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Holland Freeman, 13 Talfourd avenue
Holt John, 142 Loudon road
Holland Miss, 29 The Grove
George, Nortbbourne, 23 MarlÂ
Holland .Sirs, t Prince of Wales avenue
Holland Thomas, a Atnlroso avenue
Holt Miss J. E. 19 Church street, C
Holland Thomas, 16 Wilson road
Holt Mrs. 86 Albany road
Holland William,' 34 Carnarvon road
Thomas, Aerodromo, Basingstoke road
Holland William, 13 i.lm Lodge avenue
Holt Walter, 13 Vastern road
Hollav H. E. 161 Friar street
Holt William, 31 Leopold road
Holley Albert Edward, 54 Hatherley road Holt William George, 12 Hill street
Holley Albert Hem V, 59 Orts road
Holtum Mrs. 23 Junction road
Holley Cileries, ¡89 Orts road
Holyoak George Herberi, 41 Charles street
Holley Charles Albert, 94 Rupert street
Home Thomas. 30 Wantage road
Holley William, 90 Blenheim road
Homer T. G. 94 Basingstoke road
Holliday Charles Heijry, 21 Valentiaroad Homfray Fredk. William, 34 St. Anneâs rd.C
Holliday John James, 17 Valentia road
Honeball George, 65 Basingstoke road
TIollicr George E. 137 Liverpool road
Honey Edward, 26 Tudor road
xlnllingvorth Charles Stephen, Lindum, 20 Honey Frederick, 53 Bedford road
Wooucote road, C â
Honey Frederick J. 199 Southampton street
Hollis John, 20 Grove cottages, C
Honey James William b.a. 222 Tilehurst rd
Hollis Mrs. 29 Alexandra road
Honey John, 73 Liverpool road
Hollis Mrs. 18 Coventry road
Honey Mrs. 58 Elm Park road
Hollis W.iliam Arthur, 39 George street
Honey Philip Edwin, 21 Christchurch road
Hollitt John, 1 Castle crescent
Honeybone William, 56 Donnington gardens
Holloway Charles Carter, 21 Richmond road Honor Mrs. 23 Mount Pleasant
Hood Jesse, 33 Green road
Holloway E. C. 27 Palmer Park avenue
Holloway Edwin, 77 Alpine street
Hood Miss Rosa a . j i u s . l . c . m . 5 Goldsmid rd
Hood William, 371 London road
Holloway Ernest, 11 Talfourd avenue
Holloway Frank, 56 Cromwell road, C.
Hook James Charles, 34 Filey road
Holloway Fredk. Ernest, 118 Caversham rd Hook Mrs. 61 Radstock road
J.k lloway Fredk. William, 31 Highgrove st Hookham Geo. Edwd. Ivydene, 10 Priest hl.C
Holloway George, 102 Beecham road
Hooper Jas. Tapsworth, 25 Marlborough av
Hooper Walter E. 16 Awberry place
Holloway George, 15 Freshwater road
Hopcraft Edwin, 32 Wokingham road
Holloway Harry, 50 Queenâs road
Holloway Herbert, 107 Blenheim gardens Hope Joseph Edward, 63 Queenâs road, C
Hope Mrs. 20 Greyfriars road
Holloway Henry, 40 Hatherley road
Hope Mrs. 148 Hemdean road, C
Holloway M. 8 Randolph road
Holloway 'Jrs. 9 John AâLarderâs buildings Hope Walter B. L.R.c.p.Lond., m . r . c . s . 2
Priory avenue, C
Holii'Way Mrs. 29 Soho street
Hopes William James, 7 Gower street
Holloway Mrs. L. A. 71 South street
Hopgood Francis William, 75 Kensington rd
Holloway Robert, 30 Liverpool road
Hopgood John, 14 Cannon street
Holloway William, 338 Rennet side
Eolloway William Henry. 91 St. Georgeâs rd Hopgood Mrs- 770 Oxford road
Holly Frederick James. 16 Northfield road Hopkins Albert Henry, 8 Melrose avenue
Hopkins Charles, 13 Lincoln road
Holly Mrs. 22 Letcombe street
HopkinsChas.Jas.Silvcrdale,36Blenheim rd.C
Holly Mrs. 20 St. John's road
Holman Isaac Albert, 18 Carnarvon road Hopkins George, 27 Howard street
Holmes Albert Henry, 86 Donnington gdns Hopkins Herbert James, 230 Oxford road
Holmes Alfred, Oakhurst, 33 Priest hill, C Hopkins James, 11 Ardler road, C
Hopkins John, 397 London road
Holmes Ernest, 19 St. Johnâs street
John Josey, 21 ltnpert street
Holmes Frederick, 6a Donnington gardens Hopkins
Hopkins Joseph, 3 Ardler road, C
HolrrnWFerderick, n Filey road
Mrs. 127 Caversham road
Holmes George, 278 Liverpool road
Hopkins Mrs. 83 Mount Pleasant
Holmes Mrs. 59 Donnington road
Holmes Henry Charles, 238 Liverpool road Hopkins Mrs. 36 Norfolk road
Hopkins Mrs. 73 Silver street
Holmes Jesse, 91 Southampton street
Holmes John William, 58 Essex street
Hopkins Sydney, 23 Salisbury road
Hopkins Thomas, 3 Hemdean hill, C
Holmes Mrs. 24 De Moutfort road
Hopkins William H. 9 Junction road
Holmes Mrs. 37 Foxhill road
Holmes Mrs. Edward, 75 Alexandra road Hopkinson Bertram, 26 Swainstone road
Holmes-Walker Fred W. 28 Waverley road Hopton Ernest William, 50 Swainstono road
HornbyGen. E. J. Phipps, loChristChurch gdns
Ho't Frederick, 13 Brigham road