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je i
jy Edward George, 35 Wilton road Ryan Lotus, 32 Norfolk road
Ryan Thomas, 25 Abbey square
) Edwin, 48 Newport road
Ryder George, 23 .Montague street
, t ce Joseph, 49 Caversham road
.add Sidney Charles, 93 Waverley road Ryder Joseph, 103 JDc Beauvoir road
Ry ler Mrs. 141 London road
uddell Jesse Edward, 148 Wilson road
uddock Bernard, Atheldene, 19Alexandra rd Ryder Richard, The Grove, C
Ryder William H.irry, 61 Cromwell road, C
.uddock Misses, 24 Russell street
udge Frederick Samuel, Highclere, 91 Kid- Rydill Louis R. 27 Clifton street
Ryley Frederick Charles, 6t Highgrove st
more road, C
udman Ernest Arthur, 93 Whiteknights rd Rymill.Frederick, 83 Grovelands road
â.udman George Henry, 89 Coventry road Sacret Joseph Humphrey, 232 Wokingham ri
Sadler Arthnr Roza), 24 Matlock road, C
vuiman Walter, 28 William street
Sadler George Ernest, 8 St. Edwardâs road
'uffell Edward, 152 Oxford road
'.uffell Robert Edward, 17 Crown street Sadler Jonn, 106 Addison road
Sadler Miss, ltedcroft, 167 Wokingham road
â¢.uffell Thomas, 82 Queenâs road
Sadler Thomas, 28 Grange avenue
Juffles Herbert Henry, 9 Field road
Sadler Thomas Charles, 3 George street
iule Arthur, 20 Vachel road
Jumble Alfred George, 86 Whitley Wood la Sadler William, Plas^ey, Holmes road
Sadler William Alfred, co St. E (wardâs road
tumble George, 6o a , East street
â¡mble George, 126 Whitley Wood lane Sigon Mrs. 9 Wokingham road
amble George H. 6 Church street
Sainsbury Charles Eduard, Pretoria, 31
amble Harry, 266 Kingâs road
Conisbroâavenue, C
Sainsbury Flenry William,Mafeking, St Kidamble Latimer A. 22 Holmes road
xmbold Walter Thomas, 19 Carnarvon rd more road, C
St. Clair Alfred Uongworth, 82 Elmhurst rd
amming Mrs. 9 Clifton street
St. John Edward Henry Ellis, 148 Oxford rd
umsey Harry, 13 Queenâs cottages
jndell Miss, 7 Alexandra road
Sale Walter George, i 3 Homtlean road. C
Sales Cecil F. 27 Victoria road, Titehnrst
undle James, 15 William street
Sales Frederick William, 28 St. Edward's rd
-nge Conrad, Penlee, Oakley road, C
anham Harry, Cholderton lodge, 107 Nor- Sales Harold S. 52 Brunswick street.
cot road, Tilehurst
Sales Herbert, 5 St. Edwardâs road
Salisbury Albert, 11 Hamilton road
unham Richard, 48 William street
aoff Mrs 46 Russell street
Salm. n Amidee V.B. esX. 54 WestcrnKhv.c- RV
â «bridge Arthur h . r . s . i . 241 Oxford road Salmon George, 64 Basingstoke road
â¢use Miss, Cherwell, Bath road, Calcot
Salmon Miss A. G. 9t Crescent road
ash George, 18 Addison road
Salmon Mrs. 31 Amity road
Salmon William, The Cedars, 93 0 : ascent rd
tush Harry George, 66 Swansea road
â¢ush Mrs. 23 Caversham road
Salt Edwin, 44 Battle street
-ash Mrs. 2 Commercial hall
Salt H. C. 9 Victoria street
tsh W. 2 Stanley street
Salt Thomas, 254 Liverpool road
Salter Alfred, Fernbaflk, 3 Ilemdeun rise, C
tush. William, Emmer green, C
Salter Edwin, 42 Cardigan road
tosher Mrs. 47 Elgar road
Salter F. 6 Donnington gardens
â.usher Mrs. 7 Howard place
ââ nshton George, 4 Crane court
Salter George, 33 llancue-ter road
Sampsqn Albert, 13 Coventry road
.ussell Augustin, 6 Fatherson road
Samuel Ernest Walter, 195 Cranbury road
Russell Benjamin, 16 Kidmore road, C
Samuell Chas. Qncensclific, 38 Kidmore rd.C
Russell Charles, 1 Argyle road
Samways Arthur, 56 Grange avenue
Russell Ernest, 23 College road
Sandall George, 38 Westlield road, C
Russell Frank, 16 St. Edwardâs road
Sanders Ernest James, 158 Wantage road
Russell Frederick, 94 Blenheim road
Russell Frederick James, 13 Leopold road Sanders Henry Richard, 14 Addison road
Grove hill, O
Russell Geo. Ernest, Inglewood, 27 College rd Sanderson Sir Percy
Russell George John Thomas, 30 Amity road Sanderson Henry, 19 Hagley road
Sanderson Miss Lucy, Grove bill, C
Russell Jobn, 159 Waverley road
Sangwell Charles, 8 Rupert street
Russell John Henry, 35 Orts road
Sansom G. H. 49 London stroot
Russell Miss, 20 Bath road
Russell Miss, Warren view, Dp. Warren av.C Sansone John, 40 Henry street
Sansum Mrs. 19 Chester street, C
Russell Miss, 13 Victoria square
nsseH Mrs. 32 Amity road
Sansum Richard, 9 Briants avenue, C
Sarchet Alfred Henry, 6t Vastcra road
ssell Walter Ernest, 93 Queen's road
Sargeant Mrs. 84 Trines of Wales avenue
ussoll William, 148 London road
k .c .m .o .