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Selw »y H enry, 56 N orthum berland avenue Sharp James, Henley road, C
Sharp John William, 4 Kent road
Selwoy Mrs. 5 Christ church, road
Sharp Leonard, 24 Hemdean hill, C
Setway Mrs. 8 Glenbeigh terrace
Sergeant Alfred Harrison, 37 Addington rd Sharp Mrs. 616 Oxford road
Sessions Ernest Edwd. 64 Pnnce of Wales av Sharp William, 48 Letcombe street
Sharpe Jesse Herbt. 22 Northumberland av
Sessions Frederick, 38 Letcombe street
Settle G. W. R. Newland, Kentwood hill, Sharpe Mrs. Corbiere, 19 Kidmore road, C
Sharpe Reginald, ib Belle Vue road
Settles George William, 25 Kidmore road, C Sharpe Sidney Jas. Tintern,32 Matlock rd.C
Sharpe William Henry, 50 Harrogate rd. C
Seward George, S5 George street
Sharpe William Thomas, 150 Caversham rd
Seward J. 61 Chatham street
Sharps Miss b . a . Wessex hall, Redlands
Seward James, 27 Waylen street
Sharps Mrs. 19 Lome street
Seward Mrs. 1 Pell street
Seward Thomas James, 10 Franklin street Sbaw Alfred, 19 Manchester road
Seward Thomas Vincent, 6 Prospect street Shaw Charles G. j o Forbury
Seward William John, 46 Bedford road , Shaw Charles Garibaldi, Pine cones, 1 Di reU
road, C
Sewell John William, 6 Valentia road
Sewell Mrs. 230 Kingâs road
Shaw Mrs. Hollington house,27 HamiltiP rc*
Sewrey James R. P. 44 Market place
Shaw Ernest, 8 John AâLarderâs building.
Sexton Edward John, 100 Foxhill road
Shaw Thomas, 62 Catherine street
Sexton Henry, 3 Richmond road
Shayler Charles, 89 Queenâs road
Seymour Albert Edwd. 84 Whitley Wood la
Seymour Arthur, 81 Hatherley road
Shea Major S. 0 . 4 Southcote road w«,t
Seymour Charles, 103 Liverpool road
Shearing William George, 6 Blenheim rCiâ
Seymour Ernest Edward, 29 Norton road Shearwood
Mrs. 323 London road
Seymour Frank, 25 Chesterman street
Sherwood street
Seymour Frank William, 7 Amity road
George, 15 Hemdean hill
Seymour Henry, 17 Rowley road
Sheldon Frederick George, 28 The Moun
Seymour Jack, 3 Providence place
Sbeldrick Francis, 107 Oxford road
Seymour Joseph, 69 St. Peterâs road
Sheldrick Mrs. J. 71 Blenheim road
Seymour Mrs. 123 Amity road
Shell Mrs. 36 St. Bartholomewâs road
Seymour Mrs. 18 Crown street
Shelton Alfred, 64 Briants avenue, C
Seymour Richard, 5 Caroline street
Shepard Mrs. 21 Swainstone road . ,
3 eymour Robert, 63 Queenâs road
Shephard Alexander, 58 De Beauvi!\£°
Seymour Thomas, 104 Amity road
Shephard Thomas, 25 Letcombe street ,
Seymour Walter, 43 Vastern road
Sln>i<uerdA.f(l.Ainsdale,51Victoria r-5 uehrst
Seymour William, 17 Amity road
Shepherd Ah>ed, 1 Hazell cour
Seymour William, 3 Brigham road
Shepherd Arthur Stephen. - 7° Wantage rd
Shackel Harry, 2 Salisbury road
Shepherd Charlesi'^sJâocroft avenue
Shackle Frederick C. 41 Prince of Wales av Shepherd Francis, 87 Coventry road
Shackleford Alfred, 42 Freshwater road Shepherd Frank, 57 Liverpool road
Shackleford Charles, 11 Church street
Shepherd H. 9 Somerset place
Shackleford Charles, 39 Donnington gardens Shepherd Henry, 96 Curzon street
Shackleford Edward, 12 Leopold road
Shepherd Henry, 124 Wykeham road
Shackleford Henry Joseph, 3 Kingsgate st Shepherd Henry Chas. Eversley, 8 Belle av
Shackleford Miss, io Rowley road
Shepherd Henry James, 40 Salisbury road
Shackleford Mrs. 128 Beecham road
Shepherd Isaac, 30 Norton road
3hackleford Mrs. 60 Mount street
John, 77 Baker street
Shackleford Mrs. 10 Rowley road
Shepherd Mark, 31 Beecham road
Shackleford Mrs. 5 Union sqnare
Shepherd Miss, 112 Queenâs road
Shackleford Sami. Fairlight, 15 Waverley rd Shepherd Misses, 126 Whitley street
Shackleford Victor G. n6 Wantage road Shepherd Mrs. Ben Wyvis, 84 Hamilton road
Shalless Fabin, 83 Wantage road
Shepherd Mrs. 47 Orts road
Shavman Frederick, 68 Liverpool road
Shepherd Mrs. 22 St. Johnâs road
Sharp Alfred Ernest, 15 Marlborongh aven Shepherd William, 88 Rupert street
Sharp Benjamin m.a,. 8 Christ Church gdns Sheppard Arthur C. 18 Melrose avenue
Sharp Charles, 2 Hemdean hill, C
Shep11ardEdwinJ.Carisbrorjke.31 Albert rd- C
Sharp Edward Pearson, 31 Field road
Mrs. 30 Cambridge street
Sharp George, 20 Rupert street
Mrs. 26 Waylen street
(harp George Henry, 5 Cromwell road, C Sheppard Owen,
44 Carnarvon road '5
Sharp James, 85 Baker street
Sheppy Frederick Jn. 13 St. Bartholomewâs t <1