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Brant James Elbro, 417 London road
Brant Mrs. 43 Radstock road
Bray Charles, 92 A m ity road
Bray George W illiam, Glenthome, 13 Bath
road. T N 187
B ray Harry S. 239 Waverley road
B ray John, 72 Hatherley road
B ray Wilfrid, 39 Lom e street
Brazell Walter James, 45 Cardigan road
Brazier H arry, 60 Camavon road
Breach Benjamin, 29 Awberry terrace
Breach Peter, 9 Grange avenue
Breadmore William, 55 Gloucester road
Bream Mrs. 58 Catherine street
Breedon Miss, Milverton, 83 Crescent road
Breedon William, Milverton, 83 Crescent rd
Breeze George, 31 Eldon terrace
Brench W alter Henry, 87 Beecham road
Brend H. 25 Highmoor road, C
Brereton John, 16 Radstock road
Brett Thomas J. 95 St. Peterâs road
Brewer Henry, 23 Radstock road
Brewer James Thomas, 112 Rupert street
Brewer John, 106 Rupert street
Brewer Mrs. 22 Essex street
Brewer Mrs. Ingleside, 31 Culver road
Brewer Mrs. 12 Lower Armour rd. Tilehurst
Brewster Albert J. 32 Russell street
Brewster Albert James, 14 Kingsgate street
Briant William, 34 Westfield road, C
Brice Thomas, 74 Curzon street
Brickland Walter, 69 Vastern road
Bridcutt Mrs. 57 Upper Crown street
Brideeman Arthur William,241 W averley rd
Bridgeman Mrs. 53 Chatham street
Bridger John Exall, 80 Queenâs road
Bridges Frederick, 66 Whitley Wood lane
Bridges John, Palmerstone, 6 Belle avenue
Bridgewater George, 8 Freshwater road
Bridgewater William, The Rowans, 30 Kidmore road, C
Bridgman Frederick T. 10 Donnington road
Briggs Edgar, 85 Cardigan road
Briggs Francis, 23 St. Johnâs road, C
Briggs George Henry, 22 Crescent road
Briggs William, 28 Radstock road
Brigham George Loftus, 27 Eastern avenue
Bright George, 74 Westfield road, C
B right Mrs. 5 Waylen street
Bright William Henry, 7 George street
B right William John, 55 Bedford road
Brightman William, 6 George street
Brill Ernest, 17 Mount Pleasant grove
Brill Frederick, 12 Cambridge place
Brill J. 135 Queenâs road
Brill Mrs. 3 Lavender place
Brill Mrs. 20 Prince of Wales avenue
Brill Walter John, 87 Field road
Brill William, 49 Chatham street
Brind George, 37 Milman road
Brind George William, M yrtle cottago, 26
Conisbroâ avenue, C
Brind J. R. 87 Great Knollys street
Brind L. 5 Essex street
Brind William, 41 Bcresford road
Brindley Edward, 88 Orts road
Brindley George Edward, r South street
Brindley James, 1 Donnington gardens
Brinn W. J. Justins, Berkeley ho.35 Bath rd
Brinn William, 137 Elgar road
Brinsden Jas. Fr. dk. Blundells rd. Tilehurst
Brinson John Paul r . b . a . West Woodlands,
54 Tilehurst road
Brinson Mrs. S. West Woodlands, 54 TileÂ
hurst road
Bristow Herbert, 70 Prospect street, C
Bristow Mrs. 19 Donnington road
Bristow Mrs. 22 Howard street
Bristow Mrs. 19 Prince of Wales avenue
Bristowe Alfred, 45 Pell street
Britain William Charles, 19 Lincoln road
Britt Charles, 89 Norton road
Brittain Rev. William b . a . , b . d . [vicar of St.
John the Evangelist], St. John s vicarage,
3 Victoria square
BntteU Thomas, 41 Norton road
Britton Samuel, 53 St. Peterâs road
Britton William Charles, School house, BasÂ
ingstoke road
Britton William James, 20 Elm Lodge aven
Broad Miss, Stratfield, 37 College road
Broad Robert, Lynwood, 17 Redlands road.
T N 1189
Broadbear Cornelius, 51 Beresford road
Broadbear William, 8 Bishopâs road
Broadbeard Samuel, 77 Wantage road
Broadbent Col. John Edward C . B . , E . E . , j . p .
(retired), Fvnesbury, 6 Sonthcote road
Broadhurst George, 80 Donnington gardens
Broadburst Miss, The Meadow, Grosvenor rd
Broadhurst Mrs. 38 Blenheim road
Broadley Arthur, 37 Melrose avenue
Broadrip William, 22 Leopold road
Broadway Alfred, 25 Eldon square
Brock Frederick George, 80 Cholmeley road
Brock Percy, 22 Audlev street
Brockbank John, 47 Cromwell road, C
Brockman Louis H. 125 St. Georgeâs road
Brockway Mrs. The Grove, C
Brogden Sidney, 9 Kew terrace, Kentwood
hill, Tilehurst
Bromley Benjamin, 1 Priest hill, C
Bromley Edwin J. Cromer, 20 Victoria road,
Bromwich D. 12 Basingstoke road
Bronsdon Mrs. Fernleigh, 10 Rectory road,C
Brook Albert E. 29 Talfourd avenue
Brook Harry, 5 Dorothy street
Brooke Mrs. 2 Lynmouth road
Brooke Neville, 6 Glebe road
Brooker Amos, 2 Prince of Wales avenue