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G ratw ick, Edm und, South Eastern
R a ilw a y Station
Graves, Joseph A., 12 A rth u r road
G ravitt, E d w in , Refton, 36 Redlands
Gray, H erbert Harvey, 128 B asing ­
stoke rd
G ray, M rs. Eizabeth, 21 Zinzan sf.
Gray, Rev. A rth u r T., 363 London
Gray, W illia m Fuce, Culverdene, 45
C ulver rd
Green, A lb e rt James, Goathland,
Northcourt av
Green, Ernest Wm., 45 R u sse ll st
Green, M iss E. A., The Dene, Eastern
Green, M iss E. S. A., 212 Southamp­
ton street
Green, M iss Elizabeth, 120 W h itle y st
Green, Mrs., 43 Culver rd
Green, Mrs. Emma, 27 Caversham rd
Green, Mrs., Rostherne, Norctit rd,
T ile h u rst
Green, The Misses, 38 Eastern av
Green, W alter, L im a ho., 12 Bath rd
Green, W illia m , 25 Ju n ctio n road
Greenaway, Joseph, Berkeley, 10
Southcote rd
Greener, Mrs. Sarah, 47 W aylen st
C ulver rd
Greenfield, James, 31 Coley h ill
Greenham, M iss J., 16 The F o rb u ry
Greenhough, W illia m H., St. Leon­
ard’s, 35 Alexandra rd
Greenslade, Fredk., 31 A ddington rd
Gregory, Joseph T., Hughenden,
Shinfield rd
Gregory, W illia m John, Studley, 56
K idm ore rd, Caversham
Grey, H a rry H., Sawbridge house, 5
Bulm ershe rd
Griffin, George A., 1 Bridge st
Griffin, M rs. M atilda, 83 B aker st
G riffin, Rev. Charles E., Chetwynd,
78 H ighm oor road, Caversham
G riffis, Charles Wm., 3 8 a M inster st
Griffith, Jo h n E. S., Ael-y-Bryn, 20
The Mount, Caversham
G riffiths, Dan, 130 Oxford rd
Griffiths, Mrs. R., 94 Castle st
G rig g , Charles, 317 London rd
G rigsby, Mrs. Hannah, 53 London rd

R E S ID E N T S .

G rigsby, A rth u r W illia m , K atrine,
29 M arlborough av
Grimes, John, 13 W estern E lm s av
Grimsdale, George, The Chilterns, 47
A lb e rt rd, Caversham
Groome, Thomas, Westdene, W o k in g ­
ham road
Grove, James II., 54 Basingstoke rd
Groves, Mrs. A., Lingard, Norcot rd.,
Tile h u rst
G uild ing , Lansdow nM ., 1 Sidmouth st
G uille, George C., 28 Castle crescent
G ulliver, Charles Arthur, Ridgeway,
48 Priest h ill, Caversham
Gum ey, Edgar, Woodside, W hitle y
W ood lane
Gutch, W alter John, Bletchynden, 50
A lb e rt road, Caversham
Gutch, W illia m II., 72 Basingstoke
Guy, M iss Sarah, 217 K in g 's rd
G w illiam , A rthur, Trebursye, 24
Harrogate rd, Caversham
G w illiam , M iss E m ily Anne, 152
Southampton st
G w illiam , Rev. George H., b . d ., 61
Alexandra road
G w illiam , Samuel Henry, N o rth view,
W h itle y h ill, Basingstoke road
Gyles, Percy H., Leycester House, 59
Western E lm s av
Gyngell.Thos. W hiting, 15 Queen's rd
Gyngell, Samuel, 60 E rle ig h rd

Habgood, Richard, Lau re l villa, A r ­
mour road, Tilehurst
Hackett, Francis, 9 E ld o n road
H aigh, W., M . A . , 6 8 H am ilton rd
Hailstone, Rev. W illia m George, 39
Green rd
Hailstone, W illia m , 16 Zinzan st
Haines, Mrs. E llen , Kim bolton, 101
H am ilton rd
Hale, Mrs., The Cottage, 27 W estern
E lm s avenue
H a ll, Cardinal, 1 M oreland villa,
Blundells road, T ile h u rst
H a ll, David, 65 Bath rd
H a ll, Ernest Charles, 82 Tile h u rst rd
Hall, H enry C., 28 W estern elms av
H a ll, John, Star rd, Caversham
H a ll, John, V icto ria rd., Tilehurst
H a ll, The Misses C lara & Annie, 111
O xford rd