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Gare, J. C., 217 London rd
G arlick, S., School End, Tile h u rst
G arratt, George, 21 Uplands road,
Garratt, Joseph Edw ard, 18 Lo m e st
Garrett, W illia m J., 13 W est st
Gascoigne, Chas.,
M anor house,
Recreation road, Tilehurst
Gascoine, E d w in , 3 Oxford rd
Gash, WT. S., 42 Queenâs rd
Gauron, W illia m , 453 O xford road
Gay, M iss Anna, 128 Castle st
Gear, A rthur, 9 Zinzan st
Geary, F ra n k E., 157 W averley road
Gentry-Birch, James, Gypeswyche, 7
Hemdean rise, Caversham
George, The Misses, Avondale, 27
Bulm ershe rd
Gerrard, E d w a rd 0., Larkfield, 73
A lb e rt road, Caversham
Getgood, A rthur, Hallm ead, St.
A nneâs rd, Caversham
Gibbons, Bernard, P., Moorlands, O xÂ
ford road, Tile h u rst
Gibbons, George f f m . P a rk lodge,
21 Castle crescent
Gibbons, W illia m Hutton, Phenays,
Southcote road
Gibbons, W alter, H am ilton cottage,
17 Carnarvon rd
Gibbons, W illia m George, Cranleigh,
2 Hemdean rise, Caversham
Gibbs, Rev. Joseph G., m .a ., Upcross,
50 Berkeley av
Gibson, A rth u r, Draenoel 33 South
view avenue
Gibson, Mrs. R. J., Melrose villa,
west, 71 London rd
G ilbert, Dr. H a r iy Pearson, The
Elm s, W h itle y Park, Basingstoke
G ilbert, H arris, 4 Z inzan street
G ilbert, Lamport, 12 W averley rd
G ilbert, M iss Em ily , Woodside, 65
Baker st
G ilbert, M rs. S., F airleig h , RecreaÂ
tion road, Tilehurst
G ilbert, Tom, The Lodge, 1 Derby
rd, Caversham
G ilbey, H em y, The Rosary, 1 BerkeÂ
ley avenue
G iles, W alter F., H azeldine, 3 M a rlÂ
borough avenue
Giles, W illia m John, 68 London st
R E S ID E N T S .
G ilford, Dr. Hastings, Norwood house,
205 K in g âs rd
G ilford, Dr. Sidney, St. Columba, 60
London rd
G ilfo rd , Mrs. Elizabeth E., W ilm in g Â
ton, 236 W okingham road
C ilkes, H erbert W., 64 Basingstoke rd
Gilkes, Joseph C., Ashford, id C h ristÂ
church rd
G ill, Ed w in , 36 Baker st
G ill, Jo h n Edw ard, 41 W aylen st
G ill, Robert, 35 Talfou rd av
G ill, W . Tu lly , Eversley, Blenheim
rd, Caversham
G illard , Henry, Abbots Leigh, 24
The Mount
Gillender, Mrs. Elizabeth, Gerolstein,
86 K e n d ric k rd
G illett, M rs. J., 22 London road
G illig a n, George, j.p., Turret house,
5 Southcote rd
G illingham , W illia m George, M ilto n
cottage, Hemdean rd, Caversham
Gillm an, Rev. Ronald G. T., b.a.,
Woodlands, 27 Derby rd, Cav
G illm o r, Rev. F . J. C., m.a., St.
G ile s âs Vicarage, 21 Church street
G illo , John, 15 A rg y le st
G irdler, James A lfred, Clovelly, St.
A nneâs rd, Caversham
G irlin g , Mrs. C., 22 Zinzan st
Glade, Mrs. Fanny, 13 Broad st
Glass, M rs. Elizabeth, E ve lyn villa,
165 W hitle y wood lane
Glass, M rs. J. Patten, 14 R u ssell st
Gleave, Thomas, Sankey lodge, 49
Bulmershe rd
Glennie, Charles, H ig h c lif, 118
T ile h u rst rd
Glover, F . A., 4 Church rd, Cav
Glover, Fran cis H arry, 52 College rd
Glover, H a rry W., 21 M arlborough av
Goadby, A lla n Lindsay, Craven house,
46 London road
Goadby, M iss L. S.. Norcot rd., T ile Â
Goaman, Wm. Henry, 5 Talfou rd av
Goble, Samuel, Transvaal terrace,
Recreation road, Tilehurst
Goddard, Geo. Edw ard, 7 N o rfo lk rd
Goddard, James, The Briars, 75 South
view avenue, Caversham
Goddard, Sydney W illia m , H illside,
73 South view avenue, Caversham