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Spencer Mrs. 31 Kendrick road
Stallwood John Charles, St. Laurence, RoeSpencer Thomas Baker, Home lea, 66 Kid- dean, The Grove, C. T N 778
more road, C
Stallwood S. Slingsby f .s.a. Whitley croft,
Spencer Walter, 50 Blenheim road
37 Christchurch road
Spencer William, 84 Coventry road
Stamp Benjamin, 137 Orts road
Spencer William, 27 Manchester road
Stamp Charles, 4 Cardigan road
Spendelow Albert, 20 Curzon street
Stamp George William, 30 Hatherley road
Sperring Walter, 7 Shenstone road
Stamp Harry, 68 Watlington street
Sperring Walter Joseph, 15 Brisbane road Stanborough Mrs. 73 Bedford rd
Spicer Albert Edward, 28 Curzon street
Stanborough William, 53 Audley street
Spicer Frederick James, 566 Oxford road Stanbrook George John, 23 Baker street
Spicer Henry, 22 Filey road
Stanford George, 102 Wokingham road
Spicer Henry James, 86 Shaftesbury road Stanford Miss, 18 Castle crescent
Spicer James, 655 Oxford road
Stanford Mrs. 96 London road
Spicer Richard, 22 Cardigan road
Staniford Charles, 6 Trince of Wales avenue
Spiers John, 30 Curzon street
Staniford William, 29 Coley place
Spikes Walter Frederick B.A.oson. 47 Alex Stanley Mrs. 19 Cardiff road
andra road
Stanley Mrs. 87 Liverpool road
Spir T. W. E. 6 Beresford road
Stannard William John, 23 Audley street
Spittle Benjamin, Albury ho.203 Tilehurst rd Stansfield Charles Edward, Ingleside, 29
Spivey James Walter, Homeland, 42 Blen Upper Redlands road
heim road, C
Stansfield Frederic Wilson m .d ., ch.B.vict., â¢
Spokes Ernest George, 34 Essex street
D.p.H.camb. 120 Oxford road
Stanton James, 39 Mount Pleasant
Spokes Mrs. 38 Wykeham road
Staples James, 1 Anstey road
Spong Ernest G. 253 London road
Spong Mrs. 32 Blenheim road
Staples John Edmund, The Gables, 108
Albert road, C
Spraggs Joseph, 62 Rupert street
Staple.y Alphonso, 27 Carnarvon road
Sprake Arthur, 23 Hampden road, C
Stark William, Grovelands road
Spratley Mrs. 306 Oxford road
Spratling Frederick Thomas, 21 Brisbane rd Starkey Edwd. Arth. Highfield, 14 Holmes rd
Spratlingjn.Mortimer,Crescent rd.Tilehurst Starling James Worseldine, Wealdstone,
Spring Charles Farnham, 63.Cholme!ey road Kentwood hill, Tilehurst
Spring Frederick William, 34 Addison road Startup Edward Ernest, 39 Hemdean rd. C
Spring Frederick William, 24 Morgan road Staton Amos Edwin, 17 Grange avenue
Staveley Frederick, 2 De Montfort road
Spring Mrs. 34 Addison road
Steadman George, 27 Sackville street
Springbett Mrs. E. I. 230 Oxford road
Springall George, 100 School rd. Tilehurst Stebbings Clifford William, 27 Beresford rd
Stedman Arth. Brook,Kenmore, 13 Craven Td
Sprules David, 81 Mount Pleasant
Spurgeon Herbert, 184 Cavcrsham road Stedman George Percy
62 Elmhurst road
Spurgeon Henry, 13. Albert road, C
Squelch W. G. 43 Nothumberland avenue Stedman Herbert John, 30 Palmer Park av
Squire Ethelbert William
B.s.Lond. Steele John, Dixons cottages, Crescent road
Steeley Mrs. 62 Grange avenue
223 Kingâs road
Squire John Gordon, 16 Melrose avenue Steer Rev. Thomas R. [Congregational],
Squire William George, 62 Cromwell rd. C Oakdene, Shinfield road
Steer Alfred, 30 Valentia road
Stacey Edward, 10 Bishopâs road
Steer Miss, 104 Southampton street
Stacey F. 4 Belle Vue road
Stemp Alfred, 61 Essex street
Stacey George, 120 Queenâs road
Stenning Rev. E. H. M.A. [priest in charge
Stacey John, 337 London road
of St. Markâs], St. Markâs lodge, ,118
Stacey Joseph, 73 Watlington street
Stacey Mrs. 3 Derby street
Stenton F. "M. m.a. Wantage Hall, Upper
Stacey Mrs. 9 Freshwater road
Redlands road
Stacey Mrs. 9 Rectory road, C
Stephens John, 30 Brisbane road
Stacey Mrs. 87 Southampton street
Stephen s Joseph, g Bulmershe road
Stacey Sydney, 39 Westiield road, C
Stacey William Henry, 68 Salisbury road Stephens Miss N. 32 Franklin street
Stephens Mrs. Thames bank, Oxford road,
Stagg George, 37 George street
' Tilehurst
Stagg Mrs. Edith, 135 Orts road
Stagg Oliver James, 106 Liverpool road Stephenson George, 33 Pitcroft avenue
Stainton Thomas
Oxford road Steppings Mrs. 27 St. Bartholomewâs road
& 18 Queenâs road
a .m .i.m .e .
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