frank, 104 Shaftesbury road
Gnome Frederick, 259 Basingstoke road
Goadby Allan Lindsay L.D.s.n.c.s.Eng. 46 Good Arthur Henry, 109 W antage road
Good Henry, 62 Westfield road, C
London road
Goaman William Henry, 5 Talfourd avenue Good John. 64 Westfield road, C
Goodacre James, Ivydeae, 9 Argyle road
Goatley Mrs. 50 Audlev street
Goddard C. H. Lynn villa, 41 Recreation Goodaere Ralph William, 35 The Mount, C
Uoodall Alfred William, 24 Queenâs road
road, Tdchnrst
Gooilall Charles, The Cottage, Basingstoke rd
Goddard Daniel, 142 Southampton street
Goodall Edward, 48 Northumberland avenue
Goddard Frank. 43 St. Peterâs road
Goddard Frederick George, 2 Howard street Goodall George, 9 Kingâ s Meadow road
Goodall Harold Charles, 15 College roail
Goddard George, 32 Coventry road
Goodall Miss, 49 Henry street
Goddard George, 438 Oxford road
â Goddard Henry Thus. 6 2 A , Christchurch rd Goodall Mrs. 10 Dorothy street
Goddard Jas. The Briars, 75 South View av.C Goodall Mrs. 4 Norris road
Goodall Richard, 20 Pitcroft avenue
Goddard John, 44 Liverpool road
Goodall Samuel, Boston house, 121 Oxford
Goddard John Skelton, 146 Amity road
road. T N 3t8
Goddard Misses, Hoi well, 11 Kendrick road
Goodall Thomas, 60 Blenheim road
Goddard Mrs. 144 Beecham road
Uoodehild ColinStanley,'53A,Christchureh rd
Goddard Mrs. 2 Chester street, C
Goode Thomas, 43 Northumberland avenue
Goddard Mrs. 5 St. John's road
Goodenongli Frederick Geo. 31 Kendrick rd
Goddard Mrs. 29 Watlington street