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Shepherd, John, 3 Maitland road
Shepherd, Miss Mary Jane, St. Elm o, 13 College rd
Shepherd, W illiam, Lonsdale, 96
K endrick rd
Shepherd, W illiam H., Ben W yvis,
84 Hamilton rd
Sheppard, Am brose, 26 W aylen st
Sheppard, Miss Blanche, 7 Russell st
Sherval, W . F., 98 K in g’ s rd
Sherwin, Gerald A., Thaxted, Oak
Tree rd, Tilehurst
Sherwood, Arthur Hugh, Elmside, 46
Berkeley avenue
Sherwood, Edwin, 17 Wokingham rd
Sherwood, Ernest T., Linden, 4 Cra­
ven rd
Sherwood, Henry, 286 K in g’ s rd
Sherwood, Herbert A ., Linden, 4
Craven rd
Sherwood, Thomas, 35 Lorne st
Sherwood, W illiam, Haytor, 22 Mat­
lock road, Caversham
Shipley, Frederick W illiam, Bohemia
45 Blenheim rd, Cav
Shippam, F. A., Kilsale, 9 Erleigh rd
Shipway, W illiam, 151 Oxford rd
Shirley, Archibald James, Tolverne
79 Alexandra rd
Shorney, Arthur Shepherd, Donisthorpe, Northcourt av
Short, Charles Edward, 66 Basing­
stoke rd
Short, George, 296 K in g’ s rd
Short, Samuel, Verulam, Coley Park
Short, W illiam H., 78 London rd
Shorter, Charles, 62 K in g’ s rd
Shrimpton, Mrs. Rose, 220 Tilehurst
Shrimpton, W illiam Clarke, Penmon,
67 Alexandra rd
Shrubsole, Octavius Albert, f . g . s . ,
Thorndale, 40 Craven rd
Shute, Geo., Melton cottage, Armour
rd, Tilehurst
Shuttle, Samuel,
Church rd, Earley
Shuttle, Sidney R., 12 Bulmershe rd
Sich, T. T., Vancouver, Station rd,
Silver, E dw in P., Ingatestone, 35
Blenheim rd, Cav
Silver, James, 5 A bbott’s walk

R E S ID E N T S .

Silvey, Rev. Robert, a . t . s . , Coombe,
lodge, 118 Hamilton rd
Sime, W illiam , Thornliebank, St.
Anne’ s road, Caversham
Simkins, W m .E ., b . s c . , 8 W averley r d
Simmonds, Ernest R., Melville, Glebe
Simmonds, Harry, 20 Bridge st, Cav
Simmonds, Neville M., Meadowcroft,
17 Conisboro av., Caversham
Simmons, Henry, 4 A rgyle rd
Simmons, J., 161 W averley road
Simmons, Mrs. Sarah, 2 A rgyle st
Simmons, Misses Sarah and Mary,
4 Sidmouth street
Simmons, Oliver, 55 Carnarvon road
Simmons, Thomas, Netherton, Oxford
rd, Tilehurst
Simmons, Walter, 66 Redlands rd
Simms, Mrs. M. A., Maynard, Bath
Simonds, Arthur, Wakehurst, 4
Southcote rd
Simonds, Frederick, Breccles, 20
Southcote rd
Simonds, Mrs. Charles, 1 V ictoria sq
Simonds, Mrs. James, Redlands house,
4 Addington rd
Simpkins, H. J., Gresham villa, 22
W averley rd
Simpson, Edward W illiam , 9 Rectory
road, Caversham
Simpson, George, W yke cottage,
Northumberland av
Simpson, Leslie Sheppard, Bocking
lodge, 22 Highmoor rd, Cav
Simpson, W illiam John, The Cottage,
95 Blenheim rd, Caversham
Sims,Mrs. Proctor,91 W hiteknights rd
Singer, Henry W ., W hitley park
farm, W hitley park lane
Singleton, Walter, Newlands, Station
rd, Tilehurst
Sisam, W illiam, m .d ., Walton House,
85 Kidm ore rd, Cav
Skinner, Edward, Finglew ood, V ic­
toria road, Tilehurst
Skinner, Mrs. Fairlight, 15 Matlock
rd, Caversham
Skinner, Richard, Clyde house, 143
Oxford rd
Skipper, Mrs. E., 2 Cranleigh villas,
Arm our rd, Tilehurst
Skowronek, Fredk., 39-40 Market pi