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H azell, E „ 17 O xford rd
Head, H a rry Ernest, 347 London road
Heal, Ernest G., 26 Melrose ay
Ileale, F ra n cis R., W aim er, 28 Bath
Healey, James, The lodge, Parksid e
Heath, A rthur, Iona, Blundells road,
T ile h u rst
Heath, Capt. E d w in , Branston, 14
N ew road
Heath, F re d e rick James, Th e Nest,
T alfou rd av
Heath, Mrs. Mary, 9 A lexandra road
Heath, Thomas, 56 M ilm an road
Heath, Thomas, 287 London road
Heather, E d w in , B elleville, B asing ­
stoke rd
Hector, Jam es Masson, Cropton, 15
A lb e rt rd, Cav
Hedderley, James, 54 Oxford road
Iledgcock, Edw in, St. Margarets, 2
Shinfield rd
Hedges, W illia m , 34 M elrose avenue
Hedges, W illia m Thomas, C liff house,
The W arren, Caversham
ILedington, M rs. Frances J., 114
W okingham road
Hedington, AVilliam George, Monkton
house, 23 Carnarvon rd
Heelas, Edw ard, 124 H am ilton road
Helps, H. Douglas, Donegal, Northcourt avenue
Ilembrow, C. J., 6 St. Bartholomew’s
Hembrow, John, Uplands, 20 Priest
h ill, Caversham
Ilenagulph, Charles James, 35 St.
Bartholomew's rd
Henderson, Capt. Jo h n S. (g .h .),
Pendennis, 12 Castle crescent
Henderson, Charles E. T., 16 Thames
Henderson, Douglas W., 71 Baker
Henderson, M iss L., W orsley, V icto ria
road, Tilehurst
Hendy, Adolphus G ranville, 105 St.
Peter’s rd
Hendy, Henry Wm., 143 W antage
Ilendy, Mrs. Ann, 47 T alfou rd av
Henman, W alter. James, j .p ., (Oxon),
St. Ives, K e n d ric k rd

R E S ID E N T S .



Henson, A lb e rt W illia m , 63 R u sse ll st
Ilenwood, Thos., E , A u ric u la villas,
16 H am ilton rd
Hepple, Rev. Jo hn Dixon, M .A ., The
Elm s, 19 C hristchurch gardens
Hepple, M rs. A lic ia , The Elm s, 19
C hristchurch gardens
Herbert, A rthur, 22 St. M a ry ’s butts
Herbert, Charles E., 71 Oxford rd
Herbert, George, C orinium , 103Wantage rd
Herbert, Jo h n James, M uckruss, 4
K e n d ric k rd
Herbert, Janies K n igh t, E pw orth
house, 9 Sidmouth st
Herbert, Mrs. and Miss, 9 Castle st
Herbert, M iss Clare, K e ly Soa, 64
Elm h u rst road
Herbert, M rs. Elizabeth, 59 Eastern
Herbert, M rs. Frances M iriam ,
Bulm ershe rd
Peppard rd, Caversham
Hermon, Herbert, O aklands h all,
Southcote lane
Heron, Mrs. E lle n , Mead croft, 16
W oodcote rd, Cav
H erridge, Mrs. S. D., 16 M ilm an rd
H erring, W illiam , Ingleside, 31 K id more road, Caversham
Herrington, F re d erick H enry, 32
T h o rn st
Hetherington, E d w in A., Y arfo rd ,
Westwood, road, Tile h u rst
Heurtley, Miss, Oseney, 59 Russell st
Hewett, Charles,. 33 A ddington road
Hewett, John, 63 W aylen st
Hewett, M rs. M atilda C., Glenmore,
49 South view avenue, Caversham
Hewett, M iss S., 16 C u lv er road
Hewett, Thomas, St. M a ry ’s h ill, 50
T ile h u rst rd
Hey, W illia m Henry, Jesmond, M or
gan rd
Heywood, Mrs. Benjam in A., Banner,
7 Craven road
Hibberd, Charles, 45 A ddington rd
H ib el, Thomas, 31 E ld o n terrace
Hickes, Rev. Thom as D., 104 K e n ­
drick, road
Hickman, Frederick, 1 Dow nshire sq
Hickm an, M rs. George, Wykeham ,
24 A lexandra rd