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V IL L A G E S D IR E C TO R Y — 1917.

ta n g bou rn e.

4r 9

W est Mrs. Alfred, Little M oors,The Moors
Dunning Robert, Uplands
Fogarty M aurice Frank, Morelands, Horse­ W hitfield Jonathan, 1 South View villas,
R eading road
shoe road
W inkworth S .H .S t.G eorge’ s, Horseshoe rd
Foster Evelvn H ubert, Lower Bowden
W alter, Church c o tta g e ; T. N. 43
Franklin Lewis, 2 South V iew villas,
Reading road
Adams Herbert S. dispensing ch em ist;
Freeman Mrs. Delamark, The Gables
T . N. 35
Garstin Aubrey, Tham es view
' Greenwood .Tn. W . R edcott, Horseshoe rd A g g C. J. luggage porter. The Moors
Aldworth Charles, carpenter, Brookside
Grist Mrs. The Nook
Annetts k Dearlove, bakers
Harris GeoTge Oliver, Hownrth lodge
Hawes Godfrhy Charles B ., M .R .C .S., Ashley Edward Thom as, boat builder
Ashley GeoTge, Swan P.H
L .R .C .P .Lond., J.P. Fornbrook
Hensman Geo. F. St. Neots, Horseshoe Td Ashley W illiam ,boat builder, New Boat ho
Attwell W illiam G eorge, chim ney sweep
Hiam R obert W ood, Alma, Horseshoe rd
Awbery Charles, insurance agt. Hazlemere
Hopkins Miss, W est End grove
Howlett Mrs. Grendon house, Reading rd Ayres Charles k Giles, coal merchants,
Station ap p roach ; T . N. 9
Humm H. J. W oodbine cottage,The Moors
Baldwin W illiam , agent for Compton
Jackson Edwin, The Nest
P ilgrim Benefit Society
Janes Harry Clement, Hillside
Jarvis Mrs. Klondyke house. Horseshoe rd Barnes Misses, laundresses
Bavlield k Son, d airym en ; T . N. 73
Jones Mrs. Jesm ond hill
Board of Trade U nem ploym ent Insurance
Jordan Henry, B an kside; T . N . n
Office (G eorge F.Hensm an, local officer),
Knight Mrs. Morar, Horseshoe road
St. N eots, Horseshoe road
Koe*Mrs. The Glebe honse
Layard M ajor Arthur Austen M acgregor. Boxall T. k Son, builders ; T. N. 15
Brind Albert Edwd. carrier.. Horseshoe rd
.Shooters Hill cottage
Brown John, saddler
- •r .
Maggs Charles John, Meadowside road
Butler A lbert & Co. coal m erchants
Manning Mrs. W eir pool
Butler A lbert, sec. to gas company
Menpes M ortim er, Iris court
Carter Enos is Sons,builders & decorators.
Mo ill Alfred, The Ferns
Horseshoe road ; T. N . 44Nelson Mrs. Halket Leathes
Castle Chas. furniture dir. Horseshoe rd
Nicholls Mrs. Tham es avenue
Champ Mrs. laundress
Petrocokino Am brose, Flower’ s hill
C lifford Edward, Post office ; T . N . 50
Pitney Lloyd, Howarth lodge
Pope Rev.HubertPhillipps B .A .T heR ectorj Colebroofc & Co. Ltd. butchers ; T. N. a
C oom bs Samuel, Cross Keys P.H . k
Read Mrs. Myrtle grove
m onum ental. mason
Riehens James, Lilac house, Horseshoe rd
Robins Herbert, Hope villa, Thames aver Coventry Edward, boot m aker, The Moors
C ox H. k Sons, carpenters & builders &
Saunders Miss, Hazlemerc
Saunders Mrs. W harf house
Cox Frank, blacksm ith
Selwotd Mrs. N arracott, The Moors
Sheldon A. W . Bank house, Reading road Crocker James, jobm aster, Reading r o a d ;
T . N. 48
Sherwood Mrs. Siddington, The Moors
Crookstone Mrs. Elephant h o te l; T . N. 46
Simmons Mrs. Tham es avenue
Thurza (M rs.), confectioner
Skilton Percv. Ashton, Horseshoe road
Spagnoletti Mrs. Bowden green ; T. N. 17 Fenton, Son k Co. pile driving contractors
k engineers, Tham es V aliev w o r k s;
Stephens Mrs. Oak grange
T. N . 74
Strafford Arth. Fredk. M oorcot.The Moors
Fredk. Geo. apartm ents,Reading rd
Surplice Mrs. R . F ., L .R .A .M . Reading rd
Tate George Booth, Bere C o u r t; T. N tP F ogartv Frank M aurice, m otor engineer
Thornton Col. W alter J.P. Maiden Hatch Foster Evelyn H ubert, farm er.Bowden frm
Franklin Lewis, launch k boat b u ild e r ;
Turnor Mrs. Hill lodge
T. N. 7
Varley Richard, School house
W addington M ajor-G en. Thom as J.P. The Giles Harry, greengrocer. The Moors
Gorin Annie (M rs.), apartments
Gray Harry, apartments, Somerville
-Watts Edwin, Eastdene, Horseshoe road
W ebster W illiam Henry, Ivy villa, Horse­ Grist W . k Co. livery stables; T. N. 40
G ulliver John Ernest,dairym an.M arsh frm
shoe Toad
Harper Thom as, dairyman. H igh street
W est Arthur, Mill house
k toy dealer, R eading road
West Mrs. Flower’s farm