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Kearse Henry Jas. Hillside, 34 Gloucester rd
Jones Mrs. 7 Garrard street
Kearse Thomas, 37 Orts road
Jones Mrs. 69 Grange avenue
William, 57 Kensington road
Jones Mrs. 73 Grange avonue
Kearsey Arthur William,51 Whiteknights rd
Jones Mrs. 76 Grange avenue
Kease Frank, 65 Eastern avenue
Jones Mrs. 113 Orts road
Keates William James, 21 East street
Jones Mrs. 34 Zinzan street
Keating Mrs. 7 Christ Church gardens
Jones Pearcey John, 90 Kingâs road, C
Keating Mrs. The Lodge, 43 Tilehurst road
Jones Richard Arthur, 26 Western Elms av Keats
Arthur, 18 Chesterman street
Jones Thomas, 11 Cholmeley road
Frederick, 74 Foxhill road
Jones Thomas, 83 Norcot road, Tilehurst Keats
Keats William, 10 Chesterman street
Jones Wilfred, 15 George street
George Thomas, 206 Kingâs road
Jones William, 36 Battle street
Kedge Walter S.. 32 St. Bartholomew's road
Jones William, 18 Blenheim road
Keebe Arthur b . a . 20 Eldon road
Jones William, 635 Oxford road
Keel Bert, 5 East street
Jones William, 83 St. Peterâs road
Keel James, 33 Pell street
Jones William, 24 Waverley road
Keel Joseph Samuel, 32 Edinburgh road
Jones William Ernest, 32 Curzon street
Keel Mrs. 11 Katesgrove terrace
Jones WiliiamG. 17 Highgrove street
Jones William James, 12 Beresford road Keeley Miss, 28 Carey street
Jones William Pennant, 11 Donningtou road Keen George, 61 Briants avenue, C
Jones William Thomas, 7 Gloucester road Keen Thomas, 47 Audley street
Jordan Alfred Albert,29 Northumberland av Keene Charles, 6 Manchester road
Keep Harry, 126 Cholmeley road
Jordan Alfred C. 16 New road
Keep Mrs. 240 Southampton street
Jordan Charles, 84 Donnington gardens
Keep Mrs. 2 Town nlace
Jordan Frederick, 86 Addington road
Keep William H. 7 Melrose avenue
Jordan George, 19 Montague street
Keeping Mrs. 73 Blenheim road, C
Jordan Mrs. Highfield, 4 Heath road
Josey Francis Robert, 213 Cranbnry road Keeping Sydney Arthur, 534 Oxford road
Keeton George Havdn m .a . (head master),
Josey Frederick, 96 Wantage road
Reading school, Erleigh road
Josey Frederick George, 34 Henry street
Keevil Peter, Coley park, Coley avenue
Josey James, 6 Montague street
Keidel Anton, 34 South View avenue, C
Josey James John, 45 Donnington road
Keil Hugo, 33 Castle crescent
Josey Mrs. 11 Ffoulkes street
Keif Simon Edward, 189 Southampton street
Josey Sidney, 475 Oxford road
Kclk Henry, 21 Hagley road
Josey Thomas, 20 Commercial hall
Kelley Thomas, 31 Tilehurst road
Joy George William, 7 Vachel road
Joyce Alex. Richd. Springfield,Surley row,0 Kellie Col. J. n .E . 42 Alexandra road
Kelly Albert George, 17 Caroline street
Joyce Bartholomew, 85 Amity road
Kelly Christopher, 51 Mount Pleasant
Joyce Francis John, 1 Wiston terrace
Joyce Horace Brice, Fenton, 89 South View Kelly Maurice, 30 Battle street
Kelly Thomas, 31 Tilehurst road
avenue, C
Kelly William Richard, 41 Prospect street, C
Joyce John Robert, 16 Arthur road
Kelsey Mrs. 2 Newell court, Thom lane
Joyce Leonard, 126 Castle hill
Kelson Frederick, 41 Newport Toad
Joyce Mrs. 42 William street
Kemp David, Exbury, St. Andrewâs road, C
Joynes Albert, 9 Jesse terrace
Judd Arthur Sandford, 10 School terrace Kemp Mrs. no Amity road
Kemp Mrs. 210 Kennet side
Judd Charles, 18 Westfield road, C
Kemp Thomas, 22 Lincoln road
Judd Harry, 135 Liverpool road
Kemp William, 31 Argyle street
Judd Mrs. 23 North street, C
Kendall Alfred, 33 Prospect street, C
Judd William, 53 Amity road
Kendall Alfred, 1 Short street, C
Jukes Eli, 2 Brisbane road
Kendall Edward Albert, 138 Liverpool road
Jupe Mrs. Waverley, 35 Culver road
Jury Sir William, Sherwood house,35 Bath st Kendall Frederick, 40 Kidmore End road,
. Emmer green, C
Justins Arthur, 157 Oxford road
Justins Stanley, 13 Argyle street
Kendall George, 29A, Liverpool road
Jutson David, 42 Bulmershe road
Kendall George Henry, 3 Catherine street
Kaill Samuel James, 93 Highgrove street Kendall Mrs. 34 Freshwater road
Kamp Frederick Horace, 143 Amity road Kendall Samuel, 61 Prospect street
Kealey Owen Fred, 157 Elm Park road
Kendrew Albert William, 8 Battle street
Kearse George, 50 Amity road
Kennedy David, 41 Milman road
Kearso Henry, 67 Blenheim road
Keunetl A. J. S. 36 Minster street