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R E S ID E N T S .

Bradford, Mrs. H arry, 48 Queen's rd
Brinson, Mrs. J. S., 12 B runsw ick h ill
Bradley, F re d erick j., 5 E ld o n sq
Brisco-Owen, M iss Florence Edith,
Bradley, Miss, 10 Broadway buildings,
79 London street
Station road
Broad, Isaac R., 17 Redlands road
Bradley, Robert W illia m , Maisemore,
Broad, John, C liftonville, 3 E rle ig h r d
3 A d d ing to n road
Broad, Miss, Stratfield, 37 College rd
Bragg, James, Mentmore, 10 Glebe
Broadbear, Samuel, 77 Wantage rd
Broadbent, Col. Jo hn E., c.b., j.p.,
Brain, Sydney, K e lv in, 48 Alexandra
Fynesbury, Southcote road
Broadbent, The Hon. Mrs.,Fynesbury,
Brain, The Misses, Clovelly, 4 Den­
Southcote road
m ark road
Broadhurst, M iss Mary, The Meadow,
Brain, W alter John, K e n d rick house,
Grosvenor road
2 K e n d ric k road
Broadley, A rthur, Coniston, 37 M e l­
Bransom, George Clement, Taniield,
rose avenue
Oakley road, Caversham
Broadway, A lfred, 25 E ld o n square
Branker, Thomas, Rev., P rie st in
Bromley, E d w in John, Cromer, V ic ­
charge, St. A n d re w ’s C le rg y house,
toria road, Tilehurst
8 Harrogate road, Caversham
Bronsdon, W alter, Fernleigh, Rec­
Brant, James, Elboo, 417 London rd
tory road, Caversham
Bray, George W m , 13 Bath road
Bronsdon, W alter Hubert, Glenwood,
Breedon, W illia m Ross, M ilverton,
Rectory road, Caversham
83 Crescent road
Brooker, George, 108 Caversham rd
Bren, H arry, 22 H am ilton road
Brookman, W illia m , Audubon, 36
Brett, George, 447 Oxford road
South view avenue, Caversham
Brewer, George Stanley, Ingleside,
'Brooks, R ichard P h ilip , Bardsey, 19
31 C ulver road
Bath rpad
Brewer, M iss S., 20 London road
Brough, Edw ard, 8 0 a Addington rd
Brewerton, A lb e rt C., K iln house,
Brown, A rthur, Kim bolton, 3 South
Em m er Green, Caversham
V iew avenue, CavershamBrewerton, M rs. A. C., 30G O xford rd
Brown, C ecil George, Verdala, 1
Bridge, Col. Charles Henry, c .b .,c .m .c ., |
South view avenue, Caversham
Ballinaboye, Shinfield road
Brown, Charles, 23 N ew road
Bridges, John, Palmerstone, Belle av ; Brown, David, 31 Melrose avenue
Bridgm an, H arry, W oodland's Farm ,
Brown, Edw ard, 1 Melrose avenue
Lo w er Henley road, Caversham
Brown, Frederick, 49 Castle street
Bridgewater, H arold Langlois, The
Brown, Frederick, 49 Russell street
Rowans, 20 K idm ore road, Cav
Brown, Geo. Robert, St. Denys,
Bridgewater, W illia m ’ The Rowans,
20 P r io ry avenue, Caversham
K idm ore road, Caversham
Brown, H e m y C., Brooke house,
Briers, A lfred , 50 T alfou rd avenue
Berkeley avenue
Brigham , George Loftus, Ashbourne
Brow n, H enry John, Chudleigh, 14
House, 63 H am ilton road
P r io ry avenue, Caversham
Brigham, M rs. M. F., 93 Crescent rd
Brown, James Dymore, Heidelberg,
Brin d, George, M yrtle cottage, 26
W a rw ic k road
Conisboro' avenue, Caversham
Brown, John, Belgrave cottage, 15
Brinkw orth, H arry, 131 F r ia r street
M ilm an road
Brinn, Justins W. J., Berkeley house,
Brown, Joseph, Fernville, 34 P rio ry
25 Bath road
avenue, Caversham
Brinsden, James F., Norcot road,
Brown, Joseph, 243 O xford road
Brown, M iss E dith, Dunedin, 26
Brinson, Jo h n Paul, r .b .a ., W est
P rie st h ill, Caversham
W oodlands, 12 B runsw ick h ill
Brown, Mrs. Dymore, 20 Queen's rd
Brinson, Mrs. E., 54 Tile h u rst road
Brown, M rs. Francis, 14 M ilm an rd