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F a r
Fry Tom Frederick, 23 Blenheim road
F ry Walter Ernest, 12 Anstey road
F ry William H. P. 50 Russell street
Fryer Walter, 140 Tilehurst road
Fueggle Henry Campbell, 26 Elm Lodge av
Fulford Mrs. 1 Bach road
Fulker Alfred E. 51 Rupert street
Fulker Alfred Henry, 44 New road
Fulker Arthur Edward, 65 Radstock road
Fulker Frederick, 148 Cholmeley road
Fulker Frederick, 45 W hitley Wood lane
Fulker Isaac, 1 Hawk cottaget
Fulker James Henry, 44 George street
Fulker Mrs. 26 Addison road
Fulker Sidney James, 49 Donnington gdns
Fulker William, 13 Montague street
Fulker W illiam George, 31 Cannon street
Fulker William George, 11 Lynmouth road
Fulker William Thomas, 24 George street
Fulkes Charles, 7 Tilehurst road '
Fullbrook Frank, 13 Manchester road
Fullbrook George, 37 Charles street
Fullbrook Harry, 102 De Beauvoir road
Fullbrook Henry, 29 Prince of Wales avenue
Fullbrook Mrs. 71 Cumberland road
Fullbrook W illiam , 103 Cumberland road
Fullbrook-Leggatt Mrs. 1 1 Eldon square
Fuller Arthur John, 55 Kensington road
Fuller G. 5 Cambridge street
Fuller George F. 217 K in gâs road
Fuller Harvey, 35 Cholmeley road
Fuller Herbert, 68 George street
Fuller James, 1 Poplar court
Fuller James, 10 Tilehurst road
Fuller John Henry, Hartleigh, 36 Eastern av
Fuller Mrs. 18 Curzon street
Fuller Mrs. Springfield cottages, Chapel hill,
Fuller Thomas, 10 Bryanstone square
Fuller William, 44 Cardigan road
Fuller William E. 57 Erleigh road
Fuller William George, 2 Norcot rise,
Norcot road, Tilehurst
Futrell George, 15 Waterloo road
Gaines Henry George, 72 Pitcioft avenue
Galbraith Robert, 62 Prince of Wales avenue
Gale Arthur, 18 Tilehurst road
Gale Frank, Drayton, 26 Kidmore road, C
Gale James Dennis, Japonica cottage, 135
Wantage road
Gale James John, 3 Radstock road
Gale Mrs. 65 De Beauvoir road
Gale Mrs. 49 Hatherley road
Gale Mrs. 58 Hatherley road
Gale Mrs. 46 Queenâs road
Gale Samuel, 52 Salisbury road
Gale William Thomas, 32 Henry street
Gallaway Percy F. M. 1 Rectory road, C
G alt Archibald, 73 Highgrove street
Gamage Reginald, 59 Coventry road
Gamble Charles, 15 Westfield road, C
Gamblen Wm. George, 242 Southampton st
Gamblin H. J. Grove place, Em mer green,C
Gambling John George, 29 De Montfort road
Gambrell Miss, 34 Bedford road
Gambrill Joseph, 64 George street
Gamlin John, Tilehurst road
Gammon James, 21 Body road
Ganderton Samuel, 14 Northumberland av
Gandy William, 3 Arthur road
Gant W. J. The Limes, Basingstoke road
Gardener George, 5 Donnington road
Gardener George Hy. 174 Southampton st
Gardener James Henry, 8 Body road
Gardener Mrs. 98 Belmont road
Gardiner A. 43 Alpine street
Gardiner Aubrey J. 38 Norfolk road
Gardiner Bert, 45 Manchester road
Gardiner F. 167 Chatham street
Gardiner Fred, 14 Fatherson road
Gardiner Mrs. 72 Blenheim road
Gardiner Stephen Henry, 8 Basingstoke road
Gardiner Walter, 31 Surrey road
Gardiner William Jas. 10 Hampden road, C
Gardner Alexander, 17 Norfolk road
Gardner Chas. Woodside, 13 Whiteknights rd
GardnerEdwin,Sunnyside,47SouthView av.C
Gardner Frederick, 9 Victoria road
Gardner Gilbert, 4 St. Johnâs road
Gardner Miss, Oakley cottage, Oakley rd. C
Gardner Mrs. 11 Howard street
Gare Harry, 16 Filey rood
Garland-^mith Wallace, Chilton lodge, 39
Berkeley avenue
Garlick Thomas John, St. Peterâs avenue, C
G arr James, 8 Stanley grove
G arratt Joseph William, 29 Castle crescent
Garraway George, 71 Silver street
Garrett Ernest, 77 Blenheim road, C
Garrett Frederick, 78 Catherine street
Garrett George Hart, 62 Conisbroâ avenue, C
Garrett Henry, 1 Belmore terrace, Water rd
Garrett Mrs. n o Kennet side
G arrett William, 20 Donnington road
Gascoine Samuel Charles, Manor house,
Recreation road, Tilohurst
Gascoyne Joseph, 61 Beecham road
Gash Georg 3 Herbert, 42 Leopold road
Gash James, 71 De Beauvoir road
Gash Kawson, 13 St. Johnâs road
Gaskin Frank William, 69 Norton road
Gaskin Thomas, 40 A m ity road
Gasson G. W. 8 Wilson road
Gatehouse Mrs. 19 Priory avenue, C
Gatehouse Mrs. Shaston, Albert road
Gaunlett William Herbert, 20 Rectory rd. C
Gawthorne Benjamin, 130 Beecham road
Gawthorne William, 7 Tudor road
G ay Lewin, 86 Cbolmeley road
Gay Miss, 128 Castle hill
Gay Thomas, 3 Back road