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REAf>TNG 'P n iV A T K RESIDENTS D IR E C T O R Y — 1 9 1 7 .

Hitchman John F. 29 Chester street, C
Hives Arthur, Tilehurst road
Hives Frederick Geo. 18 Northumberland av
Hives Henry, 26 Addington road
Hives Mrs. 8 Swainstone road
Hives William Edward, 6 Lorne street
Hoad Henry, 79 De Beauvoir road
Hoare Edwin, 4 Grange avenue
Hoare Mrs. 37 Grange avenue
Hoare W illiam , 8 Prospect terrace. W ater rd
Hoare-Sm ith Miss, 10 Junction road
Hobbs Edward, 21 a , Kensington road
Hobbs Ernest G ilb ert,^ Howard street
Hobbs Henry Jas. Fem lea, 90 Crescent rd
Hobbs James, 37 Lynm outb road
Hobbs James, 59 M ount Pleasant
H obbs John, 21 Uplands road, C
Hobbs Mrs. Sarah Ann, 65 W okingham rd
H obbs Walter, 9 Catherine street
Hobbs W illiam, 7 Baker street
Hobbs W illiam Edward, 187 Caversham rd
Hobley Charles George, 8 Boult street
Hockey Fred, 3 Cannon street
Hocking W illiam Henry, Roseville, 27 The
M ount, C
H ockley Thomas, 162 Cholmeley road
Hockney Mrs. A. 46 Baker street
Hodder Edwin John, 4 Short street, C
Hodder Frederick, 13 Hill street
Hodder Mrs. 14 W aylen street
H oddinott M rs. 17 Denmark road
H odge Edward James, 17 Uplands road, C
H odge Henry, 66 Cromwell road, C
Hodge9 Alfred, Henley road, C
Hodges George, 24 Swansea road
Hodgkin Stanley H. 11 Tilehurst rd. T N 623
Hodgson Lieut.-Col. J. H. 5 Addington road
Hodson George Hugh E. 26 Priest hill, C
Hodson John Frederick, 65 Nprton road
B offier Evan, 27 Pitcroft avenue
Hogarth Ralph, 30 Beresford road
H ogarth W illiam, 18 Wantage road
Hogben Frederick, 89 Beecbam road
Hogben Mrs. 2 Donnington gardens
Holbrook Misses, Clarence pi. 85 London rd
Holdaway Jesse, 42 Northumberland avenue
Holdaway W illiam, 19 Rowley road
Holden Geo. Herbt. Rose m .d . 168 Castle hi
Holden Mr*. 4 G loucester road
Holden William Henry, 73 Carnarvon road
Holder ChaHes, 11 Argyle street
Holder Harry Frederick, 38 Norfolk road
Holder Henry, 185 Oxford road
Holder Percy Charles, 35 Beecbam road
Holder Robert, 27 Crown street
Holder W illiam , jun. 78 Hatberlcy road
H older W illiam, sen. 84 Hatherley road
Holder W illiam Edward, 8 Curzon street
Holdstoek Archibald Henry, 4 Brigham road
tfoldstock Frederick Ralph, 52 Pell street

Holdstock George, 29 Cromwell road, C
Holdsworth W illiam Hy. 12 Gas Works road
Holdway Charles, 34 Surrey road
Hole Charles, Sandridge, 43 Albert road, C
Hole W illiam, 14 Coldicutt street, C
Hole William Henry, Ivydene, 373 Elgar rd
Holecroft Stanley Edward, Taeden, 159
Kidmore road, C
Holey m an Mrs. S. 30 Orts road
Hoi ford Maurice P. Oakdene, Crescent road,
Holinson Alfred, 44 Tilelmrst road
Holland Albert Edwin, 143 Bcecham road
Holland Charles, 47 A rm our road, Tilehurst
Holland Freeman, 15 Talfourd avenue
Holland Miss, 29 The Grove
Holland Thomas, 16 Wilson road
Holland William, 34 Carnarvon, road
Holland W illiam, 13 Elm Lodge avenue
Holley Albert Edward, 54 Hatherley road
Holley Albert Henry, 59 Orts road
Holley Charles, 189 Orts road
Holley Charles Albert, 94 Rupert street
Holley W illiam, 90 Blenheim road
Holliday Charles Henry, 21 Valentia road
Holliday John James, 17 Valentia road
Hollier George E. 137 Liverpool road
Hollingworth Charles Stephen, Lindum , 20
W oodcote road, O
Hollis Mrs. 18 Coventry road
Hollis William Arthur, 39 George street
Hollitt John, 1 Castle crescent
Holloway Rev. William John w . a . [priest in
charge of All Saints], 9 Brunswick hill
Holloway Charles Carter, 21 Richmond road
Holloway E. C. 27 Palmer Park avenue
Holloway Edward, 9 East street
Holloway Ernest, 11 Talfourd avenue
Holloway Frank, 56 Cromwell road, C
Holloway Frcdk. Ernest, 118 Caversham rd
Holloway Fredk, William, 31 Highgrove st
Holloway George, 102 Beecham road
Holloway George, 15 Freshwater road
Holloway Harry, 50 Queen’s road
Holloway Henry, 40 Halherley road
Holloway J. M. 8 Randolph road
Hol'oway Mrs. 29 Soho street
Holloway Robert, 30 Liverpool road
Holloway W illiam, 71 South street
Holloway William Henry, 91 St. George’s rd
Hollowood W illiam, 68 Catherine street
Holly Frederick James, 16 Northfield road
Holly G eorge, 20 St. John's road
Holman Isaac Albert, t8 Carnarvon road
Holmes Albert Henry, 86 Donnington gdns
Holmes Alfred, Oakhurst, 33 Priest hill, C
Holmes Arthur, 60 Basingstoke road
Holmes Ernest, 19 St. John’s street
Holmes Frederick, 62 Donnington gardens
!Holmes Frederick, n Filey road