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Goodenough, Fredk., Sorrento,
Goddard, The Misses, Holvvell, 11
W okingham rd
K e n d rick rd
Goddard, W illia m , G able cottage, ' Goodenough, John, T h irsk , 3 0 M a t­
lock rd, Caversham
W h itle y wood lane
Goodenough, J., 12 N o rco t terrace,
Godden, Charles, Plockton house, 70
N orcot road, T ile h u rst
P e ll st
Goodey, W m . Charles, 26 E ld o n rd
Godden, R., Curtis, 36 M atlockrd, Cav
Goodfellow, John, Savernake, R e cre­
Godden, W illia m , Rosemount, 57
ation road, T ile h u rst
Blenheim road, Caversham
Goodger, H enry C., 42 T a lfou rd av
Godfrey, E lia s, N orthcourt av
Goodhart, Charles W ade, m . a ., The
Godwin, F. G., 17 A lfr e d st
Cottage, 1 Bulm ershe rd
Godwin, Mrs. Timothy, Glenbournie,
Goodhart, M iss L ily , 61 B ake r st
32 A rg y le st
Gooding, Charles R., 60 N orthum ­
G oetz,Rev. A lfred , m .a ., 7 A ddington
berland av
Goodman, George, 327 Lon don road
Golder, James, 49 South st
Goodman, H . C., 24 E r le ig h rd
G olding, F re d erick C., 284 K in g ’s rd
Goodman, Jam es H ugh, Holm ewood,
Golding, Fre d erick C., 94 Basing­
25 Coley h ill
stoke rd
Goodwin, George W illia m , HeatherG olding, John, Lydgate, Northcourt
brae, 39 A lexandra rd
Goodwin, Mrs. E., 18 Holm es rd
G olding, Mrs. E . L., Thursley, 25
Goodwin, Mrs. Emma, Doncaster,
College road
203 K in g ’s rd
Golding, Mrs. L., Lvnton, 42 H a rro ­
Gordge, Fra n cis John, 7 M ansfield rd
gate road, Caversham
Gordon, Mrs., E d ith A., 20 C ulver rd
Goldsm id, H arry, R iv e r Nook, De
G oring, T. M., 96 Castle st
M ontford island
G orrell, M rs. Sarah A., The Grotto,
Goldsm ith, James Lewis, Trelawnev,
W h itle y wood lane
Priest h ill, Caversham
G o slin g ,W illiam , Glengyle, 33 C lifto n
Goldsmith, W illia m R., 100 B asing ­
park rd, Caversham
stoke road
Goss, Jo h n Osborne, 92 Eastern av
Gomersall, Ed w ard , B e lv o ir lodge, 2
Gostage, Sami. Morgan, 131 L o n d on rd
The Mount
Goswell, Charles, 322 W okingham rd
Gooby, H erbert W., Devonia, HemGough, Frank, Samoa, K e n d ric k rd
dean, rd, Caversham
Gough, M iss Ethel, 181a O xford rd
Good, A rth u r H., Chesham house,
Gough, Charles E., 9 C hristchurch
109 W antage rd
Goodacre, Jas., Ivy Dene, 9 A rg y le rd
Gould, J. H., 1 6 4 a F r ia r st
Goodacre, R a lp h W illia m , M itford,
Gould, Samuel, Annetta, Shinfield rd
35 The Mount, Caversham
Gover, W illia m , W hitehouse, Bas­
Goodall, Edw ard, 48 Northum ber­
ingstoke road
land avenue
Grace, Ambrose, W estwood Grange,
Goodall, H aro ld Charles, Finchleigh,
W estwood road, Tile h u rst
15 College road
Graham, M rs. Annie, 1 Carnarvon rd
Goodall, Samuel, Boston house, 121
Grant, Mrs. W illia m , 77 Baker st
Oxford rd
G rant, M iss A d a Fanny, 48 Baker st
Goodchild, C’lias, 22 W okingham rd
Grant, T., 1 Broadway buildin gs
Goodchild, C o lin Stanley 5 3 a C h rist­
Grant, W illia m John, 12 Glebe
church road
G oodchild, Wm., 22 W okingham rd
Grantham, A rth u r Henry, Wynnstay,
Goode, Thomas, 43 Northum berland
45 T a lfo u rd av
Grasby, E d w ard , Northfield, 3 The
Goodenough, F ra n k George, 31
Mount, Caversham
K e n d ric k road