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R E S ID E N T S .

Lawrence, Misses Sarah, Matilda and
Lane, The Misses M. & B., 156 Lon­
Frances, 25 Mansfield rd
don rd
Lawrence, Thomas W m , 138 King's
Lane, Rev. Francis W ., b .a ., Lesley,
Recreation rd, Tilehurst
Lawrence, W illiam , 345 London road
Lane, Robert, Highfield, 49 ConisLay, Harry, 72 Elmhurst road
boro’ av, Caversham
Lay, Mrs., Apna Ghur, 72 Elmhurst
Lang, Charles Dowson, c . b . , 14 Erroad
leigh road
Lea, It., Heathfield, 157 Wokingham
Langford, Charles, Lynwood, 38
South view avenue, Cav
Leach, W ., 44 Northumberland av
Langford, John Harold, 343 London
Leadbeater, James, 210 Tilehurst rd
Leaver, Alfred IL, Mountfield, W ar­
Langford, Miss Mabel, Clevedon
w ick rd
lodge, Coley hill
Leaver, Arthur John, 133 Castle st
Langston, E .,1 1 Oxford rd
Leaver, Ernest H., 13 Junction rd
Langston, Edward E., 1 a W est st
Leaver, Ernest II., St. Luke's villa,
Langton, Joseph Daniel, 22 Talfourd
Erleigh rd
Lee, Charles, 13 Zinzan st
Lannowe, Mrs., 63 London rd
Lee, F. J., W ensley, 46 Harrogate rd
Lansdown, Mrs. A ., Glen View, 121
Lee, James, The Bays, 10 College
K idm ore rd, Caversham
Lansley, Albert, 24 W estern Elms av
Lee, James G., 68 Queen's rd
Lardner, W . H., 105 Wantage rd
Lee, James, Jesmond, St. Andrew’ s
Laremore, W illiam S., 26 Talfourd av
rd, Caversham
Larkham, Henry, 1 Prospect st
Lee, Mrs. Elizabeth, 41 Green rd
Lascelles, Mrs. j . E., Belmont, Armour
Lee, Mrs. Kenneth, 20 Holmes rd
rd., Tilehurst
Lee, Matthew Henry, 93 Wantage rd
Lascelles, Thomas Cooper Scott,
Lee, Robert, Corriegills, Cintra av
Grafton, Recreation rd., Tilehurst
Lee, W iliam , Tillingham house, 110
Lasham, W illiam P., 40 Milman rd
Kendrick, rd
Latham, Mrs., The Limes, ’Westwood
Lees, Frank, f . r . h . s . , 94 Connaught rd
rd., Tilehurst
Legg, Benjamin, 371 London road
Latham Thomas, Carna, 53 Albert rd,
Legg, Rev R. Wickham, St. Mary's
Laurence, J. J., Fairview, 90 P ell st j
Laurie, John, Cherwell, 12 Ilighm oor ( Le Iluray,Abraham Champion,Sarnia
42 Bulmershe rd
road, Caversham
Leigh-Ilunt, Chandos, 6 Bulmershe
Law, Albert Edward, 19 Milman rd
Law, R obert Arthur, Nyne Head, 29
Leney, Mrs. M., Carbis, 29 Kendrick
Bulmershe rd
Law, W illiam , 206 K in g’ s rd
Lenny, Mrs. II., Queen Annes, W est­
Lawes, Arthur W ., Brendon, St.
wood rd., Tilehurst
Anne’s road, Caversham
Lesser, David, 29 Lom e st
Lawes, Frederick J., 116 Hamilton rd
Lester, Mrs. A lice J., 48 Addington
Lawrence, Charles Powell, 53 Blen­
heim rd, Cav
Lester, Mrs. Claude, Fieldhead, 228
Lawrence, H., 34 Carey st
Wokingham road
Lawrence, Herbert J., Parkhurst, 78
Letchford, Frank, 2 Tacoma cottages,
Bath rd
Conisboro’ avenue, Cav
Lawrence, James Proctor, 11 South st
Lewendon, Janies, Ivydene, 125
Lawrence, John, Rosemont, 36 Priory
Wantage rd
av., Caversham
Lewingdon, Joseph, Arm our rd., Tile­
Lawrence, Mrs. E. M., Lachine, 37
Bulmershe rd