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D B .E
Drew Stephen, 35 Newport road
Dyke W illiam, Overdale, 15 Derby road, C
Drew Thomas, 15 St. Johnâs street
Dyment W illiam, 17 Princes streot
Drewett John, Hildaville, 40 St. Anneâs rd.C Dymond Mrs. 8 Bath road. T N 1007
Driscoll Mrs. 72 W ellington street
Dy more- B rown Jas. Heidelberg, 21 Warwick' rd
Drace John David, 4 Kingâs Meadow road
Eades Frederick, 21 Junction road
Drury Brian, Hillside, 75 Pell street
Eady F. C. 401 London road
Drury Frank, Foxley, 375 Elgar road
Eagles Mrs. Fred, 48 CreScent road
Drury Miss, 77 Whitley street
Engles William, 8 Cumberland road
Dryland Harold C. j . p . Peebles, 64 Kidmore Eagleston Ernest, 76 Rupert street
road, C
Eaglestone James, 562 Oxford road
Dryland Misses, Bath place, 3 Batb road
Eales Arthur, 151 Orts road
Dubber W illiam, 13 Princes street
Earner George, 45 Filey road
Du Bois William John, Sunningdale, 55 Vic Earaes George Alexander, 7 Swainstone rd
toria road, Tilehurst
Eames Mrs. 46 Alexandra road
Ducat Ven. William Methven Gordon m . a . Earl William Alfred, 37 De Beauvoir road
[hon. canon of Christ Church, Oxford ; & Earles James, 52 Bedford road
archdeacon of Berkshire], 26 Bath road
Earles William Henry, 48 Bedford road
Dudley John, 7 W ilton road
Earley Albert W illiam , 97 Hamilton road
Duttield Walter G. 18 Redlands road
Earley Alfred, 152 London road
Duflin Albert, 65 Recreation road, Tilehurst Earley Harry, 12 Manchester road
Duffin Charles, 6 Sidmouth street
Earley John, 99 Queenâs road
Duttln William, 31 Westfield road, C
Earley Robert, 45 Radstock road
Duffy Frederick W allace, 168 Cholmeley rd Earthy Charles James, 37 Baker street
Dumm er Charles, 105 Norfolk road
East Alfred, 23 Craig avenue
Duncombe William, 63 Waverley road
East Edward, 77 Donnington road
Dundhunt George, 39 St. Bartholomewâs rd East Frank Benjamin, 5 Victoria square
Dunkley A lfred E. F. Barclose, Donkin hill East Georjre Samuel, 94 Donnington gardens
Dunn Charles, StQwford, 104 Blenheim rd. C East Mrs. 18 Bulmersho road
Dunn George, 9 South street
East Mrs. Frank, 1 Eldon terrace
Dunn Henry Peniston, 27 Queenâs road
Easter Henry John, 59 W atlington street
Dunn Mrs. (Dunkeld), 115 Wantage road
Easter Mrs. 28 Eldon road
Dunning Rev. John, 3 Wraverley road
Eastman Mrs. 91 Christchurch road
Dunster Mrs. 11 Brigham road
Eaststaff Ernest Thom as, 118 Salisbury road
Dunton Albert, 373 London road
Eaton Frederick W illiam, 60 Crescent road
Dunton Alfred, 30 Carey street
F.atwell Henry, 49 Kingâs road
Duplock Albert, 52 Grange avenue
Ebbs Henry, 192 Liverpool road
Durbidge W illiam Alfred, 16 Gloucester road Ebden Arthur, 20 Gower street
Durham John, 86 Salisbury road
Ebourne Francis, 125 Kidmore road
Durham Louis, 1 Edinburgh road
Ebsworth Arthur, 41 Erlcigh road
Durman Charles Jas. 58 Northumberland av Echart John George, 11 Vastern road
Durman George, 47 South street
Eckett Stephen, 5 Wrestwood ter. W ater rd .
Durman James, 16 Curzon street
Eddels Samuel, 12 Christchurch road
Durman Joseph, 90 Salisbury road
Edes Percy, 10 Swainstone road
Durman Thomas Henry, 38 Crescent road
Edgar David, 52 Queenâs road
Durose Wâ m. Henry, 63 Victoria rd.Tilehurst Edgehill Mrs. 52 Beresford road
Durran John Harold, 3 Cork street
Edgington Charles, 206 Southampton street
Dutton W 'm.Calcot Rise lo.Cockney hl.Calcot Edgmgton Frederick, 20 William street
Dwyer Jerome, 26 Hamilton road
Edgington Thomas Win. 23 Palmer Park av
Dye Arthur George, 20 Norton road
E dm onds John, 4 Edinburgh road
Dye David, 75 Queenâs road
Edmonds John, 82 Salisbury road
Dyer Albert Daniel, 14 Crescent road
Edmonds William, 7 East street
Dyer Frederick, 65 Blenheim road
Edmondsfcone Miss (Jr. M. 5 Junction road
Dyer John W illiam, 43 Baker street
Edmunds George Henry, 671 Oxford road
Dyer Mrs. 133 Kingâs road
Edmunds Henry, 3 Belmore ter. W ater road
Dyer Mrs. 12 Queenâs road
Edmunds John, 13 Dorothy street
Dyer Richard, 59 Higbgrove street
Edmunds S. Doddimeade M.S.a.38 Grange av
Dyer Wâalter John, 161 Whitley W ood lane
Edwards Albert, 31 Dcnnington road
Dyer Win. R d. 6 Norfolk ter. Basingstoke rd Edwards Albert, 159 Orts road
Dyer William Thomas, 41 Briants avenue, C Edwards Alfred John, 25 Vastern road
Dyke James William, 49 Curzon street
Edwards E. M. M. 151 London road
Edwards Ernest Arthur, 7 Stanshawe road i