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„ ■
Nam e«.
M itch ell G ............................................
M oun t W illiam A rth u r M.p
N orkott E ............................................
P a rn tt E
P eters G . H . ...‘ ...................................
P etrocok in o A .......................................
P la tt G . E .... ...... .................. ...........
P o rte r Francis W illia m .................
P ra tt Lord G. M .................................
Preston A . E
R an kin J ................................................
R ayn er 0 . G .........................................
R icardo C ol. G . C ................................
R obson E ............ ..............................
$ ale P .....................................................
Shawcross H. T
S h ip ley S ir W . A . k n t .....................
Skurray T ...........................................
Slade E . W ...K ..................................
Slade G . F
Sm ith B . G, 0
.................. ...........
Sm ith F . A
T ayler T . S ................
T oy e W . J ..............................................
Turner M ajor 0 ..................................
Venables G. L .......................................
W alker J. W .........................................
W illes C ol. G . S ................................
W illin k H . G
W ilso n Charles B arker.....................
Y o u n g S ir G . b a rt..............................
(V a c a n t)................................................

E lectora l D ivision.
W in d sor B orough, P ark
Alderm an
M aidenhead B orough, B oy n H ill
N ew bu ry B orough, W est
A lderm an
H ungerford
M aidenhead B orough, OldBeld
W inkfield
A lderm an
N ew bu ry B orough, E ast
B o x fo rd
A lderm an
W antage
W ok in gh am B orou gh
Cum nor
W in d sor B orough, Castlo
A bin gd on B orough, W est
A lderm an
H urley
D rayton
W a llin g fo rd Rural
M aidenhead B orough, B elm on t
A lderm an
Eastham pstead
S unninghill

Clerk to the C oun ty C ouncil, John T hornh ill M orland m.a . Shire h a ll,
R eading
L oca l T axation Officer, John T h orn h ill M orla n d m. a . Shire hall, R ead in g
D e p u ty Clerk, H a rold U n d erh ill H atton T horne, Shire h all, R eading
C ounty Treasurer, J. Strong, Shire hall, R ead in g
County Surveyor, John F re d H aw kins, Shire hall, Reading
C ounty M edical Officer o f H ealth , Gerard Charles T aylor m . a ., m. d ., n.r.H.
Shire hall, R eading
C ounty Bankers, B arclay & C om pany L im ited
Land Steward, W a lte r E rnest Coates W h ite, Shire hall, R eading
Tuberculosis Officer, A rth u r R ichm ond m. b ., ch.B.vict., m . b . c . s., L.R.C.F.,
n.p.H .cam b. Shire hall, R eading
P u b lic A nalyst (F o o d & D ru gs A cts), W a lte r W illia m Fisher m. a .. p . i . c.
5 St. M argaret’s road, O xford
D istrict A n a ly st (F ertilizers & F eeding Stuffs A ct), J . A ugustus V oelcker,
I T u d or street, L ondon a c