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R RA D IN O D IR E C T O R Y — 1 9 1 7 .

Chairman, C ou n cillor L eonard G ood hart S utton j .p . H illsid e, A lleroft
road. H eading
V ice-C hairm an, C oun cillor E d w a rd Jackson j . r . P ark house, 33 U pper
R edlands road, Reading
Alderm an A lfred H olland Bull j.p . C laydon, 6 C ollege road
Thom as G rant C hivers j . p . Ston ecroft, Peppard roud.Caversham
Charles G yningham F ield j . p . Denmark house, 15 Southcote rd
John W essley M artin, N ortoft house, 6 B row n low road
C oun cillor G eorge Stew art A bram b .a ., m b ., B.c.cantab., M.u.c.s.Eng.,
L.u.c.p.Lond. 106 L ondon road
D enys L gginton, T h e Chase, 26 R edlands road
E d w ard Oliver Farrer, T he K n ow le, O xford road, T ilehurst
T hom as N orris, N ew lyn , D aroll road, Cuvorsham
L oren zo Q uelch, 38 G ow er street
John Bahson, 110 Basingstoke road
E d ith M ary Sutton, Southernm ead, N orth cou rt avenue
R eg in ald T y rrell, R osia, 35 U pper R edlands road
H en ry Thom as M orley , Leicestor house, .312 K in g 's road
A rth u r W m . A lfd . W ebb, T hree T un s H otel, E arley. R eading
F rank W in ter, San R em o, 8 Denmark road
W . H . Baseden esq. 20 M organ road, R eading
W illia m M . C hilds esq. m .a . U niversity college, London road, R eading
F. W . H a ll esq. m . a . St. Joh n’s college, O xford
Miss E . J. M arriage, A shton lod ge, C hristchurch road, R eading
M iss H. E . M usson, A bbey S chool fo r G irls, K endrick road, R eading
R ev. H . R . C ooper Smith d . d . R e cto ry , T ilehurst
H . S. C ooke esq. m .a . W olvercote, A ddin gton road , R eading
O rganising Secretary & C lerk o f the Com m ittee, H en ry T . P ugh
School M anagem ent Clerk, H en ry Quinton
C lerk o f Accounts, George N ew ton D u rb rid ge
Clerk o f W ork s, G. W h ite
A ttendance Officers, G eorge P hipps (su p t.), E . A . Dean, John Sm ith,
L ouis Durham , Jam es W . S tarlin g & G eorge C oppuck
C o u n c il S c h o o l s .

C entral B oy s, D oroth y street, b u ilt in 1891 ; accom m odation fo r 46 6 ;
average attendance, 327 ; E d w in James A ndrew s, head master
C oley, W olseley street (m ixed & infants), bu ilt in 1874, fo r 572 c h ild r e n ;
average attendance, 486 ; James E llis a . o .p . m aster o f m ixed depart­
ment ; M iss Bishop, infants' mistress
George P alm er School, Basingstoke road, b u ilt in 1907, f o r l , 248 children ;
average attendance, boys 249, girls 269, infants 201 ; Joshua Sw allow ,
boys’ m aster; M iss K ate P ierp oin t, g irls’ m istress; M iss A lice E .
Osman, infants’ m istress; T rade school (m ix e d ), J. Elam , a ctin g head
Grovelands, O xford road, fo r 489 ch ild re n ; average attendance, 437
(m ixed & in fan ts) ; James L ee, m aster; M iss M abel Farmer, infants’
H a rley street, C aversham ; accom m odation fo r 250 m ixed & 300 infants ;
A lbert J. M onkley, head m a ste r; M rs. H alstead, head mistress
Katesgrove, b u ilt in 1873 & reconstructed in 1891, now accom m odates
406 g irls & 258 in fa n ts; M iss Davies, g irls’ m istress; M iss P h illip s,
infants’ mistress
New T ow n , S chool terrace, bu ilt in 1874, fo r 1,455 c h ild ren ; average
attendance, 1,250 ; G . E . R ussell, head m aster ; M iss K en tish , mistress ;
M iss M ardon, infants’ mistress