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V IL L A G E S .
W ilson, Samuel, market gardener,
Nullis farm, Spencerâ s wood
W ise, Mark, School green
En glish Leath er Boot R ep airÂ
ing Co., 11 London st, 1a Queenâs
rd, Reading.
Carriers return repairs same day.
(Including part of Binfield Heath.)
miles from Henley. Postal
district, Henley-on-Thames.
District Councillorâ Mr. Archibald
R. Brakspear
Parish Council Messrs. C. F .
Harding, E. J. Hobbs, Arthur Lyford,
John Cordrey, Edmund Doble, J . W .
Tubb and R . H. C . Harrison, d . l ., j . p .,
(chairman); F . II. Sadler, clerk
Overseersâ F . H.
Edmund Doble ; Assistant Overseer
and Collector of Ratesâ E . C. Cooke.
SS. P eter & Paul Parish Church,
vicar. Rev. C. A . W . Aylen
Shiplake C .E . Schools, School road
â headmaster, F. O. Warner
Postal district, Henley-on-Thames.
Sub-post offices, Lower
Shiplake H ill and Binfield Heath.
Collections, 8 and 11.40 a.m., 2.50
7 and 8 p.m. Deliveries, 6.35, and
11.15 a.m. and 7.15 p.m.
Shiplake is a money order, savingsâ
bank and telegraph office â PostÂ
master, Arthur Lyford.
H ill telegraphic address, Peppard
Common. Peppard Common teleÂ
graph office, money and postal orders
Letters delivered 7 a.m.
12.30 and 7.15 p.m. ; despatched
at 8 a.m., 12.20 and 7 p.m.â PostÂ
master, E . A . Fry. Binfield Heath
money order, telegraph office and
savings bank. Letters delivered 7.45
а.m. and 2 p .m .; despatched 1.55
б.25 p .m .; Sunday delivery 7.45 a.m.
despatch 11.15 a.m. â Postmaster,
Joseph Bartholomew.
A âCourt, Sidney, Red house
Ash, Mrs. E . M., Gravel hill
Aylen, Rev. C. W . A ., The Vicarage
Barnes, F. Gorell, j . p . , Eyot wood
Barry, Herbert, The Studio
Baskerville, Col. John, j . p . , Crowsley
Batt, Edward A ., W ood Edge, Lower
Batt, T . G ., Dabchick, houseboat
Bitmead, Mrs. Jane, Gravel hill
Blair, Richard W ., Roselawn
Boyer, Henry, The Elm s, Shiplake
Bucknill, Samuel Pratt Bernes, H ill
side, Shiplake hill
Buddicom, Mrs. Robert A ., Quarry h o
Burge, James, Sunnymead
Burge, Oscar, Waynflete
Carling, Mrs.,M.D.(Brux.), L .s.A .(Lon).
The Sanatorium
Carling, Henry, The Cottage
Cliftâord-Borrer, Mrs. Mehra
Climenson, Mrs. E. J., The Grange
Constantine, John C., 3 Rivermead
Cordrey, John, The Retreat
Cosens, Miss R. F., The Bungalow
Culley,Mrs., Sunnyside, Binfield heath
Cumberlege, F. H., Kingsley
Dixon, Mrs. Tom, Thistledown, Lashbrook
Douglas, Thomas J., Asphodel
England, Thomas, Rose Lawn
English, Mrs., Riviera
Eyre-W illiam s, Colonel Edward,
Fairclough, Alfred Norman, Clovellv
Finlay, Reginald G ., Thatched house
Gill, George Topham Strangway,
k .c ., Lashbrook lodge
Hales, W alter, The Croft
Harding, Albert, Creek cottage
Harrison, R. H. C ., j . p . , d . l . , Shiplake
Hawley, Major-General W illiam Hanbury, Holly lodge
Haynes, Edwin, Lashbrook house
Higson, Mrs. S., Holm wood
Hobbs, Ernest John, W alton cottage
Hope-Johnstone, George, Mia Casa
Horsfall, The Misses, Kidmore Rise
Hubbard, William P ., Hollvbush
Jeboult, Harold, River cottage
Kitto, Miss, Briar Dene
Larkcom, Henry, Clerkenwell, ShipÂ
lake rise
Lawrence, W m . Cooling, The Knoll
Leslie, F . Bradford, The Mill house