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R E A D IN G , E T C ., TR A D E S D IR E C T O R Y — 1 9 1 9 .

F a r m e r s & F a rm B a i l i f f s — continued.
Palm er Mrs. M arth a H. N unhide farm , SulD avis E dw in, Radstock farm , E arley
ham (postal address, Theale)
Dimond Jam es, C a rter’s bill, Arboriield
Parfitt Douglas, Now farm , Arborfield
Doble E d m u n d, Shiplalte rise, Shiplake
P arfitt M atthew H enry, T rash Green farm &
Downing; E . H. B ottom farm , M apledurham
M oatlands farm , Burghfield
E llio tt John W . Hodmoro frm .M apledurham Parro tt John W m . Beansheaf farm , Theale
F a rra n t Sam i. John, Ch arville frm . Sonning Pither Thom as, W oodley ia rm , Woodley
F id le r W illiam , Bourne’s fa rm , Shiplalte
Q uaint E dgar Haines, Homewood farm , BinFisher H arry, Deane’s farm , Low er Caverfield h eath , H e n le y -o n -T h a m e s
sham , Dnnsden
Ravensoroft Harold, H yde End frin. Shinfid
Ford G eorge, Dunsden G reen farm .Dunsden Righton Fredk. E ast Park fa rm , Tw yford
Ford W alter, Bishop’s Lan d farm & B rya n t’s Rose Thom as Peter, Sulhain farm , Sulham
fa rm , Dunsden
Saunders Robert, Serace’s farm , Purley &
F orsbaw John H. Fincents farm , Theale
Hom e farm , Sulham
F osterE velynH ubert, Bowden fm .Pangbourne SauudersW .L.Bishopw ood frm .Kidm oreE nd
Frou d , G rea t Lea farm . G rea t Lea, G razeley Shorno E d gar Thorne, L an gley farm , Bath
G a rd W illiam H . Sonning farm , Sonuing
road, Calcot
G eorge Robert, Found Green farm , Grazeley Sin ger W . H. W hitley P ark farm , W hitley
G ib b s A lbert, Pond house, B urghfield
Park lin e
G im b lett T hom as W .N cw frm .M apledurham Sm allpiece W illiam Charles Haydon,Sonning
G off George, T w yford F ields farm , Tivyford
E y e farm , Sonning E ye, Dunsden & at
Goodall G eorge, G ra y s farm , Basingstoke rd
G ra y A lb ert, W oodlands, L ow er Henley Sm ith George, M ill farm , M apledurham
road, Caversham
S tan ley W illiam ,N orris farm ,Basingstoke rd
G u lliver Jn. E rnest, W eslb u ry farm , Purley Steele A lbert, M anor farm , Grazeley
H annington Chas. lCirton’s farm , Burghfield Stevens H enry W . Cutbush farm , Shinfield
H arm an Frederick Jonathan, Bulm crshe Stevens W alter W m . P a rrott farm , Shluficld
C o urt farm , W oodley
T a rgett Jam es, H yde E nd, Shinfield
H arris John, Hampstead farm , Dunsden
Thom as Edw d. T an n er’s farm ,K idm ore End
H atch G eorge, Low er E arley farm , E arley
Tice Mrs. G rea t Lea House farm , Grazeley
H atch W illiam , M arsh farm , E arley
U niversity College, Reading, Experim ent!
H issey Jam es, W okingham road, E arley
F arm (Sidney Pennington, stew ard), Lane
H istead Frederick, Shiplake
End farm , Shinfield
H ursey John, W h itley W ood farm , W hitley W aine A rth u r, Cross farm , Kidinore End
Wood road
W alford Philip F. N orth street, Theale
Inw ard s C h arles, Co rk’s farm , Dunsden
W ebb G eorge (pou ltry), Three M ile Cross,
Irem o n ger Charles, Ford ’s farm , Church
Spencers Wood, R eading
End lane, Calcot
Woodley A .JD . L ittle John’s farm , Little
K eene O. Rufus, W yvern e, Shinfield
John’s lane
Lee John, G ro ve farm , T he G rove, C
Y o u n g A rth u r Brook,Ford’s frm .C alcot Row
Leo Thom as Francis, Sanford farm ,W oodley
F arm Bailiffs.
Lew is G eorge, C u rtis farm , K idin ore End
Lousley E d w d . C u lvcrlan ds farm , Burghfield A bery W illiam , Blossom E nd farm , Theale
Lousley Job, Field & G reen farm s, Burghfld Barker Charles (to W illiam Sim onds esq.),
W hite H all farm , Arborfield
L u cas C h arles, N ewland’s fa rm , Arborfield
Lu ck w ell F ran k ,B o d y farm , Spencers Wood Chettle Thom as (farm stew ard to Reading
R eading
Corporation), M anor farm ,M anor Farm rd
Cooper Fred erick Charles (to Capt. J . W. S.
M atthew s C. K n ig h t’s farm , Bnrghfield
& L . W heble r . a ., j.p .) , Station lo. Earley
M ay A rth u r, P ark fa rm , E m m er green,
Dimond J. G. (to John W alter esq. m . a . ) ,
C aversham
Hom e farm , Bear Wood
M ay E rn est W . P la y H atch farm , Dunsden
M iddleton R obert Jolly ,Grovelands,Shinfield Doble Robert (to Robert H . C. Harrison esq.
d . l ., J.p .), Sbiplake
M inchin W m . Leopold, Norcot rd . Tilehurst
M olassine Com pany L im ited , Model poultry Page W alter (to Jam es H erbert Benyon esq.
farm (Philip L . S tanley, m n gr.), Tw yford
j.p .) , M ayridge farm , Englefield
M orn s P ercy Gibbings & W illiam , Holme Palm er W illiam (farm stew ard to James
Park farm , Sonning
H erbert Eenyon esq. j . p . ) , Chalk P it farm
M ulford F red erick W . Burghfield, M ortim er
Osm ondM ichael John.W ickeroft farm ,E ngle- Pennington Sidney (farm stew ard to Um
versity College, R eading), Lane End farm