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Bayley, Mrs. Marianne, 261 K in g 's rd i Beeeroft, Miss, V irollay, K e n d ric k rd
Belcher, A lfr e d James, E ld o n villa ,
Baylis, Ily. John, 86 K in g 's rd
21 South view avenue, Caversham
Baylis, E d w ard W illia m Trevanion,
Belcher, Charles, Abbey House,
Durban, St' Peter’s av, Caversham
A b b ey st
Baylis, Jo b Ilenry, Brooklyn, PepBelcher, Mrs., M. E., 115 Castle st
pard rd, Caversham
Belcher, W alter John , F a ir view,
Baylis, Sidus, Tintagel, 120 W h itle y
19 Hemdean rise, Caversham
W oode lane
Belcher, W a lte r Robert, Braeside,
Baynes, Jo h n Livingstone, 2 Belle av
M ansfield rd
Baughan, W . H., St. Maur, 33 A le x ­
Belsten, Ernest James, H ollingside,
andra rd. ’Phone 1127
20 H ig h m o o r road, Caversham
Bazell, Mrs. W . E., 55 St. Bartholo­
Bell, A lb e rt J., Coiiisboro' av., Cav
mew’s rd
B e ll, H a rry Peel, Thirlm ere, 2 C ra ­
Bazett, Mrs. R. Y., Highfield, 21 Bath
ven road
Be ll, M iss M arian, Santa Rosa, 8 St.
Bazley, James Thomas, 28 A d d in g ­
Bartholomew's rd
ton road
Bellamy, Mrs., Belmont, A rm o u r rd,
Bazley, Miss, 38 R u ssell st
T ile h u rst
Beach, Mrs. Sophia, A ils a house,
Bendall, Sydney, Remenham,21 Priest
181 K in g ’s rd
h ill, Caversham
Beacham, Joseph, 19 Zinzan st
Benger, H enry G., ,32 College rd
Beamish, Capt. W arburton, 19 College
Benger, Thomas, 43 R u ssell street
Benham, George, 76 E r le ig h rd
Beamish, Mrs. Flora, 62 W okingham
Benham, W illia m John, 47 St. B artho ­
lomew’s road
Beare, Noah, 48 College rd
Bennett, A lfre d John, Couiston, 5
Beardmore, Edm und B., South view,
Highm oor road, Caversham
35 Coley h ill
Bennett, A rthur, 89 London road
Beasley, A lb e rt W illia m , 241 W averBennett, A rth u r E., 17 C hurch st, Cav
ley rd
Bennett, A rth u r, H illcrest, 67 \\ okBeasley, Benjam in Joseph, 1 College
ingham rd
Bennett, Benjam in W illia m , H ighBeasley, James E., 22 Lorne st
clyfEe, P rie st hill, Caversham
Beasley, John, 25 Castle st
Bennett, M rs. Flora, 32 Wantage rd
Beatton, Dr. G ilb e rt Taylor, FontainBennett, Mrs. H „ 32 Bulm ershe rd
bleau, 40 Priest h ill, Caversham
Bennett, Jo hn W illiam , 188 O xford rd
Beatty, Rev. Cecil, 3 a Tile h u rst road
Bennett, M rs. Mary, 260 K in g ’ road
Beauchamp, M iss L., 41 Berkeley av
Bennett, M iss Nora, 2 G un st
Beauchamp, M iss Louisa, 33 Jesse ter
Bennett, Richard, Ly n n villa, R e ­
Beauchamp, The Misses, Elm hurst,
creation rd, Tile h u rst
C hurch rd
Bennett, Thomas J., 303 O xford rd
Beaumont, E d w a rd James, Sunbury,
Bennett, W m . Baxter, Haytor, 28
38 College rd
K idm ore road, Caversham
Beaumont, Mrs. E liz a , Wychcotes,
Bennett, W illia m II., Lingfield, O x ­
St. Peter’s av., Caversham
ford rd, Tilehurst
Beckett, Charles, 27 St. Bartholo­
Benning, George, 93 St. George’s rd
mew's rd
Bentall, M rs. F., 4 Lim e tree villas,
Beckett, Isaac, 23 Hemdean h ill, Cav
N orcot rd, Tilehurst
Beckingsale, Edgar, Rodney, 11
Bentley, Samuel, V em u m lodge, 3
Western E lm s avenue
M ilm an rd
Bedford, George, 4 T ile h u rst road
Benton, Capt. C. J., 45 K e n d ric k rd
Bedford, Jo h n R., 88 Basingstoke rd
Benwell, M iss M argaret, 61 Queen’s
Beetlestone, F re d e rick W illia m , 28
Talfou rd avenue