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b e a d in g d ir e c t o r y — 1919.



The following borough shall be for the purpose of this Act an ad­
ministrative CouDty in itself and be called a County borough (sec. 31),
of which the Municipal Corporation shall have the power of a County
Council— Reading.
The Berkshire County Council meets at the Assize Courts, Reading.
Chairman, James Herbert Benyon (Alderm an)
Vice-Chairman, W illiam Arthur Mount H.r. (Alderm an)
R e t ir e

in 1919.

Benyon James Herbert, Englefleld house, Reading
Crutchley Percy Edward, Sunninghill lodge, Ascot
Gardner Ernest u.p. Spencers, Maidenhead
Gull Sir William Cameron bart. Frilsham house, Yattendon, Newbury
Loder-Symonds Capt. Frederick Cleave, Hinton manor, Faringdon
Loyd Archie Rirkman k . c . Downs house, Hendred, Steventon & 21
Cadogan square, London s w
Preston Arthur Edwin, Whitefield, Abingdon
Ricardo Col. Gerald Craven, The Elms, Donnington, Newbury
W alker John Wesley, 22 Cranford rise, Maidenhead

R e t ir e



Ferard Charles Agace, Winkfleld manor, Ascot.
Latham Thomas, Bishop’s court, Dorchester, Oxon
Mansfield E dw ard Dillon, Luckley, Wokingham
Mount W illiam Arthur m .p . Wasing place, Reading & 37 Ennismore
gardens, London s w
Peters Sir George Henry, Ouseley lodge. Old Windsor
Slade Georgo Frederick, Woodlea, Wallingford
Willes Col. George Shippen, The Firs, Hungerford
Willink Henry George, Hillfields, Mortimer
C O U N C IL L O R S .
Electoral Division.
Abingdon Boro’ :—
East .................. .
West ...................
Abingdon Rural .....
B oxford.................. .
Bradfield ................
Bray .......................
C hallow ....................
Clewer :..................
Cookham ................

Names & Addresses.
William Brewer, Hyde E nd lodge, Shinfield, Reading
Thomas Skurray, Summerfield, Abingdon
Percy Thomas Duffield, Marcham,Abingdon
Charles E dw ard Keyser, Aldermaston court,
Oscar W elw yn Rayner, Chieveley manor,
Francis Bate, Beenham Hatch, Bucklebury
Charles W illiam Cox, The Orchards, Bovn
hill, Bray
Job Lousley, Green farm, Burghfield
Aaron Frogley, Sparsholt, Wantage
Edward Cecil Durant, Clewer court, Windsor
George Lewis Baker, Compton, Newbury
Sir George Young bart. Formosa place,