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Bird Edgar, 101 Grange avenue
Benwell F. 5 Chester street
Bird George, 18 Crane court
Benwell Miss, 19 Carey street
Bird George, 51 Erleigh road
Benwell Miss, 91 London road
Benyon Jn. Louis, Wild Oak, 11 a Hamilton rd Bird Jesse, 44 Basingstoke road
Bird John Charles, 92 Westfield road, C
Bergendale John, 13 Cambridge street
Bernard Charles Albert, 38 Gloucester road Bird Misses, 164 Castle hill
Bird Misses, 5 Downsbire square
Bernard Frederick G. 17 Hatherley road
Bird Mrs. 11 Caroline street
Bernard George, 18 Bishopâs road
Bird Mrs. 3 Coley hill
Berry Alfred James, 26 Gower street
Bird Mrs. Glenthorne, 47 Kidmore road, C
Berry Edwin D. r Mansfield road
Bird Mrs. 58 Manchester road
Berry Frank, 79 St. Peterâs road
Bird Mrs. M. A. Orleton, 2 Castle crescent
Berry James John, 21 Culver road
Bird Thomas Henry, 12 Body road
Berry Mrs. 37 Orts road
Bird Walter, 10 Coventry road
B ciry Mrs. C. A. 149 Oxford road
Birmingham Richard George, 2 Am ity road
Berry P. W. 79 London street
Berry Percy, St. Woolos, Grosvenor road, C Birrell John Horsfall, 7 The Mount, C
Berry Wm. Ehglefield cot. r Basingstoke rd Bishop Alec, 13 Hemdean rise, C
Berry William, 33 Kussell street
Bishop Ellias, 92 Kingâs road, C
Berwick Edward, 742 Oxford road
Bishop Frederick, 101 St. Georgeâs road
Bishop Joseph David, 21 Hamilton road
Bessant Mrs. 80 Coventry road
Best Edgar, The Knoll, 7 Kidmore road, C
Bishop Miss, 34 Berkeley avenue
Best Miss Alda, 33 St. Bartholomewâs road Bishop Miss Florence, 21 Hamilton road
Best Mrs. 6$ Blenheim road, C
Bishop Mrs. 8 Belmont road
Betteridge Walter Henry, 22 Norfolk road
Bishop Mrs. Brynkir, Northconrt aveuue
Bishop Mrs. 22 St. lid wardâs road
Bettridge George, 37 Norton road
Betts Mrs. The Nook, 13 Brunswick hill
Bishop Rowland Frederick, 117 Kidmore rd.C
Beville Herbert William, 132 Beecham road Bishop Thomas, 71 Mount Pleasant
Bevington Harold John, 27 Melrose avenue Bishop Thos. Bryan, Caine ho. 31 College rd
Bevitt Arthur, 87 Christchurch road
Bishop William, The Highlands, Shinfield rd
Bevitt Octavius William Henry, Highcliffe, Bissel Fred, 50 Cardigan road
101 Norcot road, Tilehurst
Bissell Arthur Lewis, 5 Radstock road
Bibra Mrs. 29 Priest hill, C
Bizley Thomas James, 3 Chester street, C
Biddle Mrs. 82 Foxhill road
Bjornstad Jorgen, Pcrranwell, 50 Woodcote
Biddle Mrs. 8 Sparrow court
ro ad ,C
Biddles William Byron R.v.s., a . a . c . l . , Black Henry Frank, 43 Mill lane
A.p.s.t.Sydney I0.40 Prospectst. T N 102 Black Mrs. 21 Northcourt avenue
Biddulph Richard F. S. 10 Castle crescent
Black Mrs. 67 Swansea road
Bidmead Alfred, 71 Donnington gardens
Bbck William Henry, 69 Hamilton road
Bidmead Frank, 3 Liverpool road
Blackall Allred Thomas, Surbiton house, 8
Bidmead Sidney, 23 De Montfort road
Brownlow road. T N 106
Bidwell Arthur William, Moorcroft, 24 Blackall Charles, 20 Hemdean hill, C
Cintra avenue. T N 1123
Blackall Edwin, 35 Briants avenue, C
Biggs Frederick, 3 Elm villas, Mill green, C Blaekall John, 53 Prospect street, C
Biggs Joseph, 4 Carnarvon road
Blackall Mrs. 44 Baker street
Biggs Ralph, 11 Christ Church gardens
Blackall William, 8 Cromwell road, C
Biggs Thomas, 333 London-road
Blackford John, 226 Southampton street
Biggs Walter, 42 Pell street
Blackford Sydney, 3 St. Johnâs road
Bignall William, 84 Whitley street
Blackford William, 55 Hill street
Bignall William E. 22 Fatherson road
Blackman Mrs. 20 Wykeham road
Bignell Mrs. 29 Elgar road
Blackmore Arthur, 50 Watlington street
Bignell William, 2 Swainstone road
Blackmore Chas. Fras. 92 Prince of Wales av
Biles F. 20 Stanley grove
Blackmore Mrs. Annie, 14 Hamilton road
Biles Mrs. 21 Foundry street
Blackwell Rev. Wm. Hy. 29 Eastern avenue
Billemore Arthur, The Bungalow, 71 Kid- Blackwell Alfred Charles, 28 Franklin street
more ro ad ,0
Blackwell Charles, 64 Queenâs road
Billett G. H. Glen Helen, 8 Warwick road
Blackwell George Herbert, 78 Addison road
Billington James, 78 Coventry road
Blackwell J. 1 & 2 Fife court
Bilson Alfred John, 56 Bedford road
Blackwell Mrs. 153 Oxford road
Bilson William Thomas, 3 Tilehurst road
Blake Albert Edward, 14 Kingâs Meadow rd
Bing Mrs. 4 Auckland road
Blake Bernard, 14 Princes street
Birch George Henry, 39 Upper Redlands rd Blake Frederick Jas. 13 Kingâs Meadow road