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riE A D I N f; D I B B C T O H Y —

191 7.


Museum & A r t G allery, B lagrave street; Hon. Curators, 0 . A . Shrubsole
F.O.S., p reh istoric archaeology, g e o lo g y & e th n o lo g y ; C. E . K ey ser
F . s . a . mediaeval archaeology ; (x. H. R . H olden u.A., m . i>. num ism atics;
M . W a llis j.p ., m .b.o.u. zoo lo g y ; W . E . Butler f.r .s . en tom olog y ;
J. R . L e Ti. T om lin , f.e .s . co o lo gy ; M ill Stephenson p.s.a. &
S. S. S tall w ood f . s . a . Silchester c o lle ctio n ; H . Dawson Barkas a . u .c . a .
art ; superintendent, T . W . M . Colyer. T he M useum & A r t G allery are
open d aily (Sundays excepted), January, F ebruary, N ovem ber & Decem ­
ber, 10 a .m . to 4 p.m. ; M arch & October, 10 a.m. t ill 5 p.m . ; A p r;l
to Septem ber, tuesdays, thnrsdays, frid n y s & Saturdays, 10 a.m . till C
p.m . ; m ondays & Wednesdays 10 a.m . till dusk
National British W o m e n ’ s Temperance Association (R ead in g bran ch ),
Sheringham, Ilig h m o o r rond, C aversham ; M rs. T . W aite, p resid en t;
M iss L o n g , lion, sec
O xford Dibcesan Church R oom s, 16 F riar street ; Com m ittee room s for
Diocesan & local m eetings; T he Fen. Archdeacon o f B erkshire,chairm an
Palm er C lu b (T h e ), W . 1. Palm or M emorial building, 42 W est stre e t;
Charles M oss, hon. see
Palm or P a rk , London road & St. B artholom ew ’s road
Palmer W . I. M em orial H a ll, 42 W est street ; Charles M oss, sec
Park I nstitute (C on gregational), Palm er P ark avenue ; J. J. R idley, hon.
sec. ; E. O R id le y , hon. treas. ; J. C. Jordan, caretaker
P ublic H all, H em dean road, Cavorshnm
Public L ib ra ry, News & R eading R oom s, Central L ibrary, Blagrave street ;
West branch, O xford road ; Caversham branch, C hurch street, Caversham ; W illia m H en ry G reenhougb, ch ief librarian
Queen V icto ria C lergy Fund (O x fo rd Diocesan branch), O b je c ts :— ( 1) to
impress upon a ll m embers o f tlie Church o f E nglan d the clearly defined
Christian du ty o f contributing towards the su pp ort o f the cle rg y ; ( 2 )
to supplement & extend th e existin g organizations in the Diocese by in­
creasing the value o f ill-en dow ed benefices ; to make annual graDts fo r
this ob je ct & generally to prom ote the further sustentation o f the clergy
in the Diocese
Prospect P ark Pleasure G round, BaLh road
R eading A rt G allery & Museum, Blagravo st. ; T . W . M . C olyer, supt
Reading A th letic C lub ; head quarters, G reat W estern hotel, Station road ;
harriers’ head quarters, Palm er M em orial bu ild in gs; W . Howard
Palm er esq. j . f . patron ; J. T . B ridges, Palm orstone, B elle avenue, assist,
hon. treas. ; James E . Beasley, M arathon, 34 L orne street, hon. sec. ;
colours, lig h t blue & w h ite
Reading Band o f H ope U nion (associated with the U nited K in gd om Band
o f H ope U n ion ) ; Dr. Boodle, president ; M iss S. J . K irk , 35 St. M a ry ’s
Butts, bon . sec
Reading Beaconsfield C lub L im ited, 128 & 129 F riar street ; Charles H.
Thackway, see. ; G eorge W illiam L om ax, steward
Reading B oard o f Guardians Institute, 17 l o r n e street ; M iss Day, snpt
Reading B o w lin g Club, 94 K en drick road
R eading & Cavershara T raining B r ig ; Field-M arshal E a rl R oberts &
A dm iral L ord Charles Beresford, patron s; A . W . Sutton esq. chair­
man ; V ice-A dm iral H . L . Fleet, T he Camber, 14 Coley aven. hon. sec
Reading Central P u blic L ibrary, News & Reading R oom s, Blagrave
street; W illiam H en ry Gveenhough, ch ief librarian
R eading C ollegiate Old B o y s’ A ssociation ; E . J. S. Hawkes, 110
W okingham road, hon. sec
Reading Conservative & Unionist. A ssociation, 9 Blagrave street ; J. F ,
Coales, ager.t