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r e a d in g
p r iv a t e
>e n t * d i r e c t o r y â
Withnall Edward J. 30 Priest hill, C
Wingfield Albert, i Richmond road
Wingrove James William, 31 Chesterman st Witney Mrs. 3 Alder court
Whitmarsli Frederick John, Sherboro, 48
Winifred George, 8 Wilson road
Kidmore road, C
Winkworth Alfred, 46 Priest hill
William, 19 Hemdean road, 0
Winning Thomas Piercy, 44 Waylen street
Winning Thomas R. Overdale,3gThe Mount,C Witton H. 13 Merchants place
Witts Mrs. 13 Weldale street
Winser Albert, 3 De Montfort road s
Witts William, 102 Curzon street
Winslet George,'71 Catherine street
Wolfe Frank, 30 School terrace
Winslet Mrs. 3 9 Grevfriars road
Wolfe Rev. Louis [Hebrew], 136 Oxford rd
Winstom Tom, 20 Charles street
Wolfe Mrs. 1 Chesterman street
Winter Albert W illiam, 36 Cardigan road
Winter Frank, San Remo, 8 Denmark road Wolters Albt. Wm. Chilterns, 43 Albert rd .C
Woltors Mrs. 67 Westfield road, C
Winter George, 3 Donnington road
Womersley Miss, 4 Milman road
Winter John, 46 Eastern avenue
Wonnacott Mrs. 48 Addison road
Winter Mrs. 26 Curzon street
Wopberry John, Brooklyn, 76 Bulmershe rd
Winter Mrs. 67 South street
Wood Arthur George, 12 Cromwell road, 0
Winter W alter Ernest, 13 Eldon road
Wood Edwin, 13 Lynmouth road
Winter William Henry, 8 Kendrick road
Winterbotham Mrs A. L 139 London road Wood Frank William, 8 Boultâs walk
Wood George Ernest, 32 Manchester road
Winterbourne Alfred, 43 Crown street
Wood Harry, 27 De Montfort road
Winterbnurne James, 6 3 A , Queenâs road
Wood Henry, 34 Princes street
Winterbourne Mrs. 58 East street
Winterburn William James, 5 Shenstone rd Wood Henry, 65 Wilson road
Winterton George Stanley, Pendower, North- Wood James Henry, 37 Surrey road
Wood Miss, 33 Caversham road
court avenue
Wood Miss Caroline, Hillcrest, Shinfield rd
Wisdom Charles, 22 Junction road
Wood Mrs, 21 Cardigan road
Wise Albert, 68 Blenheim road
Wood Mrs, 17 Liverpool road
Wise Ernest Alfred, 33 Blenheim road, <3
Wood Thomas, El Nido, 8 Priest hill, C
Wise Ernest Alfred, 24 Norris road
Wood Thomas, 16 Stanley grove
Wise Frank, 37 Watlington street
Wood W. 0 . 453 Oxford road
Wise George, 69 Ha'herley road
Wise George Edward, 96 Southampton street Woodall Francis Robert, 87 Waverley road
Woodard William Ernest, 6 Catherine street
Wise Henry, 97 Liverpool road
Wise James, 85 Addington road
Woodbridge Herbert Charles, 32 NorthumÂ
berland avenue
Wise James Stephen, Glendene, 103 Noreot
road, Tilehurst
Woodcock Mrs. 56 Oureon street
Woodeson Edwin T. 2 Norcot rd. Tilehurst
Wise Mrs. 68 Addington road
WoodesonF.R. Croton,2 Victoria rd.Tilehurst
Wise Mrs. 11 Beresford road
Woodeson George, 89 Norcot road, Tilehurst
Wise Mrs. 43 Caversham road
Woodeson Miss, 7 Armour road, Tilehurst
Wise Mrs. 30 Chesterman street
WoodesonMrs.Austin, i8Victoria rd.Tilehrst
Wise Thomas George, 85 Pitcroft avenue
Woodeson Sirs. E. P. Langlands, Westwood
Wise William, 20 Conisbroâ avenue, C
road, Tilehurst
Wiseman Samuel, 11 Palmer Park avenue
Woodeson William Alfred, 6 Ormsby street
Witchell John, 147 Waverley road
Witherlngton Mrs. Kencoed, Shinfield road Woodgate William, 26 London road
Woodbam Arthur, 20 Bishopâs road
Withers Alfred, 39 Norfolk road
Woodham Arthur Bentley, 12 Belle Vue rd
Withers Charles James, 43 Newport road
Woodham Claude P. 31 Russell street
Withers Frederick Jesse, 92 George street
Woodbam Edward, 34 Liverpool road
Withers Henry, 18 Leopold road
Withers Henry Arthur, 69 Am ity road
Woodham Harry, 14 Belle Vue road
Woodham Mrs, 204 Liverpool road
Withers Jesse, 21 Eldon terrace
Woodhams George, 38 Coventry road
Withers Mrs. 36 Caversham road
Withers Mrs: 16 Kendrick road
Woodidgo A. 634 Oxford road
Witheis Mrs. 157 Kingâs road
Woodin Henry C. 54 Cardigan road
Withers Mrs. 539 Oxford roadWoodin William, 100 Cholmeley road
Withers Sidney, 3 Baker street
Wooding Mrs. 25 Greyfriars road
Withers Thomas John, 27 South street
Woodland Arthur, 92 Beecham road
Withers Thomas W. 28 Cardigan gardens
Woodland Edwd. Jn. Lynton, 2 Brownlow rd
Withers Walter James, 131 Am ity road
Woodland Fred, 64 Filey road
Withers William James, 33 Montague street Woodland Mrs. 31 Castle street
Withnall E. s i a , Minster street
Woodley Edward Thomas, 83 H atherley rd