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clan s;

W . J . Foster F .n.c.s.E ag., u a .c .r.L o n d . & W . B. Seeretan M .B .,
r . B . 0. 8. assistant surgeons; R . P. B rooks p.K.c.s.Eilin. op hthalm ic sur­
g e o n ; A rth u r R oberts F .u.o. 8.udin., ii.a.c.s.E n g . aural su rg eon ; R .
R itson M.u.0.8., l.u .o .p . anaesthetist; A. L. G oad by l.d .s . consulting
dental su rgeon ;
R . D onaldson m.b. , p. R.c.s. E d in., D .T .M ., D.p.D,
p a th o lo g ist; H . M . Clarke m.b., n .c. m edical re g is tra r; J. L. Joyce
m.b., n .c., p.B.C.s. surgical r e g is tr a r ; C. B. Baxter m.b.. p.R .c.s.E din.,
I.b .c .p ., R . H. C otton m .u .c s ., l.b .o .p . & F . H . P. W ills d.m.s.s.a.
clinical assistants in the ophthalm ic d e p t.; L. P o w e ll m.b., b .c . clin ical
assistant in the aural d e p t.; C ol. J . E. B roadbent c.B. treasurer; R ev.
M artin T hom as Friend m.a. c h a p l a i D ; Herman Burney B . A . c a n t a b . s e e .;
W . G. M un dy, assistant s e c .; M iss W ynne, matron
V .A .D . H o s p it a l; M rs. Houders, lad y supt. Inniscarra, 53 Bath road






A bbey H all, 11 K in g ’s road
A rt G allery, B lagrave s tr e e t; T . W . M . C olyer, superintendent
Arthur H ill’s M em orial Baths, K in g ’s r o a d ; D avid G eorge Cooper, supt
Athenaeum C lub, 28 F riar stre e t; T . R . Tam e esq. ch a irm a n ; John
Phillips, treasurer ; E. J. V en tris, sec
Balfour Club, 8 Crow n s t r e e t ; A rth ur Thom as G ibson, stew a rd ; H . C.
Goodm an, hon. see
Berks, Bucks & O xfordshire Incorporated L aw S ociety, 165 F riar s t r e e t ;
II. C. D ryland, hon. sec
Berks & A d jo in in g Counties D airy Farmers’ A ssociation, 38 F riar street
J. W . Y ou n gs, see
Berkshire Archaeological & A rchitectural S ociety, A bbey gate, F orbury ;
Patron, H .M . T ho K in g ; P resident, C. E . K eyser esq. m.a., f.s .a . ; R ev.
P . H . D itchfield m.a., p .s.a. Barkham rectory, W okingham , hon. sec. ;
Ernest R avenscroft, 22 The F orb u ry, R eading, hon. treasurer
B erkshire Beekeepers’ A ssociation (fo r the prom otion o f rational & humane
beekeeping), 49 Castle s tr e e t; H .R .II. Princess Christian o f SchleswigH olstein, p r e s .; F. B . P arfitt J . p . chairm an ; D. W . Bishop Ackerman,
hon. sec
Berkshire C ounty C lub, B lagrave street, R e a d in g ; R eginald A C ollins &
G. W est, jo in t hon. sees. & treasurers
Blagravo Recreation G round, R ecreatiou r e a l, T ilehurst
B oys’ B rigade 7 th R eading Co. (S t. .Mary’s Castle street), head quarters,
8 St. M a ry ’s b u tts; W illia m H olm es, 7 St. M a ry ’s butts, ca p ta in ; A.
W . Cruikshank, Holm esdale, Redlands road, hon. treasurer; H . G.
Randall, 23 A b b e y square, Reading, hon. sec
B ritish D airy Institute, R eading ; A lec T odd, m anager; A . S. D rew e
n .d .o ., b .d .f.a . assistant m anager; Miss E m ily K . L ittle b.d .p .a .
instructress; F, H. W rig h t, University College, R eading, sec
Caversham E le ctric T heatro, C hurch street, Caversham
Caversham C onstitutional C lub L im ited, 171 G osb rook road, Caversham ;
Ernest R avenscroft, hon. sec
Caversham H eights Tennis Club ; ground, M atloek road, Caversham
Caversbam R oad P resbyterian Church Institute, Y o r k road
Caversham & S outh Oxon G o lf Club, 17 K id m ore E nd road, C aversham ;
Bruce Sim m ons, sec