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KKADINO D IR E C T O R Y — ]» :1 7 .


road, T iiehurst (m ixed & infante). built in 1005-6 'for 40 c children ;
average attendance, 281 ; S helton C. S axby, master
O xford road, bu ilt in 1881 & opened 1883. fo r 1,000 ch ild ren ; average
attendance, 81 0 ; Daniel G .T h o rb u rn a . c . p . (L ondon U niversity) m aster;
M iss A . L ydam ore, m istress; lilies 31. G illender, infants' mistress
School road, T iiehurst (m ixed & infants), built in 1880 & enlarged in 1806
fo r 382 children ; average attendance, 247 ; Frank W m . W h ite, master
Silver street, bu ilt in 1871, fo r 194 ch ild ren ; average attendance, 7 5 ;
M iss E . Thatcher, infants’ mistress in charge
Swansea road, bu ilt in 1898, fo r 990 ch ild ren ; W . H . Baseden, m aster;
M iss W orth in gton , infants' mistress
W okingham road (ju n io r m ix e d ), b u ilt in 1902, for 500 children ; average
attendance, 448 ; M iss C h a ttav ay , mistress
W okingham road (senior), built in 1906, fo r 400 cbildron ; average attend­
ance, 4 0 5 ; W . E . Simkins 8 W averley road, master
N orcot

A ll Saints’ Infants, Brown low r o a d ; b u ilt in 1866, fo r 153 children ;
Miss Phelps, m istress; average attendance, 100
C liristC h u rch , Milraan road, W hitley, built in 1868, fo r 381 ch ild ren ;
present accom m odation fo r 4 7 0 ; average attendance, 400 ; Samuel
Ganderton, m aster; Miss Emma L ear, m istress; M iss K ate L . Savage,
infants’ mistress
G reyfriars’ Church o f E ngland, Caversham road, built in 1865, fo r 509
ch ild ren ; avorage attendance, 4 4 0 ; W. T. K ir b y , master ; M iss F .
Chandler, infants’ mistress
H o ly T rin ity Church, O xford road, built in 1837, fo r 116 children ;
average attendance, 116 ; John C row hurst, master
Lower "Whitley N ational School, B asingstoke rd. (m ixed & infants) ; built
fo r 95 ch ild re n ; average attendance, 86 ; M rs. E . E . H iekm ott,
Our L ad y it St. Anne (C atholic), South V iew avenue, Caversham ; Sisters
o f the V isitation
Beading “ Special ” S chool, N orthum berland avenue, b u ilt in 1909, fo r 130
children ; average attendance, 121 ; M iss C. T. Darker, head mistress
St. Barnabas (m ixed, includ ing infants), Em m er green. Oaversham,
enlarged in 1905, fo r 150 children ; average attendance, 120 ; M iss
Bobiu, head mistress
St. Giles' Church (b o y s & girls), London road, built in 1824 (partly
rebuilt fo r g irls & entirely fo r boys 1885). fo r 186 boys & 201 girls;
average attendance, 160 boys & 175 g irls ; A lbert Sm ith, master ; M iss
Annie D rnry, mistress
St. G il«-’ Church (Infants), Crown street, fo r 175 infants ; avorage attend­
ance, 101 ; MisB Martha R um hold, mistress
St. James’s C atholic (m ix e d & infants), Forbury road, bu ilt in 1912, for
214 children ; average attendance, 121 ; under the charge o f Sisters o f
‘ ' T he Christian S chool ”
St. John’s Infant, W atlin g ton street, rebu ilt 1872, fo r 230 children ; average
attendance, 150 ; M iss A ld a E . Best, mistress
St. John’s, Queen’s road, bu ilt in 1860, enlarged in 1894 St in 1908 ;
average attendance, 250 ; W illiam Sadler, master
St. John’s (m ix e d ), St. Joh n’s road, L ow er Caversham, b u ilt in 1895, fo r
490 ch ild re n ; average attendance, m ixed 233, infants 2 1 4 ; A lfred
AVinkworth, head m a ste r; M iss S. M . Owens, head m istress