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Ã1 0 J 3
Rob-kv-on John, 10 St. Bartholomewâs road
Henry Charles, 18 Freshwater road
Bobimon John Charles, 19 Valentia road Rose
Rose James, 43 Essex street
Robinson Joseph, 9 Norris road
Rose James, 97 Waverley road
Robinson Mrs. 37 Curzon street
Rose John, 1r Henry street
Robin-.m Mra. Parkhurst, Grosvenor road, Rose
John Chase, 14 St. Peterâs hill, C
_ C. T N 1046
Mrs. 97 Cranbury road
I.obinronMrs. 1gTnnsIIill cots.Wokingham rd Rose
Mrs. Frilsham, 10 Warwick road
Koliin<on Oscar, $11 Oxford road
Robinson Robert Frederick A. 10 Body road Rose Mrs. 64 Kingâs
Robinson Sydney, 14 S ivansea road
Woodcote rd.C
K iiJuson Thomas, 60 Edinburgh road
ivol'inron '.YiUiam, Fernville, 34 Priory av. C
William, 46 Carnarvon road
Robinson William J. 19 Katesgrovo lane Rose
Rosher George, 19 Shenstone road
Robinson William Thomas, 6 Newport road Rosier
Frederick Wm. 100 Donnington gdns
Enh.itham Mrs. 115 London road
Rosier James, 27 Letcombe street
Rob >oa Mrs. 409 London road
Rosier Mrs. 4 De Beauvoir road
lick-on Reginald Herbt. Fircroft,Shinfield rd Rosier Walter, 25 Amity road
jlodwav Thomas, s Northfield road
Rosier Walter Orlando, 22 Amity road
Rogers Albert, 51 Liverpool road
Wilfred John, 83 Wantage road
Rogers Arthur Wilfred, Tregenna, 1 Alex Rosier Wilfred
John, 47 Waverley road
andra Ten 1 " Vv,
Rosmond Mrs. Larkfield, 73 Albert road, C
. Regers Edward, 19 William street
Ross Andrew White, 66 Hemdean road
fingers Francis, 123 Kingâs road
Rosser Mrs. E. 132 Oxford road
Rogers G. H. 30 Alexandra road
Rothwell Mrs. 56 Swansea road
Rogers George, 133 Liverpool road
Round George Henry, 176 Heradean road, C
Rogers George Edward Bonldorson, Ken Rourke Albert William, 2 Richmond road
drick rise, Kendrick road. T N 968
Rourke Andrew James, 21 Field road
Rogers George Ilcnry, 24 Norwood road Ronrke
Miss, 29 Norfolk road
Rogers Georg" J. 36 Grange avenue
Rouse Edward G. 23 Caversham road
Rogers Jesse, 20 Futherson road
Rouse Edwin, 630 Oxford road
Rogers John, 4 Liverpool road
Rouse George Arthur, 223 Oxford road
Rogers Job:., 13 Norris road
Rouse Mrs. 12 Elm Lodge avenue
Rogers Juveph Edward, 32 Palmer Park av Rousell Mrs. 37 Victoria road
Rogers Louis Leslie, 93 Connaught road Routh Henry, 26 Carnarvon road
Roger.1Mrs. ¡7 Belmont road
Routh Henry William, 34 Carnarvon road
F.o:rers Mr-:. 6< Cromwell road, C
Routh John Martin, Goodwyns, Church
3! â'¡its Mrs. 13 Ilighgrove street
End iano, Calcot
Rogers Mrs. 121 St. Georgeâs road
Routh Misses, St. Michaelâs cottage, Church
fing-rs Mrs. 95 V. nMington street
End lane, Calcot
Ungers Mr . ii Zinzan street
Routh Reginald, 8 The Mount
Rogers Richmond .In. sen. So Watlington st Routh Wm. Pole, Oakfield, 48 Redlands rd
Rogers Robert, 63 Swainstone road
Rowcroft Mrs. Carrick-a-rede, Clevedon
Rogers Tom Giddiugs, 52 College road
road, Tilchurst
Regers Wiâlinm, 30 Donnington road
Rowe Albert, 14 Elm Lodge avenue
Rogrrsen 11. W. 33 Palmer Park avenue Rowe Arthur, 1 Radstock road
Itobrluuh Harold Jniius, 120 Tilehurst road Rowe Ernest, 23 Coventry road
Rcl/o Charles J. 73 Beeehara road
Rowe Hubert Blatchford,34'Up. Redlands rd
Rolfo David, 23 Edinburgh road
Rowe Mrs. 144 Southampton street
Rowo William, 50 Radstock road
Jlulfo Sidney, 17 St. Edwardâs road
Rowe William Henry, 12 Tudor road
II. die 'William Honrs .'03 Oxford roadâ
Hollo lion. Erie Norm n, Elcot,7 Derby rd.C Rowland Edward Walton Spencer b .a .
cantab., M.n.c.s., L.n.c.P.Lond.317 Oxford
Roman cV.iueis vVilli .J., 77 Addison road
road & Inversnaid, 11 Southcote road.
Roolrc William. 26 Biiants avenue, C
T N 673
lloper Mrs. 19 Mount Pleasant grove
Rowland John William, 21 Priory avenue, C
Ro-c Alb-art, 26 Stanley street
Rowland Thomas, 367 London road
Rose Arthur, 64 Cnrzon street
Rose Bârnard Marlow,Pinehurst,Oakley rd.C Rowiand-Smith Mrs.Braxton, 11 Dbrbyrd.C
Jtore Chao.Fredk. Bernard, 17 Westlield rd.C Rowlands Mrs. 8 Amity road
lio'-e David p.p. 137 Southampton street Rowlatt John Hugh Barnes, 22 Bishopâs rd
Rowles Henry, 146 Kingâs road
Ro-rc George, 148 Wantage road
Rowles W. D, 14 Upper Redlands road
Rose George Uenry, 33 Biker street