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Weatherill, George, 20 W averley rd
Warburton, Joseph, 6 Brunswick hill
W ebb, Arthur W illiam A lfred, The
W ard, Frank A ., 38 Melrose av
Three Tuns, Wokingham rd
W ard, Henry, The Firs, 2 Conisboro’
W ebb, Frederick J., 17 A rgyle st
av., Caversham
W ebb, Frederick John, Trevere, 81
W ard, Herbert, 167 K in g’ s rd
Alexandra rd
W ard, Lorraine, 43 London st
W ebb, George S., 32 Friar st
Ward, Mrs. M. K . W ., Pachmarhi,
W ebb, George W illiam, j . p . , Berkeley
Coley av
cottage, 119 Castle st
W ard, Thomas, Colham, 108 Basing­
W ebb, Rev. R. G., h . a . , 7 W aylen st
stoke rd
W ebb, Thomas., Pendinas, 38 Blen­
W ard, Thomas Henry, Dimboyne,
heim rd, Caversham
Albert rd, Caversham
W ebber, Robert, 91 Orts rd
W are, James, 92 Oxford rd
W ebber, The Misses Emeline and
Warmingham, A lfred W., 314 K ing's
Florence,Southdene,72 Ham iltonrd
W ebster, W illiam, Kelston, 5 Ham il­
Warner, R obert C., 3 Noreot rd
ton rd
W arr, J. H ., 10 Gun st
W ebster, W illiam Frederick, 39 St.
Warren, Arthur Maiden, Pinehurst,
Bartholomew's rd
Oakley rd, Cav
W edlock, W illiam , 67 Bath rd
W arren,' Rev. J. F., Christchurch
Weedon, Mrs. W ., Winona, 5 Bath
vicarage, 2 Vicarage rd
Warren, Sydney, Strathffeld, W ar­
Weeks, W illiam , 39 Northum ber­
w ick rd
land av
Warren, W., Ipsdene, 41 Eastern av
W eiss, Henry, Berrynarbor, 14 BlenW arrick, James George, 1 Southern
heim road, Caversham
view, Henley rd, Caversham
W eldon, Col. F., Erlimount, Earley
W arrick,
John, Branksome, St.
Rise, W okingham rd
Peter's hill, Caversham
W eller, F. A ., 5 Norcot rd, Tilehurst
Warrick, W illiam James, 2 Southern
W ells, Arnold John, 27 U pper R ed­
view, Henley rd, Caversham
lands rd
W arrick, W illiam , Greylands, 6
' W ells, Charles R., 61 London rd
Harrogate rd, Caversham
W ells, Ernest E., 16 Junction rd
W arwick, John, 46 Melrose avenue
W ells, Frederick W illiam , 73 Baker st
Watkins, Edmund 48 W averley rd
W ells, James Austin, Elfin lod g e,126
Watson, Arthur, Sarum lodge, 18
Tilehurst rd
W ay len st
Wells, Miss, 20 W aylen st
Watson, Arthur Ernest, 13 Minster st
W ells, Mrs. M., 237 O xford rd
Watson, Charles, R ydal, 42 Priest hill,
Wells Miss Maria, 32 W aylen st
Watson, Herbert, Gien Lui, N orcot rd ] W ells, Mrs. E., 61 W aylen st
W ells, Mrs. L., 61 London rd
Watson, Saml., Rocklands, 55 Priest
W ells, Reginald W ., The Downs
hill Caversham,
Cockney hill, Tilehurst
Watts, Edwin, 27 Castle crescent
Wernham, George A., 50 Russell st
Watts, George, Clevedon cottage,
Wernham, James Nelson,2 V ictoria rd
Arm our rd, Tilehurst
W erni, George, 37 O xford rd
Watts, James, Orlando, Recreation rd,
W est, Arthur G ., Chenies, 92 A lbert
rd, Caversham
Watts, James Henry, V iew Island,
West, Capt. Ernest E., Belstone,
Clappers Island, Caversham
R iver rd, Cav
Watts, R., 27 Oxford rd
W est, Frederick M., Bellereve, 11
Waugh, Percy, Trefriw, 93 Hamilton
Downshire sq
West,Mrs. A lice, Bellereve, 11 D ow n ­
W ay, Alexander, Nansan, 42 Albert,
shire sq
rd, Caversham