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Carey road—continued
25 Goddard, William, South view
27 Moorey, Mrs. Hugh James, Bankside
29 Fostekew, Frederick Ernest,
33 Gudgeon, Edward, Oak Dene
35 Lawrence, George, W oodcote
37 Brown, Walter Win., The Cottage

(Right hand side).

Hester, W illiam George
Robson, Thomas
Dance, Richard
Chipp, Henry Alexander

C R E SC E N T RO AD , M u rd och
R oa d .
(L eft hand side).
21 Basnett, Mrs. Isabel, Fawley
19 Sewell, The Misses, Tynghurst
17 Kershaw, Miss, Cromehurst
Cotton, Miss Ellen
15 Dodd, Mrs. F. W ., Newnham lodge
13 Hammond, Herbert. A., Ashley
11 Smith, Rev. Ernest E., H ollingswood
9 Brass, Mrs. John, St. Vincents
7 Shaw, Mrs. Florence
5 Voss, Mrs. C., Purlah
3 Chapman, Miss E. K .
1 Nash, Dr,
W illiam
M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.S.A.

(Right hand side).

Annesly, Miss A ., Meadowcroft
Beaumont, Aland, Kandala
Trist, Sidney G., Pinecroft
Beith, Miss Isabel, Glendower
Foster, Miss Frances, Laxton
Robinson, Mrs. F. E., Fairholme
Raven, Mrs., J. H.

CROSS S T R E E T , R ose S treet.
(Right hand side)
1 House, Mrs.
2 Cox, Mrs; Emma
2AHopkins,’John, carpenter, wheel­
wright and blacksmith

(L eft hand side)
4 Jones, Arthur
5 Hawkes, Frederick

(L eft from M ark et place)
2 Brant, George Ernest, photo­
grapher and confectioner



4 Rourke & Hayes, Misses, drapers
6 Scragg, Charles, fruiterer & florist

8 K e n d a ll, C h as., S t a t io n e r y ,
W o o ls , A r t N e e d le w o r k
and fancy repository
10 Peters, Edward, chimney sweep
12 Priest, George
14-16 Jones, George, bootmaker
18 Haynes, W illiam

here a re Exchange cottages
20 Kendrick, Frederick, 1 v, ‘ Royal
Exchange ’
22 Dearlove, Mrs. M aiy, plum ber
painter, &c.
24 Dearlove, Francis Joseph
26 Teakle, W illiam , monumental
28 Caine. James
H iggs, Mrs. Mary, 1 W hite’s cot
Holloway, Thomas, 2 W hite’ s cot
30 White, George W . 1 v, ‘ Lord
Raglan ’
32 Burland, Arthur James Jenkin
34 Hall, Mrs. Rebecca
36 Riddle, Mrs.
38 Goswell, John
40 Langlev, Albert Edward
42 Willis,'■Charles
44 Chambers, The Misses Elizabeth
and Mary, library and servants’
registry office
46 BosMer, Chas. James, machinist
and phonograph agent
48 Scowen, Maxwell O.
54AH ill, Albert, farrier and black­
54 Gibbs, Thomas

here is Langborough road
56 Dowsett, Tom, 1 v, ‘ The D uke’ s
Head ’
58 Hardwell, James
60 Bohey, James Henry
62 Drinkwater, Charles
64 Earl, Oliver Stanley
66 Crockford, Walter
68 Self, Benjamin

h ere is N orton road
W all L e tte r B ox
here is Fincham pstead road
(Right hand side)
1 M a y n a r d ,W a lte r , d a ir y m a n
3 Spratt, Arthur G ., picture frame
5 W est, Mrs.