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Bum Joseph Slater, 42 Audley street
Burnett Alfred, 57 Norfolk road
Burney Herman b . a . Westeombe, 47 KenÂ
drick road
Burnham Edmund Thos. 16 Hampden rd. C
Burnham James, Ladysmith, 14 Western
Elms avenue
Burnham Miss, 108 Caversham road
Burnham Sidney, 14 Donnington road
Burnham Thomas Joseph, 9 Rupert street
Burnham Walter Henry, 44'Star road, C :
Burns Mrs. 21 Clifton street
Barrage Albert, 56 George street
Barrage Thomas, Henley road, 0
Burrell Ebenezer, 29 Hampden road, C
Burrell Edwin. 77 Grovelands road
Burrell Robert, 24 Wellington street
Burrell William, 23 St. Johnâs street
Barrett Edward Charles, 50 Essex street
Burrett Edwin John, 94 Southampton street
Burrett Harry, 274 Liverpool road
Burrett John A, 20 Foxhill road
Barrett Mrs. 14 Junction road
Burrett 8ydney Edwin, 8 Prospect street
Burridge James, 2 Glenbeigh terrace
Burridge Mrs. 63 Cranbury road
Burroughs Mrs. 21 Russell street
Burroughs William James, 20 Swainstone rd
Burrows Bonham William, 87 Cholmeley rd
Burrows David, 83 Cholmeley road
Burrows Henry, 5 West hill
Burrows James Luke, 90 Addison road
Burrows John William, 96 Cumberland road
Burrows Mrs. 89 Southampton street
Barson Mrs. 15 Denmark road
Burt Ernest, 365 London road
Burt Henry W. 9 Cranbury road
Burt Mrs. 93 Am ity road
Burt Mrs. 70 Cardigan road
Burt Simon, 42 St. Bartholomewâs road
Burtenshaw Harry, 69 Salisbury road
Bnrtenshaw John Martin, St. Catherines, 11
Kidmore road, C
Burton A. F. 14 Tidmarsh street
Burton Albert, 31 Zinzan street
Burton Alfred, 47 Leopold road
Burton Alfredo William, 130 Kingâs road
Burton Arthur Edward, 30 Swansea road
Burton Christopher James, 4 Hatherley road
Burton Ernest, 42 Liverpool road
Burton Ernest, 84 Radstoek road
Burton Fred, 25 Hampden road, C
Burton Frederick, Sunnyside,} Eastern av
Burton George Edward, 21 Briants aven. C
B u r t o n Harry, 8 Crescent road
Burton Harry, Devonia, 10 Matlock road, C
Burton Henry, 42 Hatherley road
Burton Jack, 127 Liverpool road
Burton Mrs. 46 Harrogate road, C
Burton Mrs. 42 Milman road
Burtsal Robert William, 41 Wilton road
Busby Charles, 7 Kentwood view, Lower
Armour road, Tilehurst
Busby Mrs. Spes Bona, 29 South View av. C
Bush Brice, 113 Kingâs road, C
Bush James, 143 Elm Park road
Bnsh Mrs. 22 Basingstoke road
Bushell Alfred, 56 Wallington street
Bushell Ernest Henry, 83 Liverpool road
Bushell John, 36 Southampton stree
Bushell Mrs. 8 Church street
Bushell Mrs. 52 Whitley street
Bushell William, 13 Am ity road
Busher Charles, 21 Kingsgate street
Bushnall Edwin, 81 Blenheim road, C
Buss Charles Edward, 10 George street
Buss Mrs. 20 Lincoln road
Bnss Mrs. 17 Thorn street
Buss Nelson Paul, 224 Liverpool road
Bussell Mrs. 57 Queenâs road
Buswcll H. D. 41 Kendrick road
Buswell Mrs. 19 Oxford street, C
Buswell Mrs. South wold, 7 Erleigh road
Batcher Frederick Henry, 37 Henry street
Butcher George, 33 St. Johnâs wood
Butcher Jesse William, 44 Bulmershc road
Butcher Luke, 6 Sparrow court
Butcher Mrs. 113 Cholmeley road
Butcher Mrs. 25 Donnington gardens
Butcher Mrs. Headingley, 56 Albert road, C
Butcher Mrs. 60 Mount Pleasant
Butcher Mrs. 122 Sherwood street
Bulcher Robert, 43 Cholmeley road
Butcher Thomas Deely, 14 Eastern avenue
Butcher W illiam, 127 Beecham road
Butler Sergt.-Miflor James, 73 W averley rd
Butler Albert Edwin, 120 Westfield road, C
Butler Arthur Kedleston, 21 Blenheim rd. C
Butler Benjamin H. 18 Morgan road
Butler C. 8r Cholmeley road
Butler Charles, 11 Kingsgate street
Butler Chas. Jas. Hamington,3i Talfourd av
Butler Edmund Thomas, 8 Orto road
Butler Edwin, 61 Cbolmeley road
Butler Ernest William, 33 Palmer Park aven
Butler Frank, 162 London road
Butler Frank, 35 Lom e street
Butler Frdk.8 Tuns Hill cots. Wokingham rd
Butler Harry, Fairholme, 208 Tilehurst road
Butler Harry, 6 Sackville street
Butler Henry, 37 Beresford road
Butler Henry George, 95 Cholmeley road
Butler Henry John, 25 Blenheim road
Butler Henry William Thos. 150 London rd
Bntler Herbert George, 46 Liverpool road
Butler John Herbert, 21 Victoria street
Butler John Thomas, 6 Eldon street
Butler Miss, Kirkland, 35 Christchurch road
Butler Miss Caroline E. 239 Oxford road
Butler Mrs. 195 Caversham road
Butler Mrs. 37 S t Georgeâs terrace