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Beck Charles Henry, 84 Grovelands road
Bell Richard, 12 Hampden road, 0
Beckett Charles, 43 Field road
Bell William Charles, The Elms, Kidmore
Beckett John, 9 Eldon street
End road, C
Beckett Mrs. 24 Northfield road
Bellew Reginald, 3 Highgrove road, C
Beckford Albert, 123 Cavershara road
Beilis David, 87 Blenheim road, C
Beckford Arthur William, 78 George street Belman Walter, 24 Chesterman street
Beckford William, 19 Waylen street
Belsey Mrs. 3 Trinity place
Beckingham William, 32 Norton road
Benbough GeorgeLeversage, 11 Alexandra rd
Beckingsale Edgar William A.M.i.c.E.Rodney, Bendall Sydney, Remenham, 21 Priest hill,C
11 Western Elms avenue
Bendell Mrs. 1 Lime court
Beckley James William, 59 Cromwell road,C Benford Joe, 42 Gower street
Beddall Mrs. 2 Lime court
Benger Alfred, 52 Liverpool road
Bedding Kobert, 3 Audley street
Benger Alfred J. 10 Am ity street
Bedford Archibald, 68 Rupert street
Benger Arthur, 3d Henry street
Bedford Frank, 7 Bishopâs road
Benger Charles E8 ward, 16 Liverpool road
Bedford Frederick, 38 Franklin street
Benger Edward, 17 Cardigan gardens
Bedford George Smith, The Callow, Oak Benger Frederick Thomas, 3 Coventry road
Tree road, Tilehurst
Benger Thomas, 43 Russell street
Bedford James, 26 Blenheim road
Benger Thomas Henry, 93 Liverpool road
Bedford John, 19 Watlinglon street
Benger William Henry, 38 Freshwater road
Bedford Mrs. 118 Kennet side
Benham Edwin, 86 De Beauvoir road
Bedfort George, 8 Jesse terrace
Eeuham Geo ge, 76 Erleigh road
Bed well Mrs. 74 Bedford road
Benham James, 6 Radstock road
Bedwell Mrs. 57 Gloucester road
Benham John, 67 Cardigan road
Bedweil Mrs, 302 Oxford road
Benhain John Ernest, 14 Orts road
Beech William Rupert, 8 Hampden road, C Benham Mrs. 13 Auckland road
Beecham Joseph, 3 Lyninoutb road
Benham William Jn. 47St. Bartholomewâs rd
Beechey Alfred, 141 Southampton street
Benjamin Harry, 4 Tilehurst road
Beechey Mrs. 202 Southampton street
Benn Edwin, 32 Donnmgton road
Beecroft Miss, ViroHay, Kendrick road
Benndorf Mrs. 97 London road
Beer Fred, 1 Lynmouth road
Bennett Alfred Grand, 89 Orts road
Bees Mrs. 38 Kensington road
Bennett Arthur, 42 St. Anneâs road, C
Beesley Miss, Roseleigh,9 Upper Redlands ru Bennett Arthur, 67 Wokingham road
Beeson Albert Edward, 29 De Beauvoir road Bennett Benjamin, 3 Norfolk road
Beeson John William, 69 Rupert street
Bennett Benjamin William, 2 Kidmore rd. C
Beisley Benjamin, 6 Kent road
Bennett Ernest, 46 Norns road
Belanche Mrs. Sunnraye house, Clevedon Bennett Frederick, 23 Cardigan gardens
road, Tilehurst
Bennett George, 80 Curzon street
Belcher Alfred James, Eldon villa, 21 South Bennett George, 3 Town place
View avenue, C
Bennett Henrv, 4 Radstock road
Belcher Arthur, 4 Armour road, Tilehurst
Bennett Henry William, 34 Waverley road
Belcher Arthur John, 6 South street
Bennett Herbert G. 53 Norfolk road
Belcher Charles, 35 Russell street
Bennett J. L. T. 4c Baser street
Belcher Frederick, 62 Choltneley road
Bennett John R. Heatherlea, 20 Harrogate
road, C
Belcher Frederick George, 7 Waylen street
Bennett John William, 188 Oxford road
Belcher Mrs. 115 Castle street
Bennett Joseph, 44 Queenâs road
Belcher Mrs. 61 Curzon street
Bennett Mrs. 36 Clarendon road
Belcher Mrs. 17 Norton road
Belcher Phillip, 35 Collis street
Bennett Mrs. 86 London street
Belcher Thomas, 41 Cardigan road
Bennett Mrs. 15 School place
Belcher Walter Amos S . 194 Tilehurst road Bennett Mrs. 32 Wantage road
Belcher Walter John, Fair view, 19 Hemdean Bennett Mrs. H. 32 Bulmershe road
Bennett Thomas John, 303 Oxford road
rise, C
Belcher Walter Bobt.Braeside, 9 Mansfield rd Bennett Thomas William, 68 Beecham road
Bennett Walter, 31 Clifton street
Bell Albert, 118 Westfield road, C
Bell Harry, 63 Essex street
Bennett Wm.Baxter,Haytor,3oKidmore rd.C
Bell Harry P. 71 Russell street
Benning Albert Edward, 34 Battle street
Bentall Mrs. 8 Norcot road, Tilehurst
Bell Miss, 8 St. Bartholomewâs road
Bell Mrs. 2 Box court
Bentley Miss, Yernum lodge, 3 Milman road
Bentley Mrs. 83 Beecham road
Bell Mrs. 99 Hamilton road
Bell Mrs. 118 Westfield road, C
Ben well Absolom James Herbt. 81 Norton rd