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Wells Frederick, 44 Westfield road, C
Westall M. L. 23 Crown street
Wells Frederick George, 86 Coventry road
Westbrook George, 16 Sackville street
Wells Frederick William, 73 Baker street
Westbrook John Thomas, 22 Argyla street
Wells Henry, 2 Briants avenue, C
Westbrook Miss B E. 4 Abbotâs walk
Wells Jas. Austin, Elfin lo. 126 Tilehurst rd Westbrook Mrs. 36 Do Beauvoir road
Wells Miss M. I. 132 Tilehurst road
Wcstcotnbe Geo. Herbert, 10 Kidmorerd.
Wells Mrs. 33 Flint street
Weston Bertio John, 11 Westfield road, C
Wells Mrs. 47 Cumberland road
Weston Charles, 20 Freshwater road
Wells Mrs. 16 Junction road
Weston Frank, i 3 Arthur road
Wells Mrs. 24 Letcombe street
Weston George James, 9 St. Anneâs road, C
Wells Mrs. 237 Oxford road
Weston Henry, 79 Addington road
Wells Mrs. 44 Salisbury road
Weston James, 121 Grange avenue
Wells Mrs. 132 Tilehurst road
Weston Joseph Arthur, 45 Liverpool road
Wells Mrs. 27 Upper Redlands road
Weston Walter, 290 Kingâs road
Wells Mrs. 73 Watlington street
Weston William John, 54 Erleigh road
Wells Mrs. 61 Waylen street
Wctherall Artnur, 5 South View avenue, C
Wells Reginald Watkin, The Downs, Cock WetberaU Mrs. 22 Vachel road
ney hill, Calcot
Wetherell David, 58 Soho street
Wells Reuben, 20 Norris road
Wex George, 163 Beecham road
Wells Sidney, 1 Kingâs Meadow road
Whale Walter, 170 Southampton street
Wells Stafford J. 18 Franklin street
Whaley Frederick, 74 George street
Wells William, 78 Blenheim road
Whapham Frank, 73 Wilson road
Welsh J. 141 Chatham streot
Wharton Mrs. H. 28 Palmer Park avenuo
Welsh Mrs. 2 Valentia road
Whatley Edwin, 7 Norris road
Wellstead James Thomas, 9 Rowley road
Whatley Miss, Gow.m-brae, 43 College road
Wellstead Joseph George, 85 Edgehill street Whatley William, 20 Bulmershe road
Wenhara Mrs. 7 Parnell street
Wtiatinore George William, 36 Soho street
Wenham Thomas, 158 Caversham road
Whatmore Mrs. 39 Cardigan road
Wenman Alfred, 2 W illiam street
Wheatland James, 12 Norwood road
Wenman William, 58 George street
WheotleyFrnk.Hurstbourne,26 Alexandra rd
Wernain Charles, 40 Swainstone road
Wheatley Julias, 16 Addington road
Weroham Fred A. 10 John AâLarderâs bldgs Wheatley Miss, 36 Donnington road
Wernham George Albert, 36 Russell street
Wheatley Mrs. 53 Beecham road
Weruham William, 38 George street
Wheatley Mrs. 97 De Beauvoir road
Werrell Alfred, 60 Essex street
Wheatley Mrs. 46 Rupert street
Werrell Edward, 57 Briants avenue, C
Wheatloy William, 70 South street
Werrell William, 43 Greyfriars road
Wheatstone Charles Arthur, 70 Wantage rd
Werrell William, 7 Sackville street
Wheeler Alfred Edward. 28 Liverpool road
West Albert, 74 Wbitlej Wood lane
Wheeler Charles, 8 Kingâs Meadow road
West Albert Vincent, 25 Norris road
Wheeler Charles, 486 Oxford road
West Alfred George, 82 Highgrove street
Wheeler Charles, 22 Pell street
West Arthur Gouid, Chenies, 92 Albert rd.C Wheeler Charles, 28 Swansea road
West Arthur Poarse, 42 Franklin street
Wheeler Daniel, 10 Short street, C
West Edward, 209 Kingâs road
Wheeler Edwin, 17 Edinburgh road
West Frank Albert, 34 Beresford road
Wheeler Fras. William, 35 Palmer Park av
WestFredk. M. Bellerive, 11 Downshire sq Wheeler Frank George, 72 Pell street
West Herbert, 47 Donnington road
Wheeler Fred, 44 Russell street
West Henry, 3 Eldon terrace
Wheeler Frederick James, 1 Hemdean hill, C
West James, 2 Culver road
Wheeler George, 12 Norfolk road
West James, 26 William street
Wheeler George, 38 Stone street
West John Henry, 46 Letcombe street
Wheeler George Sidney, 4 Palmer Park av
West Miss, Bellerive, n Downshire square
Wheeler Henry, 33 Filey road
West Mrs. 49 Berkeley avenue
Wheeler Henry George, 129 Caversham road
West Mrs. 6 South street, C
Wheeler Hy.Jas.Colenso, 12 Western Elms av
West Mrs. 11 Victoria road, Tilehurst
Wheeler John, 56 Catherine street
West Satnuel, 177 Southampton-street
Wheeler John, 22 Highgrove street
West Thomas, 64 Dq Beauvoir road
Wheeler John, 4. Holly court
West W alter, 2 School terrace
Wheeler John Daniel, 22 Stanshawe road
West William, Meadowside, Northcourt av Wheeler Miss, 29 Field road
West William Henry, 18 St. Johnâs strest
Wheeler Misses, Broughton, 7 Coley avenue
Wsstall Ernest, xa6 A m ity road
Wheeler Mrs. 10 Brownlow road