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; a i Ad i s «
m u tate
b e s id e .n t s d ix ie c t o r t â
Woodley Ernest George, i Rowley road
Woodley Ernst. Jas. St. Elmo, 12 Priory av.C
Woodley Frederick Wm. 24 Donnington rd
Woodley Herbert Edward, 82 Hamilton road
Woodloy John, 20 Anstey road
Woodley John Croome, Fernhurst, 101 BlenÂ
heim road, C
Woodley Jn.Thos. Glencoe, 44 Blenheim rd.C
Woodley Miss, 319 London road
Woodloy Mrs. 19 Cranbury road
Woodley Mrs. S3 Hemdean road, C
Woodley Mrs. 27 Western road
Woodley Richard, 5 Amity road
Woodloy Robert, 154 Beecham road
Woodman Miss, 5 Wokingham road
Woodman Mrs. 17 Bartlettâs cottages
Woodroff Fred, 17 Eldon streot
Woodrow Henry, 2 Short street, C
Woodruff Thomas Richard, 90 Kendrick rd
Woods Major J. H. Keston, 5 Maitland road
Woods John, 13 Waverley road
Woods S. 144 Castle hill
Woods Mrs. 72 Addison road
Woods Mrs. The Manor house, Church road
Woods Mrs. 59 Cranbury road
Wâoods Sirs. 62 Elm Park road
Woodward Charles, 13 Princo of Wales aven
Woodward Edward, 51 Surrey road
Woodward James, 109 Amity road
Woodward James, 231 Oxford road
Woodward Mrs. 89 Catherine street
Woodward William, 18 Cholmeley road
Woodward William, 13 Kensington road
Woodward William, 71 Radstock road
Wooleott Herbert, St. Helenâs, Hamilton rd
Wooldridge Albt. H.Glcnbrae,Basingstoke rd
Wooldridge Charles, 19 Zinzan street
Wooldridge H. 31 Sackville street
Wooldridge Henry Jas. School ho. Church rd
Wooldridge Mrs. 36 Belmont road
Wooldridge Peter, 52 Highgrove street
Wooldridge William, 62 College road
Woolf Mrs. 16 Finch buildings
Woolford George, 50 Catherine street
Woolford George, 51 Ortsroad
Woolford H. M. Strathmore, 9 Whitley
Wood lane
Woolford James, 62 Salisbury road
Woolford Mrs. 39 Liverpool road
Woolford Wm. Geo. 12 Prince of Wales aven
Woolhouse Thomas, 32 Salisbury road
Woollan Miss Rose, 23 Carnarvon road
Woollcott Edwin, 164 Hemdean road, C
Woolliams Percy John, 48 Hemdean road, C
Woolls Mrs. A. Husthall,59 Bath rd. T N 688
Wootten Frederick John, 60 Cromwell rd. C
Wootton George, ix Grange avenue
Worman Charles, 40 Swainstone road
Worsfold George William, 51 St. Peterâs rd
Wort James, Gloucester villa, 43 Recreation
road, Tilehurst
Wort Mrs. 321 Oxford road
Wort Sidney, 85 Norcot road, Tilehurst
Worth Albert James, 96 Beecham road
Worth Edgar Page, 74 Wantage road
Worth John, 19 Norton road
Wren George William, 11 Surrey road
Wren William, 85 Beecham road
Wright Albert Edward, 257 Wykeham road
Wright Arthur John, The Firs south, 40
Hamilton road
W right Charles C. 64 Donnington road
Wright Charles Frcdli. Alfd.39 Caversham rd
Wright Daniel Mayers, 189 Caversham road
W right Francis, 7 Addington road
W right Frederick, 235 Oxford road
Wright Henry, Highbury, 17 Green road
W right James, 9 Alpino street
W right James, 43 lâ rince of Wales road
W right Jus.Metcalfe, St. Denys, Kendrick rd
W right John Henry, 22 George street
W right Mrs. 36 Anstey road
Wright Mrs. 4 Church street
Wright Mrs. 10 Hosier street
W right Mrs. Eversley, x3 Kidmore road, C
W right Mrs. 74 Kingâs road
W right Mrs. 279 London road
Wright Mrs. 160 Oxford road
W'right Mrs. G. 7 School road, Tilehurst
Wright Mrs. M. J. 47 Russell street
W right Samuel Reuben, 21 Norris road
W right Sydney J. 26 Kensington road
WrightThos.R. Rosedene,Crescent rd.Tilehrst
Wright W. 38 Beresford road
W right William, 11 Watlington street
Wright William Oscar, Finch green, 41 Kidmore road, C
Wrottesley Edward A. Devonshire lodge, 1
Shinfield road
Wyatt Bert, 25 Caroline street
W yatt Charles, 35 Beresford road
W yatt Charles L. 61 Norton road
W yatt John, 3 Victoria street
W yatt Joseph, 50 De Beauvoir road
Wyatt Mrs. 84 Highgrove streot
Wyatt R. 8 James street
Wybrow Miss, 91 Curzon street
Wyeth Charles, 74 Donniugton gardens
Wyeth Charles Mark, 50 Addison road
Wyeth George, 50 Manchester road
Wyeth Mrs. 24 Collis street
Wyotb M is. 10 Ffoulkes street
Wyles Henry, 71 Wantage road
Wyles Joe, 15 Kingsgate street
Wyles William James, 22 Charles street
Wyman Alfred W. 68 Wantage road
Wyndham James, 22 Northfield road
Wynn Samuel George, 637 Oxford road
Wynne Miss,Royal Berkshire Hospital, LonÂ
don road
Yallop Harold Arthur, Berries, 30 St. Anneâs
road, C