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33» W A T
Watts John, 19 St. Peterâs road
Webber Geo. Herbert Daniel, 88 Wantage rd
Watts John, 81 Short street, C
Webber Misses, South dene, 72 Hamilton rd
Watts Joseph Evans, 764 Oxford road
Weblcy Miss. 12 Russell street
Watts Mark, 72 Coventry road
Webster Alfred Ernest, 41 Palmer Park aven
Watts Miss, 12 Salisbury road
Webster E. F. 61 Whiteknights road
Watts Mrs. 2 Champion road, C
Webster Frederick, 82 Cardigan road
Watts Mrs. 69 Filey road
Webster Frederick John, 53 Curzon street
Watts Mrs. 39 Grovelands road
Webster William, 5 Hamilton road
Watts Mrs. 3 Union square
Wedlake Edwd.Fieldhead,228Wokingham rd
Watts William, 131 Caversham road
William, Xenophen, 67 Bath road
Watts William, 126 Liverpool road
Weedon Misses, 31 Coley hill
Watts-Wilkinson Misses, 15 Victoria square Weeks Frederick Thomas, 23 Grange avenue
Wauge Albert, 87 Blenheim road
Weeks James, 237 Basingstoke road
Waugh Samuel Edwin, 162 Hemdean rd. C Weeks Mrs 57 Bedford road
Way Alex. VV. J. Nansan, 42 Albert rd. C Weeks Mrs. 23 George street
Way Joseph, 128 Wilson road
Weeks William, 15 Highgrove street
Waylen Thomas, 40 Coventry road
Weeks William, 39 Northumberland avenue
Wayman John, 51 Howard street
Weeler Harry, 14 William street
Weait Albert, 50 Freshwater road
Weelhouse Mrs. Maisonette, 17 Hemdean
Weait Arthur, 20 Watlington street
rise. C
Weait Frederick Thomas, 138 Amity road Weight Albert Frederick, 60 Curzon'street
Weait George. 8 Victoria street
Weight Alfred, 267 Wykeham road
Weait Herbert Thomas, 83 Hatlierley road Weight Henry, 42 Curzon street
Weait Walter Henry, 23 Beresford road
Weight Martin, 6 Highgrove street
Weait William Arthur, 8 Cardigan road Weight Martin Henry, 21 Rowley road
Wparing Walter, 64 George street, C
Weight Mrs. 57 Pitcroft avenue
Weathcrall William, 84 Amit\ road
Weight Sidney Martin. 80 Grange avenue
Weatherly Mrs. 51 Gloucester road
Welburn George Hy. Capri, Wukingham rd
Weaver Donald, 110 Caversham road
Welch James, 34 Franklin street
Weaver Mrs. 202 Liverpool road
Welch William Frank. 21 Milman road
Webb Albert C. 21 Ormsby street
Weldon Col. Frank, Erllmount, 133 WokingÂ
Webb Albert James, 13 Hathcrley road
ham road
Welfarp Mrs. 37 Hemdean road, C
Webb Alfred, 62 Prospect street. C
Webb Alfred, 28 School road, Tilehurst
Welland Charles, 63 St. Peterâs road
Webb Arthur, 221 Southampton street
Welland Frederick, 16 De Beanvoirroad
Webb Charles Wm. Geo. 1 Hampden rd. C Welland Wm. Richard, 156 Southampton st
Wellbelovo Mrs. 40 Crescent road
Webb Edward, 27 Salisbury road
Weller Alfred, 64 Carnarvon road
Webb Frederick, 17 Argyle street
Weller Allan, 71 Highgrove street
Webb George, 7 Boult street
Webb George James, 12 Blenheim gardens Weller Charles, 63 Donnington gardens
We'ler Cyril Francis, 7 Rowley road
Webb George Steward, 2 Gower street
Webb George William J.p., f. r.i . b.a. 119 Weller Henry, 1 Dorothy street
Weller Herbert, 5 Hampden road, C
Castle hill
Weller Mrs. 264 Kingâs road
Webb Harry, 44 Highgrove street
Weller Mrs. 5 River road
Webb Henry, 64 Christchurch road
Weller Mrs. E. 224 Southampton street
Webb John, 45 De Montfort road
Webb Joseph Anthony, 42 Beecham road Wellman James, 207 Orts road
Mrs. 4 Victoria street
Webb Mrs. 100 Addison road
Wellman William A , 50 Donnington gardens
Webb Mrs. 90 Catherine street
Wellman William Charles, 14 School terrace
Webb Mrs. 183 Great Knollys street
Wells Alfred Joseph, 128 Whitley Wood lane
Webb Mrs. F. E. 46 Addison road
Webb Richard Wm. 20 Edinburgh road Wells Arthur, 7 Bryanstone square
Webb Samuel Charles, 97 Catherine street Wells Artbur G. 16 Albany road
Webb Samuel Charles, 10 Victoria street Wells Arthur G. 10 De Montfort road
Wells Arthur John, 33 Cromwell road; C
Webb Thomas, 32 Letcombe street
Webb Thomas, Pendlnas, 38 Blenheim rd. C Wells Bertie, 20 Gosbronk street, C
Webb Walter, 56 Addison road
Wells Charles, 18 Basingstoke road
Webb Walter Edward, 170 Beecham road Wells Charles, 40 Somers town
Wells Clifford, 73 Donnlngton road
Webb William, 24 Princes street
Webb \\ illiam Benjamin. 74 Ilatherley road Wells Eli, 130 Liverpool road
Wells Ernest, 47 §t. Peterâs road
Webber Alfred, 26 Orts road