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TB IT i l l
Smith Archibald George, s Green road
Smith Henry, Grenfell, 51 Blenheim road, C
Smith Arthur Edward, The Retreat, 83 Smith Henry, 43 Hatherley road
Grovelands road
Smith Henry, 167 Waverley road
Smith Bertram, 114 Amity road
Smith Henry Charles, 18 Kussell street
Smith C. 73 Grovelands road
Smith Herbert, 106 Wantage road
Smith Charles, 17 Baker street
Smith Horace, 120 Basingstoke road
Smith Charles, 90 Beecham road
Smith Howard R. Hillsboroâ, 4 Glebe road
Smith Charles, 51 Hill street
Smith James, 85 Cbolmeley road
Smith Charles, 36 Talfourd avenue
Smith James, 4 Hagley road
Smith Charles, 4 Kew terrace, Kentwood Smith James, 19 Hampden road, C
hill, Tilehurst
Smith James, n Letcombe street
Smith Charles Arthur, 13 Liverpool road Smith James, 32 Recreation road, Tilehurst'
Smith Charles Georgo Henry, Charlton, 10 Smith James, 24 Valentia road
Blenheim road, C
Smith James, 66 Westfield road, C
Smith Charles Henry, 12 Thames avenue Smith James Bertini, 12 Melrose avenue
Smith Charles Herbert, St. Brelades, 48 Smith Jas. Hy. Burderop, 60 Kidmore rd.
Smith John, is Donningiton gardens
Talfourd avenue
Smith Charles Steward j.p. Casa, 76 Elm Smith John, 52 Waldeck street
hurst road
Smith John, 84 Wantage road
Smith John, 107 Watlington street
Smith Cornelius, 5 Ardler road, C
Smith John Thomas, 3 Kingâs Meadow road
Smith Daniel, 9 Princes street
Smith E. 7 Broadway buildings. Station rd Smith Jonah Newman, 6 School terrace
Smith Jordan, Briantcroft, Grosvenor rd. C
Smith E. A. 136 Chatham street
Smith Joseph, 44 Catherine street
Smith E'. G. 79 Whiteknights road
Smith Joseph George, 45 Westfield road, C
Smith Edgar Charles, 88 Beecham road
Smith Edward, Holmlea, 84 Albert road, C Smith Maurice Henry ¿has. 77 Catherine st
Smith Miss, Carwinion, 89 Crescent road
Smith Edward, 171 Orts road
Smith Miss Edith, 92 Crescent road
Smith Edwin, 26 Highmoorroad, C
Smith Miss F. 19 Eastern avenue
Smith Elijah, 16 Blenheim road
Smith Mrs. 128 Basingstoke road
Smith Ernest, 22 Prospect street
Smith Mrs. 146 Beecham road
Smith Ernest, 37 Swaiustone road
Smith Mrs. Bordyke, 16 Albert road, C
Smith Ernest Albert, 7 Essex street
Smith F. The Lodge, Nine Elms iron works, Smith Mrs. 101 Brunswick street
Smith Mrs. 36 Carnarvon road
Oxford road
Smith Mrs. 19 College road
Smith Francis George, 331 Oxford road
Smith Mrs. 151 Cranbury road
Smith Frank, 37 Ches.erman street
Smith Mrs. 21 Edgehill street
Smith Frederick, 16 Addison road
Smith Mrs. 78 Edgehill street
Smith Frederick, 54 Amity road
Smith Mrs. Beaumont, 11 Erleigh road
Smith Frederick, 106 Amity road
Smith Mrs. 14 Filey road
Smith Frederick, 46 Gosbrook street, C
Smith Frederick Charles, 32 Amity road Smith Mrs. 2 Great Knollys street
Smith Mrs. 131 Great Knollys street
Smith Frederick Ernest, 32 Filey road
Smith Frederick James, 45 Clifton street Smith Mrs. 87 Highgrove street
Smith Frederick W. Melrose, 23 Culver road Smith Mrs. 3 Hope street
Smith Mrs. 274 Kingâs road
Smith George, t6 Bishopâs road
Smith Mrs. 21 Manchester road
Smith George, 47 Hatherley road
Mrs 20 Norfolk road
Smith George, Oaklands lodge, Soutlicote la Smith
Smith Mrs. 168 Oxford road
Smith Georgo, 51 Pell street
Smith Mrs. 11 Princes street
Smith George, 106 Prince of Wales avenue Smith
Mrs. Richmond villa, 33 Culver rd
Smith George, 19 Vastern road
24 Rupert street
Smith George, 31 Victoria road, Tilehurst Smith Mrs.
Mrs. 21 Sackrille street
Smith George, 29 Westfield road, C
Smith Mrs. 5 St. Johnâs street
Smith George Barnard, 58 Pell street
Smith Mrs. 20 School terrace
Smith George Henry, 15 Crown street
Smith Mrs. 83 Sherwood street
Smith George John, 39 Greyfriars road
Smith Geo. Wm. Hatherwood, 4 Derby rd.C Smith Mrs. 8 Soho street
Smith Mrs. 16 Swainstone road
Smith H. W. 9 Melrose avenue
Smith Mrs. The Lodge, Tilehurst road
Smith Harry, 72 Curzon street
Smith Mrs. 3 Victoria street
Smith Harry, 22 Hamilton road
Smith Mrs. 116 Waldeck street
Smith Harry, 183 Southampton street
Smith Mrs. 97 Wantage road
Smith Harry, 196 Southampton street