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Fitchett William, 240 Liverpool road
Fewster Henry, 6 W ilson road
Fitzmaurice Aliss, 48 School road, Tilehurst
Fewtrell Airs. 43 lâ-Ssex street
Fitzpatrick John, 34 Wei dale street
Fidgott AVilliam, 9 He Beauvoir road
Edward, 74 Erleigh road
FidlorErnestG.Hollingside/aoHighm oor rd.C
Flanagan Alisses, 21 Kendrick rd. T N 1130
Fidler James, 71 A m ity road
Fidler Joseph, Oakley house, Oakley road, G Fleet Vice-Admiral Henry Louis,TheCamber,
14 Coley avenue. T X 1216
Kidler Maurice, 24 Piteroft avenue
Fleet George, Glen Moor, 15 Norris road
Fidler Miss, 9 Wilton road
Fleming Walter, 42 Letcom be street
Fidler Miss E. A. St. Helier, 10 New road
Fletcher Charles, 120 Whitley street
Fidler Richard, 33 Am ity road
Fidler Wm. T hos. Selkirk, 30 W oodcotc rd. G Fletcher Frederick James, 91 Norton road
Field Charles Gyningham j . p . Denmark Fletcher George Francis, 109 De Beauvoir rd
Fletcher James, 2 Eastern avenue
house, 15 Southcotc road
Fletcher James, 371 London road
Field Ernest Douglas, 68 Grange avenue
Fletcher T om , Dorchester, 6 Blenheim rd. C
Field John, 18 Elm Lodge avenue
Fletcher T om Francis, 58 Hatherley road
Field John, 10 Sackville street
Fletcher William Henry, 10 Addison road
Field Airs. 9 Donnington road
Field W in. Geo Lionel.Bcllevue.Surley row.C Flett- Arthur, 5 W averley road
Field William Painter, 125 South V iew av. C Flint W m. Aldbourne, 32 .South View av. C
Flippance John, Grays cot. Basingstoke road
Fielder Mrs. 277 London road
Flitter Martin, 46 Hill street
Fife Thomas, 3 Now road
Flower Miss, Inverary, 28 Argyle street
Filewood David, 56 East street
Flower Airs. 36 Essex street
Filowood Edward, 48 Coventry road
Floyd Mrs. Castle Hill lodge, 14 Bath road
Finch Frederick, 205 Caveraham road
FI adder George, 58 Wavcrley road
Finch George Charles, 104 Salisbury road
Flynn Mrs. Ada, 80 Cardigan road
Finden Ernest, 55 Cnrzon street
Foley Col. Frank W igram d . s . o . 1 2 SouthFindlay Miss F. 89 Norfolk road
eote road west
Finney William Henry, 18 Montague street
Foley Airs. 98 Beecham road
Fiuton Tom Brown, 2 Wiston terrace
Firm inGeo. Hy. B. 53Recreation rd.Tilehurst Fooks Eli, 9 Kingsgate street
Foord Capt. William Levison T om ,2 Lorne st
Fisher Albert James, 38 Catherine street
Foot Arthur, 74 Cromwell road, C
Fisher Alfred, i o St. Johnâs road
John David, 79 Kensington road
Fisher Arthur John, 138 Cumberland road
Foote Airs. 54 Liverpool road
Fisher Charles, [47 Elm Park road
Forbes Alajor-General Charles Pulteney,
Fisher Edward John, 130 Am ity road
Fairlawn, 29 Bath rood
Fisher Frederick, 8 Addison road
Forties Airs. Highm oor lo. 16 Highm oor rd. C
Fisher Frederick, 150 Beecham road
Forbes Thomas George, 13 Winchester road
Fisher George, 33 Chester street, C
Ford Albert, Strathmore, Whitley Wood lane
Fisher George, 65 Cholmcley road
Ford Arthur, 27 The Grove
Fisher George. 67 Ilatherley road
' Ford Charles, 4 Lcteombe street
Fisher George, Lindley, Send road, G
Ford David, Albert villa, 1 Brunswick bill
Fisher Henry, 20 Waylen street
Ford Fras. A. Egremont, 60 Blonheim rd. C
Fisher Henry, 45 & 38 Waylen street
Fisher Henry William, 49 Palmer Park aven Ford George, 196 Kennet sile
Ford George, 63 Orts road
Fisher Herbert, 11 Field road
Ford Hanson, 24 Blenheim road
Fisher James, 157 Kingâs road
Ford Henry, Stradbroke, 1 7 Brunswick hill
Fisher John, 25 East street
Ford Henry, 105 Grange avonne
Fisher John, 37 Homdean road, C
Ford Henry, 37 Waylen street.
Fisher John, 51 Manchester road
Ford John, 13 Newport road
Fisher John, 51 St. Bartholomewâs road
Ford John Thomas, 73 Donnington gardens
Fisher Miss, 66 Blenheim road
Ford John Thomas, 30 Queenâs road
Fisher Mrs. 31 Carnarvon road
Ford Joseph Geo. Colborne lo. 40 Eastern av
Fisher Mrs. Oak villa, Emm er green, C
Ford Joseph George, 98 Curzon street
Fisher Thomas, 34 St. Bartholomew's road
Ford Miss, 13 L om e street
Fisher Thomas W illiam, 6 Cardigan road
Ford Airs. 138 Beecham road
Fisher Victor, 20 Coventry road
Ford Airs. 413 London road
Fisher William, 25 School terrace
Ford Airs. 15 Radstock road
Fisher W illiam John, 31 Hemdean road, C
Ford Mrs. L. 1 Je,sse terrace
Fitch Arthur, 54 Grange avenue
Fitch Mrs. J. Denmark house, 17 Erleigh vd Ford T . 31 Armour road, Tilehurst
Fitchett Airs. 42 Catherine street