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Appleton Alfred, 106 De Beauvoir road
Atkins James, 81 Am ity road
Appleton Alfred Charles, 97 Beecham road
Atkins James Francis, 6 Fatherson road
Appleton Arthur George, 17 Henry street
Atkins Mrs. 87 Watlington street
Appleton Mrs. 22 Garnet street
Atkins Walter, 131 Wantage road
^Appleton Walter, 607 Oxford road
Atkinson Arthur, 13 New road
Apsey James John, 91 Castle street
Atkinson George Fairbanks, 10 Jesse terrace
Apteker Davis, 65 Donnington road
Atkinson James Thomas, Montrose villa,
Archard Albert, 9 Queen's cottages
49 Kidmore road, C
Archard Mrs. 8 De Montfort road
Atkinson John Edward, 6 Waverley road
Archer Edmund Geo. 151 Southampton st
Atkinson Leonard, 7 Filey road
Archer Henry, 15 Letcotnbe street
Atkinson Mrs. 16 Norfolk road
Archer James, 4 Howard street
Atkinson Walter, 20 Belle Vue road
Archer Mrs. Wm. 12 Eldon road. T N 364A Atree Mrs. 38 Great Knollvs street
Arding John, 196 Oxford road
Attawell William, '88 Highgrovo street
Ardontz Varez, 28 Beecham road
Attoe Amos James, 122 Beecham road
A rgyle William, 9 Cromwell road, C
Attree Mrs. 4 ohenstofae road
Arm itage Arthur Raymond, Westboro, 28 Attwater Mrs. 26 Soho street
Matlock road, C
Attwell Harry, 18 Cambridge street
Arm itage Miss M. Florence m . d . urux., Attwell Percival William, 33 Beresford road
Attwood George, St. Elmo, 13 College road
L.R.C P . & s.Edin. 28 London road
Armstrong Rev. William m . a . [Presbyterian], Attwood George Frederick, Radnor lodge, 70
30 Upper Redlands road
Albert road, C
Attwood Mrs. 6 Junction road
ArmstruDg Miss, 42 Waylen street
Attwood Mrs. 36 Pitcroft avenue
Arm strong Mrs. 7 Brunswick hill
Aubry John Gardener, 4 Norfolk road
Arnold Henry, 192 Southampton street
Aust Arthur Daniel, 40 College road
Arnold Mrs. Silverdale, 55 Morgan road
Arnold Ralph, Bon-Air, 6 Christchurch road Aust Charles George, 34 Wilton road
Arnold W alter Jabez, 116 Wokingham road Aust Charles Henry, 8 Kent road
Aust Frank Sydney, 27 St. Edwardâs road
A m ould Henry George, 69 Essex street
Aust H arry Ival, 6 Priory avenue, C
Arslett Frederick, 14 Cardigan road
Thomas, 124 Beecham road
Arslett George, 26 De Beauvoir road
Aust Thomas, Carn Brea, Northcourt avenue
Arslett Joseph, 19 East street
A rthur James William, 8 Priory avenue, C Aust Thomas Edward, 20 Milman road
Austen Mrs. L. F. Whitley lo. Basingstoke rd
A rtus Frank, 30 Briants avenue, C
Ash Ernest m . a . , b . c . l . The Lawn, 74 Bath Austin Albert, 40 Blenheim road
Austin Arthur James, 37 Hatherley road
road. T N 902
Austin Francis, Lyndhurst, 35 Albert rd. C
Ash George Ernest, 7 Wokingham road
Ashby Alfred m.b.,, f . i . c . Ash Austin Misses, 86 Hamilton road
Austin Mrs. 7 Downshire square
Dene, 7 Argyle road
Ashby Charles Frederick, 73 Wokingham rd Austin Mrs. St. Helenâs, 5 Mansfield road
Austin Mrs. The Orchard, 76 Albert road, C
Ashby Mrs. 13 School road, Tilehurst
Austin Mrs. Wrenâs cots. Whitley Wood rd
Ashby William, Toll Bar, 47 Bath road
Austin W illiam Robert, 33 Bulmershe road
Ashby William George, 53 Milman road
AvelineSydney i,.D.s.n.c.s.irel. 109 Castle st
Ashcroft Miss, Sunset, 37 Kendrick road
Averdl Mrs. s8 Blenheim road
Ashdown George, 9 South View avenue, C
Edward George, 41 Grange avenne
Ashford-Green Mrs. The Cleave, 108 TiteAvery
Miss, 43 Norcot road, Tilehurst
hurst road
Awbery David, 31 Hatherley road
Ashley Mrs. 92 Albany road
Awbery Ernest, 28 Cardigan road
Ashley William, 12 Filey road
Ashmall Joseph, Easby, 52 Western Elms av Awmack Harold, 218 Tilehurst road
Axford Austin, 88 Queenâs road, C
Ashman Frederick, 42 Melrose avenue
Aylcs Arthur, 75 Wokir.gham road
Ashton Albert William, 54 Norfolk road
William Budd, Lyss, 13 The Mount,C
Aspmall William, 26 Baker street
Ayling William Thomas, 228 Tilehurst road
Aston Miss R. 19 Armour road, Tilehurst
Ayres Arthur, Rotherwood, 16 Redlands
Athersmith William Henry, 42 New road
road. T N 380
Atherton Mrs. 126 Chatham street
Ayres Arthur, 178 Southampton street
Atkin William, 37 Princess street
Atkins Archibald Augustus, 78 Elmhurst rd Ayres Charles, 23 Letcombe street
Atkins Francis G rant M.R.c.s.Eng. 245 Ayres Edward, 10 Cranbury road
Ayres Ernest, Horton, Basingstoke road
Waverley road
Ayres Ernest, The Maze, Earley Hill road
Atkins Henry, 38 Howard street