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ilK S n iîA L

I M I i K X .j p , ,




Collectors of K ing’s Taxes 3 7 Justices of the Peace far
the County (Reading
Collectors of K ates
3 0 , 37
Petty Sessional Divi­
Coroners ...................... .2 7 , 3 0
sion)................................ 2 ’
Council of the County
:'4 ° 4 —4 °°
Borough .................... 2 8 , 2 9 Iiidmore E n d
Literary and ScientiiiclnCounty Borough of Read­
ing National Health
Associations, Meeting
Insurance Committee 3 1
Halls, Clubs A c
6 3 — 67
County Court.................... 3 4
Local Directories— List of 492
and. Excise
"............... 34 Lord Lieutenant of Berk­
shire ............................ 2 2
Customs and Excise and
Old Age Pensions Office 3 4 Loirev Caversham, see
Cavcrshara.................... 2 0
Dideuham, see Gic./.eloy 4 0 3
406, 407
Dispenser ........................ 3 3 Maplednrham
Dunsden and Eye ... 3 9 3 , 3 9 9 Medical Officers ........... 2 7 , 3 3 _
Earley(or E rleigh)... 3 9 9 — 4 0 1 Medical Officers of Health
26 , 30 , 3 '
ierks Training College
Caversham ................... 2 0 Meeting Halls, see Liter­
of M usic........................
InEnglefield ...\.......... 4 0 1 — 4 0 3
I I nfield Heath, see Duns- s t ’ t n t i o n « & e ............... 6 3 — 67
den and Eye ............... 3 9 8 Eye,see Dunsdenand Eye
I ioard of Ouordians ............ 3 2
393. 399 Men acr of Parliament
for the Borough of
Foresters’ C ou rts
3 9 , 60
1 ioard of Trado Employ­
R ea d in g ........................ 2 2
ment E xch an ge
3 3 Friendly
Societies ................... 3 9 — 6 1 Members of Parliament
j iuilding Society ............ 6 7
for the County of Berks 22
.urghficld ............... 395— 39 8 General Societ ies ........... 6 1
4 0 3 , 4 0 4 Mission Halls, Rooms As.
3 Jaiiait, see Theale, 4 :
Ncwlaml, see Arbmticld
i auu sec Tilehurst ....... 4 2 4 Hartley Dummer, see
3 9 3 ; andsccBenrWoud 3 9 4
G razeley ........................ 4 0 3
Jaleudar, 1 9 1 7 ....... v. milite
Newspipcrs .................... 6 7
fane End, see Caversham 2 0 H.M . Prison ............. .....
Oddfellows’ Lodges ....... co
6 8 — 7 2 Hospitals,
Officers of Berks Educa­
vcrsham Streets, see
and Medical Associa­
tion C om m ittee
tions ........................... 6 1 — 6 3
leading, Caversham
Officers o f Reading Cor­
,c.StreetDircctory 7 3 — 3 5 1 Index to Names o f Ad­
p o r a tio n a n d
•crsham Topography 1 9
ix., x. while
S a n it a r y A u t h o r it y ... 2 9 — 3 ?
■aieteries .................... 3 3 , 3 6 Inspector under Children
■'“ Idreu's H o m e s
Act, . 1 9 0 8 ....................... 33 Officers o f the Board of
'Guardians ................ 3 2 , 3 3
•istian S ocieties
4 4 , 4 3 Inspectors of Nuisances
Official Establishments,
issi lied Index to Ad­
Inspectors of Weights and
vertisements r i.— viii.tu/tife
Measnres ....................2 7 , 3 r , Local Institutions S c 2 1 — 7 2
Omnibus Service ........... 63
erk of the Peace
2 9 Institutions, see Literary
crks fo the Magistrates
Overseers............................ 3 2
and Scientific Institu­
2 7 , 28
tions A c ................... 6 3 — 6 7 Paugbourne ............ [0 7 — 4 1 1
luhs, see Literary and
Parish Clerks S c
i9> 2 0
Justices of the Peace for
Sdentine Institutions
tho Boro’ of Reading ... 2 8 Petty Sessions................2 7 , nS
¿to................................6 3 — 6 7
Pingo W ood, see Burghrilectura of Assessed
flc ld ................................ 3 9 6
........................... 37 i

ysts ........................ 2 0 , 3 0
393- 394
/[Assessor of AssesscdTaxes 3 7
ant Overseers 3 2 , 3 7 , 3 8
Associations, see Literary
and Scientific InslituI «ions &c ................ 6 3 — 6 7
’ Clear W ood ................3 9 4 , 395
Eienevolent Institutions
f and Associations ... 5 8 , 5 9
[¡-Berks County Council 2 2 — 2 7
.¡Berks County Council
Officials ............. . 2 6 2 7
[jerks County National
Health Insurance Com­
mittee ...........................